
Just when Gito was thinking of taking them to find some monsters to practice their hands, a monster happened to find their location.

"Yo, it seems that I don't need to look for you specially, I'll come to find my own death, how about it, who of you are interested? 99

Gito looked at the sudden appearance of the monster and said to several people.


Saitama raised his hand directly.

"You stay on the side.""

Gito ignored Saitama, and if he shot, he shouldn't be looking for it here, but the one in the sky.

"Which of you want to try?"

Gito looked at the remaining few and asked.

Tonggu, undocumented knights, look at me, I look at you.

In the end, Violet walked out directly.

"Let me do it.

"Okay, then come on."

Gito looked at Violet and looked at the melon at her feet.

Violet took out her dagger and pistol, and charged directly at the monster.

For these monsters, no organization has ever defined their names, races, etc. No matter what they look like, they are called monsters.

When some departments record, they record the "Nine Nine Three" records according to the serial number and picture.

Gito, on the other hand, is used to calling them by their appearance. For example, those who look like cows are called bull-headed monsters, and those that look like pigs are called pig-headed monsters.

The one in front of him, about two meters high, is bright purple as a whole, has four legs crawling on the ground, a carapace on its back, and two chelicerae-like scythes on its head.

It looked like a spider with a few legs missing, so Gito decided to call it a mutant spider monster.


When the mutant spider monster saw Violet rushing towards it, it screamed, and after the two chelicerae touched it, it also rushed towards Violet.


The two clawed limbs of the mutant spider monster slammed into Violet's waist.

Violet stomped her feet on the ground and jumped straight up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

The gun in his left hand aimed directly at the mutant spider's head and fired three shots.

However, the mutant spider monster's head has a carapace, and with the power of a pistol, it cannot be penetrated at all.


The four legs of the mutant spider were slightly bent on the ground, and then, it also jumped directly.

When her body was parallel to Violet, she attacked Violet again with two chelicerae.

This time, instead of clipping it, it looked like she was wielding two knives, looking at Violet one after the other.

Violet flipped her body in the air and turned her body around.

Looking at the attacking chelicerae, the dagger in his right hand precisely swung out.


The dagger and the chelicera collided, making a sharp collision sound.

It's just that Violet didn't have the power of the mutant spider, and the whole person was directly knocked out.

However, it was precisely because she was knocked flying that she was not attacked by another chelicerae.


Violet fell heavily to the ground, but she still didn't dissipate that power, and she took four or five steps back in succession before she stopped her body.


The mutant spider also fell from the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

Violet fired again, and after the bullets flew out, her whole body rushed towards the monster like a bullet.

In the process of rushing forward, Violet pulled out the magazine, and her right hand quickly took out a magazine from an unknown part of her skirt and put it into the gun.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! 99

Three bullets hit the mutant spider again, but still failed to penetrate the monster's armor.

However, Violet had already come to the left side of the mutant spider, and the dagger in her right hand also slashed towards the joint of her left leg with a few pieces of speed.


The mutant spider controlled a chelicerae in front of its own joints.


The dagger made a close encounter with Chelicer again.

Violet didn't hit a single hit, and she didn't stop. She still charged forward, retracted her right hand, and then stuck it out again. The target of this attack was the mutant spider's left hind leg.

"Clang! 35

The mutant spider did not resist this time, and the dagger accurately cut the joint of the left hind leg.

Violet didn't have time to observe whether she had caused damage to the mutant spiders, and she was able to score again with a single touch.

One person and one monster distanced each other again, commenting on each other.

At this time, Violet was able to see the damage caused by her attack just now.

Maybe it can't be said to be hurt, but it's just a little bit of skin.

"Violet's weapon is not good, it seems that I have to find a way to change her weapon.

Gito, who was watching from the sidelines, said to Reborn and the others.

He also saw Violet's attack just now, and he was certain that relying on bullets and daggers did not cause any damage.

Even if there was a slight defense break, it was caused by the flames of deathly energy of the Lan attribute that had been tainted on the dagger.

"This is also what I want to tell you, in the previous battle, we found out that their weapons are not very good,

Kiritani's is fine, but like Violet, Gin, and Kuroba to fight them, their weapons are too bad.

It's okay for those weak monsters, but it's not enough to deal with such monsters.

Ribone said aloud, sitting on Gito's shoulder.

"You can talk to Verdi and let him make some general boxes first, and the animal boxes can be delayed a little.

Generally, there are various weapons in the box, but these weapons are very different from ordinary weapons.

Ordinary weapons, if they want to use them more smoothly, they need to render their own death energy flames on the weapons.

When the weapon in the box itself is manufactured, some flames of death will be used to put it into the box. If it is not used, the weapon will also be soaked.

Moreover, when that weapon is used, there will be some special effects.

"Verdi called me before, he said if possible, let's collect some monster's body tissue, he wants to study it.

Lal said aloud.

"Body tissue? This... let me see. 35

Gito was speechless when he heard Lal's words, this Verdi really wanted to study everything.

While Gito and the others were discussing the issue of weapons, Violet and the mutant spider fought fiercely again.

As before, Violet also started with a pistol, but this time she fired six shots in a row.

And the mutant spider also has a different action this time, it is no longer standing there, but quickly moves horizontally...  

Seeing this, Violet could only change her direction, thinking about the mutant spider chasing it.

When the mutant spider saw Violet changing direction and chasing after it, it kicked its right forelimb on the ground and kicked several basketball-sized stones towards Violet.

And it also followed behind the stone and charged towards Violet.

This move was similar to Violet's previous attack, except that one followed the bullet and the other followed the stone.

Violet looked at the flying stone, moved left and right, dodged quickly, and watched the mutant spider's next movements.

After the mutant spider approached, the two chelicerae slashed at her again.

Violet looked at the chelicerae coming over, and turned her steps lightly. Not only did she have more chelicerae on one side of her body, but she also came to the side of the mutant spider.

The dagger in his hand was cut toward the joint of the leg, and at the same time, his left hand was raised, and he fired two shots at the abdomen.

At the same time, both feet stepped on the ground, took off into the air, and the whole person appeared on the top of the mutant spider's back again in a posture of head and feet.

The gun in the left hand fired twice again, this time at the joint of the right hind leg.


It landed lightly, in a half-squat position, and landed on the left side of the mutant spider.

Push your feet again and turn your body over.

The whole person is facing up, almost parallel to the ground, rushing towards the body of the mutant spider.

The dagger in his hand is raised horizontally.


From the mutant spider's abdomen, there was a sharp and piercing sound, as if someone was scratching on the glass with a sharp object.

When the body flew out under the abdomen of the mutant spider, the body flipped again, and then the right hand punched heavily on the ground, forcibly stopping his body.

The pistol in the left hand fired two more shots at the same time, also hitting the joint of the right hind leg.


Until now, the mutant spider had not reacted from this set of attacks by Violet.

It can perceive that the little bug that attacked itself is under its own body.

If its most advantageous attack method, chelicerae, cannot hit it, it will start to step on the spot, trying to hurt it with its feet or directly trample the insect to death.

Violet originally wanted to attack the mutant spider's abdomen, so she forced herself to stop in a way that hurt herself.

It's just that the action of the mutant spider now dispels her idea.

In the face of the mutant spider's trampling, Violet could only roll left and right on the ground first, then found a gap, exerted force with her hands and feet, and the whole person quickly escaped from the mutant spider's abdomen.


Violet stood up from the ground, looked at the mutant spider that had stopped at this time, exhaled a turbid breath, and changed another magazine at the same time.

She didn't carry many magazines on her body. She had asked for a little gin before, but now, not counting the magazines in the gun, she only had two left on her body.

She looked at the position where she had attacked before, and as she guessed, the bullet did not cause any damage, even if it attacked the weak defense of the joint.

And the position where the dagger attacked with the flames of death energy was scarred.

"It seems that the main attack method is still the dagger. 99

Violet thought so in her mind.

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