Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter Thirteen: The Hurrying Eye Girl

"Ah~~~ Li Baoen's training volume is so large that I can't sleep enough."

Gito yawned several times on his way to school.

In the past two days, he has been "drilled" by Li Baoen a lot, which has made him exhausted.

Same thing this morning, wake him up before six o'clock to exercise.

When he went out to school, he also told him to come back early after school and that the training was not finished yet.

"I don't know how long Reborn will train me."

Gito just wants to get out of this hellish training now.


Gito's school is called Shuchiin School, which is one of the well-known universities in J City.

Shuchiin is very famous, and it ranks in the top eight among the colleges in J City.

Well, there are only eight high schools in J City.

There were still many schools in the past, but since ten years ago, the number of monsters in the little cherry blossoms has increased and the space earthquake has appeared. In order to give the schools better protection, the government has abolished some schools and merged them into Shuchi-in. of six schools.

The remaining six schools are also primary, junior, and senior.

With fewer schools, there will naturally be more students in the remaining schools, but for Gito's second grade, there are fifteen classes.

However, not all students will enter these eight schools.

Near J City, there is also a small city called Academy City, which is a city specially created by the government for students.

The various protective measures there are very complete, comparable to military barracks.

And that is where most students choose to study.

Gito was very interested in this Academy City, because he felt that there would definitely be someone suitable to join the family.


"There are indeed a lot of people."

Gito was walking on his way to school, watching the crowds rushing towards the school gate not far ahead in all directions.

"Long-lost school life, I didn't expect that I, who have graduated from college for a few years, would have the opportunity to live a high school life again."

Gito, who was in a state of emotion, did not notice that there was a figure behind him thinking of him, and made a straight-line impact.



"Oops!" X2

Gito actually felt it a second before he was hit, but at that time, he couldn't dodge, and he stabilized his lower body slightly so that he wouldn't be hit.

But still got hit and ran two steps forward.

As for the person who hit him, he sat directly on the ground.

Gito stood still and turned his head to see who bumped him.

When Gito turned his head, he saw this scene:

A woman wearing a light pink forehead shirt and black pantyhose, with short fluffy brown hair and large-frame glasses, was sitting on the ground with her legs open.

Gito saw it at a glance - the abominable white light.

"Huh? Who is the paladin! Kicked out and said no paladin!"

"Are you OK?"

Gito stepped forward and stretched out his hand, trying to lift the eye in front of him.

"'s fine."

The eyes girl stood up straight from the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I bumped into you, I'm so sorry!"

Her face was flushed with blush, and she kept bowing her head in apology.

"It's okay, just be more careful next time."

Gito looked at the eyes girl in front of him, and was very happy, um, the kind of happiness that the paper man's wife became a real person.


The eyes are still apologizing.

"If you're like this, I'm afraid you'll be late for the two of us."

Gito looked at the time, well, fifteen minutes before class.

"Ah! Late! No, I'm going to be late!"

The glasses girl also reacted when she heard the word "late".

She got up a little late today, and she ran wild on the road because she was afraid of being late.

"Sorry, I'm going to be late! Ah!"

The woman with glasses said, she was about to run towards the school gate.

But before taking two steps, he stopped, then turned around, bent over, "I'm so sorry!"

Then he started his own run again.

"Well, it runs very fast, and it's really cute with glasses."

Gito looked at the girl who was running and commented.


Gito is in the second (third) class of high school. He came to the class for the first time, and he felt a little unfamiliar and a little familiar.


Gito, who was standing at the door, was discovered by a classmate before he could get in.

The other students in the classroom also looked towards the door when they heard the sound.

"Gito, are you okay?"

"Gito, how's it going?"


Gito himself is very handsome, with short golden-orange hair, golden-orange pupils and eyebrows, a handsome face, and the fact that his predecessor was a very Asaxi person, which made him very popular.

But it is also very annoying, mainly male students.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

Gito, while dealing with his classmates, walked towards his seat - the last row, by the window.

The position of the protagonist.

"Gito, you're finally here."

Piezo was also very happy to see Gito.

He's in the seat to the right of Gito.

"Well, come, thank you before."

What Gito was talking about was that Piezo kept calling and caring about him before.

"are we friends."

Moizang looked at Gito carefully, and found that he had not changed much, and was completely relieved.

‘It seems that Gito did come out of his grief on his own. ’

"By the way, this is my note. You haven't been in class for a month, so you might not be able to keep up."

Moizang handed over his notes, which he had prepared on Friday.

"Thank you, I really need this."

Gito took Bizang's notebook and flipped through it. There were circles drawn on each page, and he also clicked a few dots. He didn't know what it meant.

Moizou still wanted to say something to Gito, but at this time he remembered the bell of the get out of class, so he could only give up temporarily and wait until after class.

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