
Just when the S-class heroes and Gito started to attack the monsters frantically, the monster in the sky also changed.

After the monster in the air roared, the monsters below also changed.




A monster shouted into the sky, and then, a red light appeared on the body of the monster door, but it quickly disappeared.

If I hadn't been staring at it, I wouldn't have noticed-.

And after howling, the monsters' attacks also found a change.

When the previous monsters were injured, they would also consider pain and other factors, and then avoid some damage.

But now, one by one seems to be insane, no matter what, they only know how to attack, and they don't care how badly they are injured.

Moreover, the strength of the attack seems to have also increased a lot.

This sudden change made many heroes not react at all for a while, and were directly injured by monsters.

At the same time, the remaining twenty-two powerful ghost-level monsters who were originally standing in the center also acted at this time.

"Looks like it's time to move on to the next stage. 35

Gito said after killing a monster with X-BURNER, looking at the monsters that became crazy.

"Those monsters have also moved, and the battle will probably become more difficult."

Reborn looked at the changes in the center circle and said.

At this moment, S-class hero metal bat, S-class hero Tong Di, A-class hero Death Gatlin, A-class hero Lightning Max, A-class hero Snake, A-class hero heavy tank crotch cloth, A-class hero Class A Hero Stinger, Class A Hero Smile Superman, Class A Hero Shadow Ring, Class A Hero Spring Beard, Class A Hero Vest Vegetarian, and Class B Hero Blizzard.

At this time, they also stood out from around the center circle, and then faced the monsters.

These heroes, some of them fought in J City before, and some came after.

As for the remaining heroes, it's not that they don't want to play, but they know their strength.

Against the current monsters, for many people, it is already very difficult.

If the strength of the monsters increases by one level, they are afraid that they will not be directly crushed.

As for why the B-level hero Fubuki dared to step forward, it was because of her strength.

Although she is only a B-level hero, her strength has surpassed many A-level heroes.

"It seems that there is a huge disparity in strength."

Gito looked at the heroes who came out to fight, and at the monsters in the center circle.

"You guys, stay here for the time being, I'll go over there and take a look.

Gito looked back at a few people, then flew straight over there.

For a few of them, the strength of the twenty-two monsters in the center circle was still too strong.

As for Saitama, Gito left him as a nanny for a few people.

So, Gito also left them here and flew over alone.

When Gito flew over, many people noticed him.

"You shouldn't be a hero of the Hero Association, are you?"

Tong Di looked at Gito who flew over and asked aloud.

"who are you?"

Fubuki, who originally wanted to pull him into the Fubuki group, also asked aloud after hearing Tong Di's words.

"I'm just a passing, loving person.

Gito fell to the ground, looking at the heroes in front of him and saying.

He focused on Tong Di, Metal Bat and Fubuki.

If possible, he would first want to pull the other party into his family.

It's just that there are two S-class heroes in the family, and one whose sister is an S-class hero, why do you want to join a small broken organization like you.

This is obviously not possible.

But if there is no chance now, it does not mean that there will be no chance in the future.

Gito has already figured out a way to win over a few people in his mind, and as long as the time is right, he will start to act.


At this time, the monsters are about to become advanced heroes.

"I'll talk about identity later, let's deal with these monsters first.

Each of you will deal with one, and leave the rest to me and the metal bat. 99

·For flowers·

Tong Di glanced at the monster and said quickly.


Those A-level heroes didn't have any opinion.

For them, they can only deal with one ghost-level monster, even reluctantly.

If you let them deal with two at a time, uh, if you want to let people die, just say it directly, there is no need to torture people like this.

Then Emperor Tong looked at Gito again. For the heroes here, Emperor Tong knew their strength, but he didn't understand Gito, a stranger.

However, those who dare to come here are all confident in their own strength.

"I, I'm going to hit two.

Gito looked at Tong Di and drew a word.

"it is good.

Tong Di looked at it and said.

"Everyone, this war is about the safety of J City, so... let's do our best!

Tong Di said the declaration before standing.

"Then... let's go!

The metal bat let out a loud roar, then charged directly at a monster.

The others were not far behind and rushed forward one after another.

It has to be said that they can become A-level heroes, and their strength is still very strong.

It looks like a spring beard, holding a strange sword in his hand, but his attack is very sharp.

In just a few seconds, several scars were drawn on the monster's body.

There is also that smiling superman, who not only wears weird clothes, but also holds weird weapons, but his strength is also very strong.

With the weird-looking sledgehammer in his hand, he kept hammering the monster.

There is also Fubuki, who controls hurricanes and stones, and keeps attacking monsters.

However, it is also possible to discover the strength of these people from the battle. Some people are able to do it well, while others are very reluctant and need to concentrate fully.

And those two S-rank heroes, metal bats, and their fighting style looked very enthusiastic, and they faced hard steel directly.

Directly fight against five monsters all at once, without even falling behind.

"You all do your best, and I can't paddle."

The flames of death erupted, and Gito flew out directly.

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