Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 143 The strength of dragon-level monsters!


The boulder exploded, countless rubble jumped everywhere, and the dust was flying all over the sky, making it impossible to see what was inside for a while.

I don't know what happened to the metal bat, was it injured? Or something else.

"Momentum · Nu Luo Yan Crit!

Just as everyone was guessing, a roar suddenly came from the smoke.


There was a loud blow.


It was followed by the wailing of the monster's pain.

Afterwards, the heroes who were observing here saw that the monster holding the stone pillar flew out directly from the smoke.

At this time, the monster's appearance was not very good.

The huge stone pillar in his hand has been broken from the middle, and its head is also missing more than half.

Seeing is not alive.


The huge body of the monster fell and the smoke dissipated, but the monster did not get up again.

At this time, everyone also saw the appearance of the metal bat, with blood flowing on his face, carrying his exclusive baseball heel on his shoulders, and walked out like that.

"Thank you!"

The metal bat looked at Gito in midair and shouted.

He knew that Gito had rescued him just now.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of hand."

Gito shook his head, as if he had just reached out to help him flick the dust.

"Be careful!

At this moment, the metal bat suddenly shouted loudly.

And Gito also felt that a huge danger was coming from behind.

At this time, in the sky in the center circle, apart from Gito, there is only the dragon-level monster.

Gito immediately thought of it, but he didn't expect the other party to attack me, a high school student, without saying anything about martial arts.


In a hurry, Gito could only turn around immediately, and burst out the flames of death at the approaching figure.

It's just that XBURNERAIR, who was in a hurry, didn't adjust the flame pressure properly, and the power of his left hand was a little weaker.

However, because of this, Gito's body, the direct propellant of the flame of death, flew back quickly.

However, in comparison, that monster was still too fast.

In just an instant, it came to Gito's side.

Looking at the incoming Yanzhu, the opponent punched him directly, and then, holding on to the Yanzhu, continued to fly towards Gito.

Seeing this, Gito once again increased the power of the flame of death.

"Roar"! 35

The dragon-level monster roared, quickly retracted its fist, and struck it out again.


The power of this punch was so great that it hit the sonic boom directly.

And the flame pillar of Death Qi was also temporarily scattered.

The dragon-level monster also took advantage of this opportunity, flapped its wings again, appeared in front of Gito in the next second, and directly punched out.

In this case, Gito could only block his arms in front of him, and at the same time erupted the flames of death energy, in the hope that he would not be seriously injured in the future.


The monster's punch directly hit Gito's raised arms, knocking him out.


"Bang! 99

Gito, like a falling meteor, fell on the ruins of a building.

After the dragon-level monster hit Gito, it didn't stop, it flapped its wings again, and the next second, it appeared in front of the metal bat.

"Momentum · Nu Luo Yan Crit!"

The response of the metal bat was also very fast. When he saw the figure of the dragon-level monster, he also smashed the bat with his hand.


The dragon-level monster punched again.


A punch and a bat collided together, creating a shock wave.

One person and one beast were deadlocked there.


The metal bat roared, and the muscles in his arms bulged, clenching the bat in his hand and pressing it forward.


The monster also roared, and then...

He quickly retracted his fist, and then, when the metal bat didn't react, he punched out the second time.


This punch hit the bat again, but the metal bat was at the moment when the old force was close and the new force was not yet born.

The whole person was directly knocked out, and it didn't stop until it hit a building behind him.


The metal bat fell to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

There was blood in his mouth.

And the monster, after hitting Gito and the metal bat, did not strike again, but flew back into the air.


Its roar at this time seems to be telling the world that its strength is very powerful, and its majesty cannot be violated.

"Is the strength of a dragon-level monster?

The heroes below thought to themselves.

At this time, the Hero Association, the top floor conference room.

The people in the conference room were still very happy when they saw Gito and the metal bat kill three monsters in a row.

However, the actions of the dragon-level monsters soon caused them to fall into silence.

They didn't expect that the dragon-level monster would actually do it, and the action was resolute, and it directly knocked out two S-level heroes.

That's right, an S-class hero.

After seeing how easily Gito defeated two monsters with superior strength, the Hero Association made an evaluation of Gito's strength - an S-class hero.

It's just that the person who was just rated as an S-class hero was knocked into the air in the next second, and his life and death were unknown at this time.

""" How long will it take for the silver fangs to get past? The dragon-level monster has already started. Although it is said to stop again now, no one knows whether it will launch the next attack immediately.

The white-haired man looked at the reporter who came in and asked.

"It will take thirteen minutes for Silver Fang to arrive."

When the reporter heard the white-haired man's words, he immediately said aloud.

The helicopter that went to pick up the silver fangs belonged to the Association of Heroes, with a positioning system on it, so they could check the location at any time.

"Four S-level heroes, I don't know if they can beat this dragon-level monster."

The white-haired man looked at the dragon-level monster in the picture and said.

The reason why he was so worried was because, as long as anyone who could be rated as a dragon-level monster by the Hero Association, it was the power of the owner to destroy several cities.

A dragon-level monster appeared eight years ago, and they lost a city.

Could it be the same today?

Since Gito and the metal bat were knocked down, the A-level heroes who faced the monster in the center circle were also under great pressure.

Before, two S-class heroes, Metal Bat and Tong Di, had five monsters in one team, and Gito dealt with two.

Other A-level heroes only need to deal with one each.

They can also fight, and if they are given time, it is not impossible to kill.

However, at this time, the metal bat was injured, and except for the one he killed before, there were only four left at this time.

The addition of these four has also greatly increased the pressure on several A-level heroes.

And Fubuki, as the only B-rank hero, was the same at this time.

Her luck was very bad, a monster that was idle found her.

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