
In the smoke, a roar of the metal bat was heard again.

"Bang! Year

Another collision sounded.

Soon, a figure flew out of the smoke and fell to the ground.


When the metal bat fell to the ground, it also smashed a big hole on the ground, and it stopped after taking a few steps back.

On the other side, the figure of the monster was also revealed.

Looking at the large receding footprints that appeared on the ground, I thought that the collision with the metal bat was only slightly weaker.

"Come again!"

The metal bat gave a loud roar, and charged towards the monster again.

The monster, on the other hand, fluttered its wings and flew straight up.


On the other hand, the flame of Gito's death energy was sprayed into the air.


The monster threw its arms in front of him, just as Gito had taken its punch before, it had taken the blow at this time.

"Tong Di, those will be handed over to you first, and this will be handed over to the two of us first!

Gito shouted loudly to Tong Di on the other side, and then flew directly into the air.

The metal bat couldn't fly, but with the help of the building, it jumped up directly, and the bat in his hand smashed towards the monster again.

On the other side, Emperor Tong, in fact, when he saw that Gito and the metal bat had temporarily restrained the dragon-level monster, he had already sent his own little robot to attract the remaining monsters.

At this time, there were fourteen high-level ghost-level monsters and one dragon-level monster in the center circle, and the battle was still very difficult.

"Is this the strength of dragon-level monsters and S-level heroes?"

Hungry Wolf stayed in Han Iliu's pocket, stuck his head out, watching the scene of Gito and the metal bat fighting the dragon-level monster.

"I will hunt them all.

Compared to the hungry wolf who was full of fighting spirit, he was very bored at this time.

He was squatting beside Han Wo Liu at this moment, watching the battle with Hungry Wolf.

"Hunting? Hunting them for what? Do you want to eat?"

Saitama, a hungry wolf, said about hunting monsters, and then looked at the hungry wolf with his dull eyes.

‘Is this person so wild? He even eats monsters? By the way, what do monsters taste like? Is it delicious?’

Saitama's thoughts suddenly strayed.

Hungry Wolf didn't pay any attention to Saitama, and through this short-term contact, he had a little understanding of Saitama.

This guy is a useless young man who usually has nothing to do, and sometimes there is a lot of nonsense.


Gito dodged the monster's fist, leaped forward, and punched the monster in the face.

The monster also punched again towards Gito's position.

Gito watched the incoming fist and controlled his body to dodge again.

And the metal bat below is a little helpless at this time, he can't reach it.

The man and the beast were flying a little high at this time. Although he jumped up and could touch it, the bat he swung out didn't have much strength, so he couldn't do any damage to the monster at all.

"Hey! My friend, can you lead him down!

The metal bat stood on the ground and said loudly to Gito.

"I'll take a chance to see it.

Gito took the time to answer after dodging the monster's punch.


The monster raised its left arm at this time, and this action also caught Gito's attention.

He has observed just now that the monster's attacks are all done by its right arm. If it is attacked from the rear, it will use its tail to resist and attack.

However, it never used its red left arm.


The monster roared at Gito, then clenched his left fist, and there were faint traces of flames on his fist.

I saw the opponent charge up, and then, facing Gito's position, he swung it fiercely, and I saw a red flame emanating from the opponent's fist, hitting Gito directly.

Gito was ready when the opponent made a fist.

At this time, seeing the flames fired by the opponent, he also directly opened his palm and faced the opponent.


An orange flame emanated from Gito's palm and sprayed towards the flames emitted by the other party.


The two flames collided and made a huge explosion.

At the same time, it is also deadlocked in the air, unable to tell the difference for a while.


Seeing where the monster was at a stalemate with himself, he increased the power of the flames again.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

And Gito is not to be outdone.


The flame pillar formed by the flame of death energy also became a little thicker.

After a stalemate between one person and one beast for a few seconds, Gito showed his defeat.

The junction of the two flames is also pushing towards Gito.

At this moment, a thin figure suddenly appeared in the middle of a man and a beast.

It was a thin old man with silver hair, but the fact that he can appear here at this time is enough to show that he is not an ordinary person.

"Flowing Water - Shattering Rock Fist! 35

I saw that the thin old man's muscles suddenly soared, and there was a faint stream of water around him.


When his own momentum reached its peak, the old man directly punched the dragon-level monster.

"Roar! 35

The monster saw the powerful punch from the old man, and quickly raised his cyan right arm, exuding cyan light, and hit the old man.


The fist collided with the fist, and everywhere the collision, a cloud of mist was aroused.


The silver-haired old man threw a sudden punch, and the dragon-level monster was also caught off guard, and his body was beaten directly back.

This retreat also gradually dissipated the flames that had been stalemate with Gito.

And Gito also took this opportunity to increase the flame pressure again, pushing the flame pillar formed by the flame of death towards the monster.


Just after being punched by the old man, at this time, he was endured by Gito's full force of X·BURNER·AIR. At this time, the dragon-level monster was not only unable to stabilize his body, but even his flight was somewhat uncontrollable.

It was actually falling to the ground.

On the ground, looking at the fallen monster, the metal bat that had been waiting for a long time also picked up his bat again and stomped heavily on the ground with both feet.


The whole person is like a cannonball, shooting towards the monster's side.

"The Great Spiral of Buddha's Shame and Righteousness!"5


The bat heavily bombarded the falling monster, knocking it away again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

The monster that was knocked into the air hit several buildings in a row before it stopped.

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