Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 156 The Gin and the Hungry Wolf

"Gito, do you want to eat rice cakes?"

Thor is still very familiar with this shopping street and knows what these two shops sell.

"No, I just came to see my classmates."

Gito shook his head.

"Classmate? Is this shop opened by your classmate?"

Thor looked at the shop "Tama House", she remembered that the shop owner had two daughters.

"It's not that one, it's this one.

Gito pointed to the store behind Thor, indicating that she was looking in the wrong direction.

"Oh, it's this one."

‘Fortunately, it’s not a family with two daughters, there is no danger. ’

Thor looked at the house behind him and was relieved.

In this store, she also knew that the owner's child was a boy.

"Come on, go in and have a look.

Gito pushed open the door and walked in.

"Welcome to "050"!

Pushing the door and entering, I found a boy lying on the counter at this moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

After hearing the movement of someone coming in, he quickly got up.

"Gito?! It's really you, are you all right?"

At this time, Bizang also saw the person who came in. It was his good friend at the same table, Gito.

"What can I do."

Gito lightly hammered Bizo with a punch.

"I see that you were injured last night, how are you? Are you all right?"

When Moizang saw Gito, the first thing she cared about was his body.

"If I have something to do, how can I still see you today, don't worry, I'm fine.

It's just that I look a little embarrassed on TV.

Gito patted his chest, signaling that he was fine.

"You'll be fine. I saw you on TV yesterday, and it really scared me to death."

Moizang remembered that when he was watching TV with his parents last night, he just wanted to see how serious this disaster would be.

As a result, who would have thought that he would see his best friend on TV, and he was still in the most dangerous place.

"What about aunt and uncle?"

Gito looked inside and saw that he seemed to be alone in the store.

"Today's orders are a bit large. Both of them have gone to deliver. For the time being, I have to watch the store by myself. 995

The orders in the past two days were several times higher than usual, and their family couldn't keep up.

"What are you doing here today? Come to see me?"

Moizou looked at Gito and asked.

"The ingredients at home are gone, so I came here with my little maid to buy some ingredients.

Gito pointed to Thor, who was standing behind him, obediently being a spectator.

"Girls, girls...maids?"

Hearing Gito's words, Moizang looked at Thor's classic maid outfit again, and the whole person was a little stupid.

"Gito, are you playing so much now? I said that you didn't accept the confessions of those girls in school. It turns out that there are maids at home.

Moizang approached Gito and whispered to Gito.

For maids, ordinary people always subconsciously think of other places.

"Crack! 95


Gito flicked on Piezo's little head.

"What do you think, Thor is a serious maid."

Gito corrected Bizo's dirty thoughts. Who is Gito, how can he do such a thing?

"Okay, I'm here to tell you that I'm fine, now that things are done, I'm going to go shopping, we'll see you another day.

Gito and Moizang waved their hands and walked outside with Thor.

"You're leaving now, why don't you stay for a while?"

The cake is kept.

"No, I'll talk about it later. 35

Gito led Thor to the place where the vegetables were sold without looking back.

When Gito and Thor came back, everyone was awake, but two were missing.

"What about Hungry Wolf and Banggu?"

Gito asked about it, and he was still thinking of asking Hungry Wolf for food money.

"After the two of them woke up, they said they had something to do and left, but Hungry Wolf seemed to be leaving in a hurry."5

The undocumented knight answered Gito's question.

He was the first to wake up, then the hungry wolf.

He still remembered that after the hungry wolf woke up, he went to Banggu's room to take a peek, and then ran away.

Gito was speechless when he heard the words of the undocumented knight, how did he escape?

No, I have to find an opportunity to capture him later, eat his food, and still want to run?

"I'm leaving too."

Gin stood up at this time and said.

Compared to others, gin is a bit more of a thing.

"Huh? Go without dinner?"

Gito gestured for the ingredients in his hand...


Jin Jiu shook his head, then walked directly outside, without even saying hello to the others.

"Wait a minute, Gin. 35

Gito stopped Gin, put the ingredients in his hand on the table, and walked out with him.

"What happened last night has been spread all over the place now, and you appeared on TV too.

Although your outfit can hide some of your identity issues, it is still recognizable to those who know you well.

Now that you go back to the winery again, it might be in danger, or..."

Gito looked at the gin, and this was what he thought of while watching TV today.

Maybe because Gin and their performances are too bright, the camera deliberately gave them a long time to get the camera.

It's fine for everyone else, but gin is different.

Although the collar and hat of the black trench coat, Jin Jiu, could cover part of his face last night, for some people, just by looking at him, they knew it was him.

An undercover agent whose identity has been exposed is not far from death.

Although Gito wants to make gin in the winery, he is more worried about the safety of gin than the income.

"It's alright, when I came out last night, I already made arrangements."

Gin heard Gito's words, glanced at him, and explained.

When he came out last night, it was not without 3.5 arrangements.

Although those arrangements of his own, those who are willing to check will find problems, but as he is in the winery, few people dare to check.

Moreover, he felt that with his current strength, as long as he wanted to leave, no one in the winery should be able to stop him.

If Gito hadn't said what he just said, he might have thought about whether he would go back and stay here.

But with what Gito just said, it's different.

Although he couldn't achieve the level where a scholar died for his confidant, with a boss who cared about his subordinates like this, Jin Jiu was still willing to do more for him.

Gin still left, taking the task that Gito had given him earlier.

Gito looked at the back of Gin's departure, wondering if he would be in danger this time.

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