Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 158 \"I Want You\"

Gito heard that the other party had investigated himself, and there was nothing unusual.

As far as his current information is concerned, Gito can guarantee that it has definitely been placed on the desks of many people. It is estimated that they even know when they urinated their pants and when they pulled the cake.

But what's the use of that? They can't investigate anything.

"So what? If I'm short of money, should I accept this card?"

Gito looked at Captain Nakano, who was no longer as peaceful as before.

He is not a kind person himself, except that he had a different expression towards Reina when he was young, he treats everyone with this expression today.

Even when facing the Nakano Five Sisters, it was the same.

Because of this, the five sisters are not very close to him.

"Mr. Vongola refuses to accept the money, so I have to suspect that Mr. Vongola wants more compensation."

Everyone is an adult, and everything is based on interests.

Well, no, Gito isn't an adult yet.

However, Captain Nakano has seen him as an opponent at the negotiating table.

"Yes, I really want more, and I promised to be their tutor at the beginning, but I also had ulterior motives.

Gito didn't hide himself, he really wanted more.

"Then, I don't know what Mr. Penger 053 column wants?"

Captain Nakano looked at Gito with cold eyes, since it was a negotiation, it couldn't have his own emotional factors.

"I want you.

Gito looked at Captain Nakano,

"More precisely, I want your hospital, and you.

Captain Nakano looked at Gito without speaking.

"Since you have already investigated me, plus what happened last night, you should be able to see that we are an organization.

Our organization is not very perfect now, and there are still many things that are bad, one of which is logistics support and medical services.

Gito's initial target was the hospital of Captain Nakano.

Although the sunny attribute has a therapeutic effect, it is not a panacea. Some injuries cannot be cured. At this time, a hospital is needed.

It's obviously impossible to build a hospital by yourself. Since you can't build it yourself, you can only find others.

Coincidentally, at this time, the five Nakano sisters found him.

In order to meet Captain Nakano, Gito agreed to become their tutor.

"My hospital? Does Mr. Vongola know what my hospital is worth now? If you want to buy it, I'm afraid you sell two properties, and it's not enough."

Captain Nakano looked at Gito, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Gito watched Soldier Nakano pretending to be stupid, but also stood up directly, walked to the window, and looked at the lights of Wanjia in the distance.

"Tonight, it's really quiet and peaceful. 35

Gito looked outside and said something casually.

"But, who knows if this kind of life will not be seen tomorrow?

Just like yesterday, when many people fell asleep last night, they never thought that they would not be able to see the sun tomorrow. "

Captain Nakano looked at Gito's back and didn't speak, he wanted to know what else Gito wanted to say.

"In today's world, money doesn't mean everything, because accidents are sudden, and no one can guarantee that they will never encounter monsters, and that there will be no space earthquakes near their home.

Therefore, in order to ensure their own safety, some wealthy people united to set up the Hero Association.

Make these mighty heroes work for you.

This will not only protect your own safety, but also gain fame, money, etc.

However, not every rich person is eligible to participate.

Gito said this, suddenly turned his head and looked at Captain Nakano.

"Just like you, you are not rich, but you are different from ordinary people.

You don't have the money to hire those powerful heroes, but you want to ensure your own safety, so that you don't bury yourself in the hands of monsters and weirdos. (cfdf)

So, you can only hire some bodyguards.

Just, do you think your bodyguards can protect you compared to yesterday's incident?

Or, can you protect the five sisters?"

Gito knew that Captain Nakano was more concerned with the safety of the five sisters than his personal safety.

"Take care of them." This was Reina's request before she died.

This is also what Captain Nakano has been doing.

"Join us, join our family, I can't say you won't have an accident, but even if there is an accident, it must be after all our family members have died. 35

Gito looked at Captain Nakano, who really wanted him to join them.

Different from the fighters like hungry wolf, perfect logistics support is also a must for an organization.

"Sorry, your statement doesn't convince me."

Captain Nakano thought for a while, then looked at Gito and replied.

"With the strength of the few of you now, there is absolutely no way to guarantee what you said."5

There are still too few people in the Vongola Family, which is a very important thing.

"I think, you can think about it, and the Vongola Family is not static,

What we have in our hands is enough to support us while ensuring rapid development without being swallowed up by other organizations. 35

Gito said as he walked towards the door.

"I think our business should have been finished, and they should be anxious.

After speaking, Gito opened the door directly.

When he was going out, he happened to see Thor walking over with a tea tray.

"Huh? Gito, are you done talking?"

"Yes, Thor, I'll trouble you to bring the tea to the sofa.

At this time, Captain Nakano, who was still in the study, looked at the door where Gito left, wondering what he was thinking.

After thinking for two or three minutes, he also stood up and walked outside.

Captain Nakano didn't stay longer after that, but left directly with the five sisters.

He has an operation to do in a while, and the time is very tight.

Gito looked at the car where Captain Nakano was leaving, thinking about the conversation between the two.

Regarding the hospital, although Gito was determined to win, he did not hope that he would be able to talk to the other party once and for all.

Just as the other party said, their current strength is still too weak, and there is no way to guarantee what he said.

"People, people, people, people still need people.

Gito looked at the sky and let out a long breath.

I shouldn't be woken up by the phone again tonight.

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