Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 166 Undocumented Knights, Dangerous!???

"Tonggu, go down and help."

Gito looked at the battle below and said to Kiritani beside him.

The monster below was a mouse that was about two meters tall and was covered in muscles.

There is no special move, but the physical strength is very strong, and it can actually resist the impact of the undocumented knight electric bull.

Moreover, the resilience is also very strong, the wounds that the Dark Flame Dragon Knife cut on his body will soon recover.

"Am I going? All right."

Hearing Gito's words, Kiritani didn't say anything. After handing the umbrella to Asuna, he jumped directly towards the battlefield.

Tonggu came out today, just to see netizens, he never thought he would fight, so he didn't bring his sword.

Without a sword, he could only fight with his fists at this time.

" he, okay?"

Asuna looked at Kiritani, who was already close to the monster, and asked Gito.

As for Kiritani, Asuna just knows that the other party is playing well, and can often get some internal news.

She never knew that the other party could actually fight monsters in reality.

"Is he also a hero?"

Asuna suddenly thought that the Dark Flame Dragon Saber is a hero, so he needs to deal with monsters, and at this time Kiritani shot, is he also a hero?

"He's not a hero, he's just a guy with a hammer...he's just an ordinary guy who goes forward."

Gito looked at the battle below and replied without looking back.


Tong Gu made a sneak attack from behind and punched the big mouse, but it did not cause any damage to the opponent.

And Tong Gu is also a touch, and after a punch, quickly evacuated.

"Tonggu? Why are you here? 35

The undocumented knight was also a little surprised when he saw Tonggu who suddenly appeared.

The undocumented knight appeared here because he was arranged by the Hero Association to visit here, so there was something wrong with Tonggu appearing here.

"Tonggu? Why are you here? 35

At this time, the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman also walked over with his sword and asked.

"Huh? You two know each other?

The undocumented knight looked at Tong Gu and the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman.

He knew Tonggu, the two belonged to the same family, and they fought together.

As for the Dark Flame Dragon Sabre Envoy, it is a newcomer who has been promoted to the organization.

How did the two of them meet again?

"I came to Akihabara to meet netizens, and the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman was one of them, and then I saw the news that there was a strange person here, so I came to have a look."

Tong Gu also explained to the undocumented knight why he appeared here.

"It's not just me, the senior is there too.

Kiritani said, and pointed to the location of Gito and others.

The undocumented knight followed the position of Tonggu's finger and saw several people standing on the roof.

"Now with you on board, we can play a lot better.

After the undocumented knight glanced at it, he withdrew his gaze. At this time, the most important thing was the big mouse in front of him.

In the battle just now, he discovered that this big mouse is not only physically strong and resilient, but also has a high combat IQ.

Not to mention anything else, but in terms of IQ, eccentrics are far superior to monsters.

"Things may not be as optimistic as you think, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I came here today, so I didn't bring my sword.

Tong Gu spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Er... .99

The undocumented knight also discovered at this time that Tong Gu didn't even have a sword in his hand.

He said that when he looked at Tonggu, he always felt that something was missing. It turned out that he did not bring a sword.

"Huh! 39


While the three of them were talking, their minds were also a little distracted, and the big mouse appeared behind the three of them.

"Be careful!"

The other heroes shouted when they saw it.

"You dare to be so distracted in battle, you are so careless!

The big mouse said, and his fist slammed down directly.

"Electric Cow!"

The undocumented knight looked at the smashed fist and shouted directly.

The electric bull beside him also heard the shout of the unlicensed knight, and quickly pushed towards the front.

When Tonggu and the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman heard the shouts of their companions, they were already prepared.

Kiritani, who had no weapon in his hand, could only jump forward, thinking about opening the distance.

As for the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman, he clenched the long sword in his hand and slashed forward fiercely.

"Bang! 35

A crash sounded.


Tonggu was directly knocked out by the aftermath and the power of his own jump.

On the other side, the sword of the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman looked at the big mouse's arm.

As for the fist of the big mouse, it was directly knocked down by the electric bull.

It has to be said that in terms of defense, the effect of the lightning-type Death Qi flame is still very powerful.

At this time, as long as it is a box weapon of other attributes, I am afraid that it will be directly shot out at this time.

"Squeaky! Are you guys able to resist? Drink!""

The big mouse shouted, retracted his fist, and then slammed the electric bull again.

And the undocumented knight also put his hand on the electric cow, sending it the flame of death energy.

"Bang!" 5

The powerful punch of the big mouse struck down again.

And the electric bull, after being transported by the flame of death qi, also slammed forward again.

A rat and a cow collided.

The big mouse and the electric bull, who were standing in the center of the fighting range, didn't change much at this time.

However, the Dark Flame Dragon Swordsman and the Unlicensed Knight on the side were indeed shocked by the aftermath and stepped back a few steps.

But it was precisely because of the retreat of the undocumented knight that the Electric Bull, who was on a par with the big rat, was unable to withstand the opponent's strength.

"You can't do it! Squeak!""

The big mouse also saw that the power of the electric bull was incompetent, and roared, and at the same time broke out his own power again.



Under this power, the electric bull was directly beaten and flew out.

"This monster seems to have mid-level ghost-level strength.

Gito looked at the battle below and said to Reborn.

"Well, there is."

Ribone nodded.

The two of them still have some understanding of the strength of the undocumented knight.

With the cooperation of electric bulls, they can defeat monsters with low-level ghost-level strength.

However, facing this big mouse at this time, there is indeed a tendency to be defeated.

"Squeaky! It seems that your power comes from that guy.

At this time, the big mouse also discovered the relationship between the electric bull and the undocumented knight.

"Then, destroy him first! 35

As soon as the big mouse finished speaking, he stepped on the ground with his feet, and directly stepped on a big hole on the ground.

And he also quickly rushed towards the undocumented knight on the other side.

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