Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 178 Make trouble! Let's make trouble together!

"It seems that we still need a lot of Monster Dream Stones in the future."

Gito looked at Verdi and said.

"It is really necessary. Before I know other alternative materials, we can only use the Monster Dream Stone temporarily.

Verdi nodded, he also knew that it was not easy to obtain the Monster Dream Stone, so he was already trying to find a substitute.

"There are also animal boxes. Now general boxes can be manufactured. The remaining animal boxes also need your time to study.

Gito said to Verdi.

Compared with the general box, the role of animal-box is greater.

"I know.

Verdi nodded, he also knew about this kind of thing, and the research progress on animal boxes has been continuing.

It just has the same problem as the general box, that is, it is stuck on the crafting material.

The animal box is different from the general box, and the materials required to make it are also different.

Just when several people were discussing the production of box weapons, Kang Na, who was changing TV stations, suddenly switched to a news channel.

And the news that came out inside also made several people stop discussing.

"Phantom Thief Kidd hasn't been around since he was almost caught in the last fight with Jiro Suzuki, and he hasn't sent any notices.

Many people think that the last time he almost missed, also taught Kaito Kid a great lesson, and it is possible for the other party to stop because of this.

However, just now, the phantom thief Kidd, who disappeared for a long time, sent a notice again.

Moreover, this time, five notices were sent at one time.

The time on the notice letter is also on Sunday night, but the time difference is only one hour.

This also means that Kaito Kidd intends to complete five theft events at one time tomorrow night.

After experiencing the last lesson, the other party not only did not stop, but became more mad.

There was a provocation to the police at this time.

According to the relevant news notification, the police decided to go all out to arrest Kidd.

Afterwards, some police interviews were broadcast on TV.

And the police officers who were interviewed were also filled with righteous indignation, thinking that this time the phantom thief Kidd must be arrested and brought to justice.

"So, what are these two guys, Kuroba Kaito and Mamon doing?

Gito watched the news on TV and started having a headache.

These guys are really uneasy, if you are not careful, you may make a big news for you.

"Kuito Kuroba, I know, is looking for clues that he killed his father.

However, why did this guy Mamon continue to cause trouble?"

You say that Mamon not only doesn't dissuade him, but it's actually a disservice.

Gito wouldn't believe it without Mamun's help to say that he would steal five houses in one night.

"You seem to have forgotten Mamon's character.

Reborn reminded at this time.

"Mammon's character?"

What kind of character is Mamon, of course, he is greedy for money.


Gito slapped himself on the forehead, how could he forget about it.

A thief, a greedy man, put these two guys together, how could there be no accident.

"So, are you trying to stop them now?39

Yuni looked at Gito and asked.

"Block? Why block?"

Gito shook his head, the notice letter had been sent out, and things had already started, so he could just use this to do something himself.

"Zhibao, do you still remember, when you were in the winery before, where did you stay? Or, where are there laboratories and experimental equipment?"

Gito has always remembered that Verdi said that the experimental equipment was not enough.

Now that the scientific research department has increased to three people, the laboratory will also be expanded a little more.

Moreover, he has already received the gin and the Miyano sisters, and he has already met each other.

Now that it's right, Gito doesn't care about taking a little more.


When Shiho Miyano heard Gito's words, he began to think.

And Verdi on the side, when he heard Gito talk about the laboratory, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"I remember that in J City, the organization seems to have two secret laboratories, I'm not sure if there are still any. 99

When Miyano Shiho was in the organization before, he had always been a tool person and didn't know much about other things.

The two places she mentioned are the places where she once stayed, so she remembered them.

In fact, if you want to talk about this kind of thing, you should be more familiar with Gin, but Gin is not here now.

This week, Lal has been in contact with each other all the time, but all the contacts are like a mud ox into the sea, and there is no news.

.....for flowers........

The little bugs in Reborn didn't bring any useful news.

In this regard, Gito does not have any good method other than waiting and searching.

"Two? Enough, where are the two secret laboratories?

Gito asked again.

"Here, and here." 5

Miyano Shiho took out his phone, opened the map, and marked the location.

Gito took a look and saw that the two locations were a little far apart, not enough for one of them, but it was very close to the one that was stolen from Kuroba Kaito's announcement letter.

"Riboen, Cola Nello, you two will go to these two places tomorrow to check whether the laboratory is still in use, and some arrangements inside."


Gito speaks to Ribon and Colaniello.


Ribone nodded.

"Well, Coke.""

Cola Nilo also responded.

"If it's still there, we'll do it on Sunday night as well.

Most of the police force that day will definitely be dispatched to these five places, which just gives us the opportunity to act. "

In this operation, Mamon didn't help them cover their tracks, but with them attracting the attention of the police, no one would rush to make trouble so quickly.

"Now let's split into groups.

Gito looked at a few people in the room and found that there might be a shortage of people, and it seemed that someone needed to be found.

"Let's temporarily think that both places are in use, in this case, Cola Nilo, Lal, Miyano Akemi, Miyano Shiho, Scaru, you go here.

I'll ask Tong Gu to come and help you. "

Gito pointed to a location and said to several people.

After speaking, he looked at the other people.

"Reborn, Verdi, me, and Violet, we are going here.

Gito pointed to another location and said.

This location is also very close to Kuroba Kuito's last gem stealing location.

"Thor, you have a mission tomorrow too. 99

Gito looked at Thor, who was sitting beside him.

"Ah? Me too? Gito, are you asking me to help you?"

Thor jumped up happily when he heard Gito's words.

She thought she was going to stay at home again this time.

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