Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 183 The continuous crimes of the thief Kidd

"Quick! Let someone hurry in and check the situation!

When the high-level executives heard the news, they panicked, and they walked to the room while still muttering.

"Why didn't you go to the place where the gems were kept? Why did you go back to the collector's room? How did he know the news? Could it be that someone was a whistleblower?

In fact, in order to prevent the thief Kidd from stealing the gems, when the collector received the notice letter, he asked someone to build a high-quality imitation overnight, and then put it in the room to be protected layer by layer.

After the police knew about this, they wanted the collector to hand over the real piece first and let them send someone to protect it.

But collectors are not so reassured about these police officers and have not given it to the police.

In desperation, the police can only protect the collector alone.

In order to make him less obtrusive, it was also used as a second insurance.

The police recruited someone to pretend to be the collector, and then asked him to disguise himself as a police officer and stay alone in another room together.

The current high-level only hopes that this second insurance of his own will work. The phantom thief Kidd just stole the gems from the fake collectors, and the real one has not been discovered.

That's right, in fact, I don't know if the collector found someone to build a fake one, and the police also found someone to build one, and then put it on the disguised police officer.

"What's going on inside now?

The high-level came to the room where the collector was, and asked the people who were guarding outside.

"There hasn't been any movement from inside since just now. 35

The gatekeeper also responded quickly.

"Open the door!"

The high-level people looked at it and decided to go in and have a look.

"Report, the collector said that in order to ensure safety, he only kept one key in this room, the rest were all destroyed, and that key was brought in by himself.

The guard guarding the gate said helplessly.


When the high-level executives heard these words, they only wanted to scold people. What kind of brains do these collectors parents have?

They are afraid that their minds are already full of money, and they have no brains at all.

"Look for someone! Knock the door open for me!

The high-level shouted angrily.

"Ah! 35

As soon as the high-level voice fell, the originally silent crowd outside became noisy again.

When the high-rise heard the movement outside, they hurried to the window and looked out.

Then, he saw the figure of the phantom thief Kidd who appeared in the air again at this time.

"Everyone, today's first performance is over, and it's time for me to leave. 39

Kaitou Kid looked at the crowd below and said.

"Lord Kidd! Did you succeed?!"

Below, a female fan shouted loudly.

Although they all believed in the strength of Kaitou Kidd, but now that they haven't seen the gem and the police haven't taken any action, they can't be sure.

"Oh, of course it worked."

After hearing the shouting from the female fan, Kaito Kid replied with a chuckle.

"Fake, fake, fake.

The high-rise who was watching from the window still had a glimmer of hope in his heart at this time.

"I have to say that the arrangement between the police and the collectors is quite clever, they first made a fake gem and then guarded it alone.

After that, the collector was protected separately, and someone pretended to be a collector, and put the gem on that person.

After looking at the time, Kaito Kidd found that the current time was just over ten minutes away from his start.

There is still some time before his next performance, so he intends to explain the police arrangement again.


After hearing what Kidd said, the high-level executive felt relieved when he found out that the other party only found out that the person was fake.

Although he didn't catch the other party, he still retained the gem, which was considered acceptable.

But who knows, as soon as his heart was put back in his stomach, the next words of the thief Kidd were mentioned in his throat again.

"It's more than that, they not only recruited people to pretend to be collectors, they even forged a gem and put it on the fake collector.

I have to say, the fake gems they make are so good that I almost fooled me.

It's just a pity that I still found a real collector and a real gem.

The phantom thief Kidd also chuckled when he said this. He didn't know if he was laughing at the police's arrangement, or at his own cleverness.

And that high-level, after hearing the words of Kaitou Kidd, the last bit of luck in his heart disappeared.

"Everyone, it's getting late, I have to rush to the next performance location, let's take an hour, oh, no, it should be forty minutes now, we'll see you in forty minutes."5

.....for flowers .....

After the phantom thief Kidd finished speaking, with a snap of his fingers again, he disappeared into the air again.

"Ah! Phantom Thief Kid-sama! You are so handsome!"

The fans below also screamed loudly.

"Did you see his way?"

Hattori Heiji asked Conan.

"No, the time is too short, so short that I don't have time to collect clues.

Conan shook his head.

"Then let's go next..."

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan, and the two said in unison

"Go to the next crime location!

Afterwards, he also took Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Heye to run towards the next crime site of the phantom thief Kidd.

The reason why Hattori Heiji came to J City this time was to see the five crimes committed by the phantom thief Kidd that night. He also wanted to see if he could arrest the other party and bring him to justice.


And Conan, at the beginning, came to watch the fun with Sonoko, and arrested each other by the way.

After all, he and Kaito Kidd are old rivals.

However, now he and Hattori Heiji's goals have changed.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to capture the phantom thief Kidd, but before that, it was the trick of the high-definition phantom thief Kidd.

If they don't understand this, they will not be able to catch Kaitou Kid.

Forty minutes later, Kaitou Kid appeared out of thin air again.

After that, I said some opening remarks by the magician, and then started my own performance.

Twenty minutes later, the second gem was lost, and the time came to 9:20 in the night.

At half past ten, the third gem was lost.

At eleven twenty, the fourth gem was lost.

Faced with committing four consecutive crimes, and the police did not know how to commit the crime, the police decided to dispatch all the remaining police forces to arrest the thief Kidd when the other party committed the last crime.

And following behind the phantom thief Kidd, Conan, who wanted to see the phantom thief Kidd's tactics, also ran four fields in a row.

However, every time, before they start searching for evidence, the other party has already completed the crime.

They also had to move to the next location again.

At the same time, Gito and the others who were sitting in the pastry shop also walked out of the pastry shop.

When they were leaving, they also called Colanelo to inform them that they could start their operations.

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