Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 191 Black Feather Kuaidou who broke his head

What Kuroba didn't know was that, given his actions tonight, he put a lot of pressure on the police.

But now, with Officer Nakamori as the deputy commander, his pressure is even greater.

However, the indicator given to him today is not to catch the thief Kidd, but to keep the gem.

Of course, it would be even better if the phantom thief Kidd could be captured while protecting the gems.

And the first order that Officer Nakamori gave to all his subordinates this evening was that they must do what they want to do, and at the same time do too many things.

You can do nothing, but you must never make mistakes.

In addition, all the police officers want to catch the thief Kidd, and they are so bad that they have such a performance.

"In this case, I can't get to the stairs with only one smoke bomb.

Kuroba Kuito was standing in the corner at this moment, not even daring to move.

Now the corridor is terribly quiet, and there is no sound at all except for the sound of footsteps.

And Kuroba Kaito could clearly hear that there were two police officers in front of him, in the front left, and in front of the right.

His current position is in the middle of the corridor, about two meters away from the stairs.

These two meters were like a moat to him at this time, and he couldn't go beyond them.

"Forget it, I'll just talk about it later, I'd better run out of here and talk about it."

Kaitou Kidd thought, took out a smoke bomb again and threw it out.

In view of the situation that he hit someone just now, he chose to roll from the ground this time and was still on his way to move forward.

"Bang! 35

Another explosion sounded, and the corridor was filled with smoke again.

"Don't mess up everyone!

The same person from before shouted loudly again.

And Kuroba Kuito also took advantage of this time to quickly run towards the location of the corridor.




"Who hit me!

"I got bumped too"! 35

In the corridor, the sound of being hit and the sound of being hit were heard one after another.

"Not good! Kaitou Kid wants to run to the stairs!

At this time, Conan suddenly shouted loudly.

From the moment the first smoke bomb exploded, he was thinking, where is Kaito Kidd and what he wants to do.

When the second smoke bomb exploded, he found that the smoke bomb was closer to the stairs than the previous one.

And those policemen who were hit by unknown objects were gradually approaching the stairs.

Although he couldn't see Kaitou Kid at this time, he had already thought of the other party's thoughts now.

"People at the stairs, guard the stairs!

Someone shouted loudly.

"Let those people stand in a row! Back at the stairway!"5

Hattori Heiji also reacted at this time.

Now the enemy is dark and we are clear, this method is the most effective.

The three people guarding the stairway, as well as several nearby policemen, also quickly lined up in a row, blocking the stairway.

At this time, Kuroba Kaito also ran to this position.

Although he couldn't see anyone, but listening to the sound, he also knew that the entrance to the stairs was blocked by someone.

So he quickly changed direction and ran towards the window on the other side of the corridor.

Can't get through inside, can't get through outside?

There is no road in time, and when more people walk, it becomes a road.

In the air, he is also a way.

"Clap clap clap!"

Another three shots in a row cracked the glass, then punched the window, shattering the glass, and then jumped out.

Of course, at the time leading to the window, he also encountered an unknown number of people.

When he jumped out, the police on the third floor also knew that the thief Kidd had already run out from the position on the third floor.

"Reporting to Officer Nakamori, the phantom thief Kidd jumped out of the window from the third floor again, but we only heard the sound and did not see him!

The person in charge of the third floor quickly reported the situation on his side.

"I see! You divide some of your people and gather on the second and first floors. The phantom thief Kid will not give up the gems! 35

After Officer Nakamori heard it, he quickly made arrangements.

No matter how Kaitou Kid runs. His final purpose must be the gem in his hand.

"What do you think?"

Hattori Heiji stood at the window and asked Conan.

"You say, given what the other party has shown before, why did he bump into so many people? 35

Conan is thinking about a problem.

"What do you want to say?"

Hattori Heiji also recalled the situation just now.

"We can't see Kaitou Kidd now, and we don't even know if that person is Kaitou Kidd, but why did he bump into the police?

You can also see that, from the position of the stairs to the position of the window, although there are many police officers, the reserved space is still large enough for one person to pass.

However, even in such a situation, he did not dodge any, but directly bumped into it.

Don't you find it strange?"

Conan touched his chin, thinking.

""You said, is there any drawback to his 'invisibility'?"

Hattori Heiji thought for a while and said.

"You mean we can't see him, but he can't see us either?

That's what Conan thought about it, but he wasn't sure.

The two of them are just detectives. For ordinary people to commit crimes and commit crimes, they can deduce each other's methods.

However, if people with extraordinary powers sin, they simply cannot reason.

All their current conjectures are based on the situation just now, and neither of them know whether their reasoning is accurate.

If Gito was here, he would be amazed at the reasoning ability of the two of them. They only rely on this thing, and (Zhao's) reasoned out this.

Needless to say, the two of them deserve to be the most famous high school detectives.

"Whether this is the case, can't we find out by experimenting?"'"

Hattori Heiji said to Conan.

"I think so too."

Conan's glasses flashed a gleam, and he looked up at Hattori and said.

At this time, the strange thief Kidd came to the door of the first floor.

He was going to change his mind, why did he pass through the second floor, bypass the second floor directly, and enter the lobby from the door on the first floor.


"Oops! 35

'No, I bumped into someone again. ’

Kuroba Kaito hurriedly changed positions.

He couldn't even remember how many people he had bumped into tonight, and his head was about to break.


Hit another one.


At this time, a man shouted fork loudly.

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