The indigo light only appeared on the magic mirror at first, but soon, the light began to spread, and slowly, the entire hall was shrouded in period.

"He really has extraordinary abilities."

Conan not only said such a sentence when the light enveloped him.

Can't tell if it's envy, or something else.


Hattori Heiji nodded.

Afterwards, the two lost their memories.

"Kid! What the hell are you doing?

Officer Nakamori looked at the indigo light, and his heart was full of unease.

Because he saw that all the people who came into contact with the light stood there dumbfounded, without any action, as if they had become puppets.

"What trick can I do? I just want to invite everyone who is tired to sleep.

In addition to the sound of Kuroba Kaito, everyone who heard his voice felt that the voice was so beautiful that people couldn't help but indulge in it.

The same is true for the "Zero Seven-Three" officer of Zhongsen Police, but he also knows that he can't do this. If he indulges in it, tonight's action will fail.

Thinking like this, Officer Nakamori pinched the base of his thigh fiercely.


The pain came from his body, which made him take a deep breath of cold air, it was too painful.

However, this pain was also timely to wake him up.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Officer Nakamori is really amazing, he is indeed a model officer among the police. 35

When Kuroba Kuito saw Officer Nakamori's actions, he couldn't help but praise him.

As he spoke, he walked towards the position of Officer Nakamori.

"I...will not...let you succeed.

Officer Nakamori looked at the strange light in the right eye of Kaito Kidd, only to feel that his body was very tired.

The pain can only be relieved temporarily, but it can't completely eliminate the influence of the phantom thief Kidd.

"It's just that I have succeeded. 35

Kuroba Kaito stretched out his hand and took out the gem from the opponent's arms.

"give me back!"

Officer Nakamori looked at the gem and stretched out his hand to snatch it back, but just as his hand was raised, he lost consciousness.

"Looks like you've succeeded."

Just when Kuroba Kuito got the gem, a voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Kuroba Kuito quickly looked at the position where the sound was occurring, and at the same time prepared for battle.

It stands to reason that everyone in the hall should have already fallen into the illusion, and it is impossible for anyone to speak.

However, after he turned around, he let go of his guard.

"Riboen, it's you, why did you come here?"

Kuroba Kaito looked at Ribone who was standing on the handrail of the stairs and asked.

That's right, the one who made the sound just now was Ribone.

In fact, he had already appeared here when Kuroba Kaito had just radiated light.

It's just that he didn't speak, and only after knowing the other party's success, did he show his body.

"Gito let me in to see how you're doing."

Saying that, Li Baoen looked around the entire hall. In the huge hall, there were many people, but at this time, it was only the two of them who could speak normally.

"It now seems that you have done well, not only did you get the 'magic mirror of D. Spade, who is praised as a phantom that cannot capture reality'

It also unleashed his power.

Ribone praised.

Kuroba Kuito did a really good job tonight. To be able to do this is not only possible by relying on a magic mirror, but also requires him to have a certain understanding of illusion.

"Of course, I am going to become the greatest magician of this century, how could this situation stumped me.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved at this time, Kuroba Kuito was also relieved.

"I advise you not to be so happy, Gito hasn't let you go."

Li Baoen looked at Kuroba Kuito's appearance, and was also shocked.

"Ah~~~~ Boss hasn't let me go yet? Don't you mean that if I successfully pass this test, I'll be fine?

When Kuroba Kaito heard Reborn's words, his mood immediately turned bad.

"This matter, let's talk about it later, for now, you should finish the matter here.

After Li Baoen finished speaking, he also walked outside.

"Yeah, this show has dragged on a little longer, and it really should be over.

Kuroba Kuito looked at the time, it was almost one hour.

Presumably, the people outside should have been impatient to wait now.

Outside at the moment, just as Kuroba Kuito thought, many people were already impatiently waiting.

There are many people who are speculating whether the thief Kidd overturned the car, and faced with the strict defense of the police, he could not steal the gem.

To be more serious, isn't it, you've already been arrested?

Many people think so in their hearts, but they dare not say it.

As long as you dare to say it, those fans of Kaito Kidd will not forgive you lightly.

The fighting power of the fans in Xiao Sakura is very powerful.

"Audience friends, the time has come to 12:45 midnight, and it has been forty minutes since the phantom thief Kidd disappeared.

However, knowing that now, there is no news out there, we have no way of knowing whether Kaitou Kidd is successful or not...

It's just that the first four times, Kaitou Kid's actions didn't last more than 20 minutes, but this time, there was no movement for such a long time.

Can we think that the other party has failed? Or, what other situation?

We have not yet learned the real situation, but we will continue to follow the filming here and send back first-hand news to everyone.

I'm Reina Mizuna of Nippon TV, and I'll be reporting here on an ongoing basis. "

When Gito saw someone raise the camera just now, he glanced here and didn't pay attention.

However, after hearing the other party's words at this time, he couldn't help but look at the host again.

"Mizuna Rina, I didn't expect to see you here, it would be interesting if Miyano sisters or Gin were here.

Gito looked at each other and thought to himself.

Shui Wu Liannai, he can be regarded as one of the people he wants to earn into the family, mainly to find people for Lal's outside consultant organization.


At this moment, a pink smoke suddenly appeared in the air.

The smoke quickly dissipated under the drizzle.

The smoke dissipated, but a figure appeared in the sky.

"It's Kaito Kid!"

With good eyes, you can directly see who the figure above is.

Soon, others also saw the figure in the white suit.

"Ah! Lord Kidd!"

The fan group below suddenly cheered.

"Quick, turn on the camera!"

Mizuna Rina also said in a timely manner.

And the cameraman could only turn on the camera that had just been turned off.

"Has 3.5 been successful? Well done.

Gito looked at the figure in the air and said softly.

"It's really good, he not only got the magic mirror, but he can also activate its power. 99

Ribone also appeared on Gito's shoulders again at this time.

"Since it has appeared, it means that this scene should come to an end, and we should leave.

Gito turned to look at Yuni and the others around him.

"Yuni, Kona, the play is over, Tante is late, we should go back.


Yuni nodded.

"However, Lord Thor hasn't come back yet.

Kona held up her little pink umbrella and looked up at Gito and said.

"Thor will go straight home later, um, probably by the time we get home, she'll be there too."

Gito looked at Connor and said softly.


After Kona listened, she didn't say anything.

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