Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 23: The Shinigami Elementary School Students Still Appeared

Gito, who has gone home, doesn't know Kiritani's current state. He is already having dinner with Yuni and Saitama.

That's right, Saitama.

Since this guy joined the family, he has come to eat with him every night.

According to what this guy said, you are my leader and should take care of my meals.

Gito really didn't expect this guy to be so unscrupulous when he has hair.

Is morality and hair inversely proportional?

Gito can't figure it out.

When dinner was over and things were cleaned up, Yuni took Kuriyama Miku to the room to whisper.

Gito, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa with Ribone and Saitama, discussing the family's development plan.

"Li Baoen, you should have observed Tonggu well today, what do you think of him?"

Gito asked Reborn.

"I watched his performance in gym class today, and then tested it when he wasn't paying attention. It's really good reflexes and insight."

Ribone talked about what he saw today.

"Oh? Did you test him yet?"

Gito thought Reborn was just observing, but he didn't expect him to test it himself.

"Yes, just like when you came out of the school building today, the three of you were the only one who felt me."

"Oh, I said what was Tonggu looking at at that time."

Gito also remembered Kiritani's reaction at that time after Li Baoen's reminder.

He thought it was Tong Gu who had lost his mind.

"Since you think it's okay, that's good. The seeds have been planted for him today. As for when it will bloom and bear fruit, it depends on when he comes to me."

Gito felt that this time should not be long.

"Well, listen to what you mean, do you want someone to join us again?"

Saitama, who was sitting on the sidelines listening, understood at this moment.

"Yes, it shouldn't be long before someone joins us again."

Gito nodded.

"By the way, did you find other potential people in school today? We are in urgent need of manpower now."

Gito asked Reborn.

"I mainly paid attention to Tonggu today, but I didn't pay much attention to the others."

Li Baoen shook his head. Today, he mainly observes and tests Tonggu, and has no energy to do other things.

After all, it is a matter of great importance to the guardian of the family.

"Is that so, it seems that I can only see it myself."

Gito is just a random question, and he didn't have much hope.

"Oh, by the way, have you heard about it? A famous detective has appeared in Mika-cho."

Saitama said to Gito and Reborn.

"Famous detective?"

"That's right, he was called 'Sleeping Little Goro' by the media, do you think he can be included in the family?"

Saitama took out a newspaper and handed it to Gito.

Because of the monsters in this world, many people are under too much pressure. When there is nowhere to release the pressure, they will do some extreme things, including crime.

It also makes the police and detectives of this world a big name.

However, it may be because the police in J City are too rubbish, which leads to the fact that in J City, the name of the detective is much higher than that of the police.

When there is some crime, people go back to find detectives for the first time, and then think of the police.

Needless to say, this is a sad state of affairs.

Like a front-loading washing machine, he is a very famous detective, and he and Gito are in the same school and grade.

But not in one shift, but in the next shift, Gito is in the third shift, and the front-load washing machine is in the second shift.

However, Gito investigated and the front-loading washing machine disappeared three months ago.

As for whether there is a Reaper schoolboy, Gito has not investigated.

But when Gito saw the newspaper, he knew that there was no need to investigate, that death had already appeared.

"He is not suitable, not only him, but the people around him are not suitable."

Gito looked at Saitama and said respectfully.

He didn't want to be in contact with the death pupil.

"Okay, I get it now."

Although Saitama didn't know the reason, but seeing Gito's solemn expression, he felt that there might be something he didn't know.

"After Kudo Shinichi, another savior of J City, a famous detective, 'Sleeping Kogoro'."

Ribone looked at the newspaper and read the headline.

"It's really useless if it's just a detective. If it's a top killer, it's still very useful."

This is what Ribone felt after reading the newspaper.

"Killer, eh, if you say that, it seems really suitable."

When Gito heard Reborn's words, he thought of a few people.

"By the way, there seems to be a suitable one for the front-loading washing machine, but the guardian should not be able to be."

Having said this, Gito glanced at Saitama.

"Who are you talking about?"

Ribon asked.

"There is a person who is in the third grade of our school. His name is Jing Jizhen. He is a national karate champion."

The suitable person Gito thought of was Makoto Jing, the bug in the world of Conan, who can punch out special effects in a "normal" detective drama.

"National karate champion? Sounds good."

Ribone took out a cell phone and began to inquire.

As for where the phone came from, Ribone said the password for the Gito bank card is too good to guess.

"Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Saitama, I would probably choose him to be the guardian of the family's Qing Dynasty."

Jing Jizhen, known as Xiao Saitama, but with Big Saitama here, there is no need to choose a small one.

"Yes, it can be left to be seen."

Li Baoen looked at Jingjizhen's profile on the Internet, and he was indeed a very good person.

"I also think so. Although there is no guardian's position, can it still be something else? After all, there are still many vacant positions in the family."

Gito touched his neck, where there was a necklace with two rings hanging from it.

They are Mare's Big Empty Ring Box and Simon's Earth Ring.



"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Just when the three of them wanted to continue talking, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

It was accompanied by other sounds.

"It's gunshots!"

Reborn was hardly too familiar with another voice.

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