Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

The three hundred and fortieth chapters of the tough battle of gin

At this time, just as Gito and the others rushed over, the gin and vodka were gradually losing their confidence to resist.

There is no way, but anyone who looks at the dozens of monsters in front of them will lose their resistance.

"Brother, we...

Vodka looked at the monsters in front of him, swallowed, and slowly shifted his gaze to his eldest brother.

Although I knew before that it wasn't just people who were chasing them, I didn't expect that there would be so many monsters.

His vodka, He De He Neng, would one day be chased by so many monsters.

As for Gin, he looked at the monsters in all directions with a solemn expression.

As someone who had personally experienced the battle that night, there were not many monsters in front of him, but when he was the only one who needed to protect the vodka, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to break through.

Moreover, looking at the hidden gates on both sides, he was not sure whether there were more monsters in the mountain.

"Vodka, you'll follow me later, be careful."

Gin said to the vodka behind him.

He can fight monsters, but it doesn't mean that vodka can also.

As far as vodka is concerned, the wolf-level ones may be able to use 107's own skills to resist, while the tiger-level ones can only wait to die.

Unfortunately, although two-thirds of the wolf-level miscellaneous soldiers here, there are still one-third of the tiger-level soldiers, and the leaders are two ghost-level monsters.

"Ginjiu, I advise you to just grab it."

At this time, a man in a white coat appeared on the top of the hill to the left of Yijinjiu. Since the two were far away, the other party could only shout at the top of his voice.

As for Qin Jiu, he didn't pay any attention to the other party, and just grabbed his hands? He, Qin Jiu, was not such a person.


The gin stimulated the flames of death in himself.

"Follow me!"

He shouted to Vodka behind him, and then rushed towards the side with fewer monsters.


The monster looked at the "food" rushing over, and after shouting loudly, it also hit the gin.


Jin Jiu kicked up and kicked the wolf-level miscellaneous soldiers who had come over.

After landing, he raised his fist and hit the monster on the other side.

Due to Gin's own strength, it is impossible for these tiger-level and wolf-level monsters to block his path.

Even though, he still protected the vodka behind him.


At this moment, the two ghost-level monsters also rushed over, raising their fists and hitting the gin.

Jin Jiu has also been paying attention to these two monsters. After all, these two are the only ones who can truly threaten him.

Therefore, seeing the attack of the two monsters, he also quickly turned around to dodge.

One foot stepped on the top of the monster's head, and he jumped to the other side, dodging the fists of the two monsters at the same time.


Then, dodged the group head, but did not dodge the tail drawn by a monster.

The gin, who didn't react, was also swept away directly, and only stopped after hitting two wolf-level monsters.


The gin, which stood up from the ground, also poured out a mouthful of blood against his mouth, and spit it out directly.

These two ghost-level monsters are only inferior in strength.

For monsters of this strength, change the time, change the location, relying on Xiaojuan, Jinjiu can easily defeat them.

However, now, Jin Jiu not only has the fatigue of running for more than 20 days, but also has the hunger of not having enough to eat, and at the same time adding the previous injuries.

With all the reasons added together, at this time, facing these two monsters, he could only resist a little.

However, a little longer, he will lose, or die.

"Brother, are you alright?

Vodka also hurried to Gin's side and asked about his injury.


Gin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked up at the two ghost-level monsters.

He felt that he really had to explain it here today, although he had this feeling before.


Those monsters don't care whether Gin will explain it here, they just want to eat the two in front of them, although there is very little meat, but at least they can stuff it between their teeth.

They have been hungry for four or five days, and now as long as they can eat, they don't care, let alone two mouthfuls of meat.


The monsters surrounding Gin roared, and then attacked Gin.

"Little roll! Come out."

Looking at the movements of the monsters, the gin directly opened the box and summoned the small scroll.

"Small roll!

Jin Jiu looked at Xiaojuan beside him and sent a flame of death to him.

At this time, Komaki, who cooperated with gin so much, also understood the meaning of gin.

The small body began to grow rapidly.

The speed of Xiaojuan's growth is very fast, just in the blink of an eye, it has surpassed some small monsters, and it has not stopped.

"Roar! 35

The small volume that has grown in size and the spikes on the back also directly stabbed the approaching monsters.

There were even some wolf-level miscellaneous soldiers who were directly pierced by Xiaojuan's thorns and died.

"Is this the kind of box and animal that has a special purpose? It can get bigger? Make a note of it."

At this time, the white coat who shouted before also said to the person behind him.

By his side, there are seven or eight people just like him.

They were originally researchers at the Neodymium Mountain and Nantaishan Research Institutes, and they were tasked with arresting a man named Jinjiu.

At the same time, he also told him that if that person has any actions and changes, he must record them in time.


The two ghost-level monsters below also encountered thorns at this time. Compared with the dead wolf-level miscellaneous soldiers and the injured tiger-level monsters, these two monsters only felt a little pain in their bodies.

If the small volume stimulated by Jinjiu's full strength, it would be able to pierce even ghost-level monsters, but helpless, the current state is not good, and that effect cannot be achieved.


The two ghost-level monsters shouted at the same time again, and then turned towards the monster covered with thorns in front of them.

Everyone is a monster, why can you stab me?

"Haw! 35

Xiaojuan, who was attacked by the monster, also cried out. There was no other way. Without the support of the gin, the strength of Xiaojuan itself was also greatly reduced.

"Roar!" X2

"Bang!" x2

Seeing that the two monsters did not disappear after a punch, they threw a punch at the same time again.


Under these two punches, Xiaojuan was unable to support the huge body again, and the whole body was broken as if it had been blown up.

However, when it ruptured, the thorns on the body flew out in all directions.

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