Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 255 Do not be bound by things, implement the clouds of your own way - Arnold's handcuff

"Brother, be careful!"

Just as Jin Jiu concentrated on holding a baseball bat and smashed the monster to vent his anger, the vodka who was not far behind him suddenly shouted.

Jin Jiu looked up in the air with a sense of feeling, and saw a group of black figures smashed down, and at the same time, countless thorns fell.

"Open the box!"

Seeing this, Jin Jiu also directly opened his animal box and summoned Xiaojuan.


After Xiaojuan came out, dozens of clones were split directly, and then they blocked the gin.

"Puff puff puff!

Every thorn fell, and a small volume died.

But, fortunately, these small scrolls are formed by the flames of death qi, and every time they disappear, they will become flames of death qi again, and then dissipate in the air.


The shadow fell, and at the same time as it made a loud noise, it also stirred up a cloud of dust.

"Do you like hedgehogs too?"

Gin, whose vision was blocked by dust, suddenly heard a sound.

"Hedgehog? I like it."

In the previous gin, there was nothing moving that he liked.

However, after coming into contact with the animal box, he changed his views a little, especially Xiaoju, which gave him a lot of help.

During the more than 20 days of escaping, he relied on Xiaojuan several times to escape.

It can be said that without the small roll, he and vodka simply could not last to this day.

"Then, do you like me too? Can we hug?"

The voice asked again.


Gin is a little unclear.


At this time, a gust of wind came out, blowing away the smoke that was blocking Gin Jiu's eyes.

And Jin Jiu was also the one who clearly saw what he had just asked, so he shouldn't be called a weirdo.

And, I also understood why the other party asked him this question.

Because the monster in front of him was a huge hedgehog monster.

This is, the appearance of this person, some words are hard to describe.

Even if Jin Jiu is not a person who judges people by appearance, he still can't bear to look directly at each other.


Jin Jiu only found out today that his own Xiaojuan, among the hedgehogs, is also considered a handsome guy.

Thinking of this, Jin Jiu touched the small scroll floating beside him.

"Don't you like hedgehogs? I'm a hedgehog too, just right, I like you and you like me too, let's hug."

FreeHuger, the hedgehog monster, looked at Gin and said.

After speaking, he took his own steps, opened his hands, and ran towards the gin.

Looking at his appearance, he really wants to give Gin a "love hug"


However, Gin didn't want to hug him.

Looking at the spikes on his body, if you hug him, you will be directly stabbed to death.

"I have no idea of ​​hugging!"

Gin said something softly, then jumped up with the baseball bat in his hand and hit him in the head.

"Bang! 99

A baseball bat hits the opponent's arm.

Gin's attack speed is not very fast, and the opponent is a ghost-level monster, how could he be beaten so easily.

"Aren't you shy? Let's hug!"

FreeHuger flicked the gin hard, then ran towards the gin again with open arms.

"Small rolls!"

Jin Jiu looked at the weirdo who ran over, and directly called out to his little scroll.


Komaki flew to Gin's side and looked at him.

Gin flew his right hand, which was burning with the flame of death, over Komaki's head, and then sent the flame of death to him.


Xiaojuan's body began to glow with purple light, and then, it turned into a purple light and appeared on Jinjiu's hand.

For Komaki to show its other form, Gin has long been able to do just that.

However, there has been no chance to show it.

Today, Gin also makes this weapon appear again - not bound by anything, and it is praised as a cloud that implements one's own way - Arnold's handcuffs.

Gin held the handcuffs in his hands, and then swiped hard in the direction of FreeHuger, countless spikes emerged from the handcuffs, and then shot at the opponent.

"Do you like to play with needles too? We really like the same thing!"

After FreeHuger saw Gin's movement, he put his hands together in front of his chest, then opened it again, and then saw that the previous spikes reappeared and flew towards Gin.

"Clap clap clap clap!

Countless spikes collided between Gin and FreeHuger, emitting little sparks.

"I really don't want to have the same hobby as you!

Seeing that the spikes were blocked, Jin Jiu kicked his feet on the ground, and then quickly rushed towards the opponent.

"You're really duplicitous!

Seeing that Gin wanted to rush towards him, FreeHuger also opened his arms and ran towards Gin again.


The two sides approached, and Gin again picked up the baseball bat in his right hand and smashed it at each other.

However, he was blocked again by the opponent reaching out his hand.

"Oh, don't be shy, let's have a hug! 35

FreeHuger said looking at the gin in front of him.

"Hugging? You'd better hug it."

When the opponent bounced him, Gin took advantage of the situation and jumped into the air.

Then, after the handcuffs in his hand absorbed enough flames of death, he threw it towards the monster below.

The handcuffs that were thrown out quickly became larger and more numerous in the air.

"Clap clap clap!"

Before FreeHuger could react, dozens of handcuffs fell.

153 of his body, arms, legs, and even head and neck were all locked with handcuffs.


Free Hugert, whose legs were locked, could not stand on the ground and went straight down.

"You still go down and play hugs by yourself.

Gin fell to the ground and looked at the hedgehog.

"woo woo woo woo!"

FreeHuger wanted to say something to Gin, while struggling violently, trying to break free from the handcuffs.

However, no one can break free unless Gin is willing to let go of Arnold's handcuffs.

Qin Jiu didn't care about the opponent's struggle, but stretched out his palm, spread his five fingers to aim at the opponent, and then squeezed hard.

The countless handcuffs on FreeHuger began to tighten in an instant.

"Crack cack clap!

FreeHuger, who was restrained, began to crack.

What shattered at first were those spikes on his exterior, and then what shattered were his inner bones.

After dozens of seconds, FreeHuger completely lost movement, no longer struggling, and no longer making noise.

On the other hand, Jin Jiu retracted the handcuffs and walked towards the next monster without looking back.

If someone opened FreeHuger's body to look at it, they would find that at this time, all the bones in his body were broken.

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