Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 258 The fool on the battlefield


At this moment, the monster who had caught Violet's arrow just now suddenly screamed, and at the same time, it kept scanning the battlefield below with its six big eyes.

It wanted to know who had attacked it just now.


With the monster's walnut-sized brain, I watched it for a long time, but I didn't see anything. There were all over the place, except for monsters, monsters~.

As for Tonggu and Jinjiu, they were so weak under the shield of the monster's huge body.

Couldn't find anyone to attack it, the monster - became furious.


The monster shouted again, and then its four hands became claws, and then slammed into the hillside under its feet.


The body of Neodymium Peak was easily inserted into the ground like waste paper in front of the monster.

Then, he ripped off a huge rock layer.

"Roar! 99

Since no one could be found, he could only vent his anger at will.

The monster threw the stone in its hand to the bottom.

The people of the Vongola Family are scattered in various places at this time, and everyone has their own enemies.

And the place where this stone fell, by coincidence, was where the hungry wolf was fighting.

At this time, he was competing with a big tortoise.

Because the opponent's tortoise shell was too hard, he really couldn't win against the opponent for a while.

At this moment, Hungry Wolf felt that his head suddenly darkened.

When I looked up, I saw a falling stone.

It was too late to find who was littering and threw it on his side. Now, he can only defend against the falling huge stones.

The huge tortoise standing not far from the hungry wolf also noticed the change on the top of his head.

Compared to Hungry Wolf, who is not easy to defend, he directly retracted into his shell.

This is a good defense and a solid defense.

"Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist!

Hungry Wolf displayed the Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist, trying to resist the falling boulder.

However, looking at the size of the boulder, he felt a little unsure.

"Hungry wolf, protect yourself, don't get hit by rocks!

Just then, Gito's voice came from above.

Before Hungry Wolf could figure out what Gito's words meant, he saw a pillar of flame shoot obliquely at the boulder above his head from above.


The pillar of flame bombarded the boulder, directly shattering the boulder.

At this time, Hungry Wolf also understood what Gito meant just now.

"Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist!"

Hungry Wolf displayed the unique water shield of the Rock Crushing Fist, shrouding himself in it.

At the same time, there are also hands that keep pushing the falling stones away using the technique of four or two strokes.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!"

Countless rubble fell.

The hungry wolf has the flowing water rock crushing fist to resist.

However, those monsters in the vicinity do not have this kind of move.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Countless monsters let out a painful cry, and their heads were smashed by stones.

There were even a few unlucky ones. The stones that fell on their heads were large, and their strength was too weak.

Before even the last scream could be heard, he was directly killed.


And the monster that threw the boulder, also in the distance, saw a beam of flames that shattered his boulder.

It's just that the place is clearly empty, without anyone or anything else.

If it was a person, he might also think about whether the person who was there just now ran away.

However, monsters do not.

It lifted a huge boulder again, and then threw it towards the position where the flame pillar came from.


Gito saw the boulder thrown by the monster and had to raise his hand again.


The flame pillar that appeared in the air just now appeared again at this time, and directly bombarded the flying boulder.


The pillar of flame smashed the boulder again.

In the sky, it also rained stones again.

This time, the scope of the spread is a bit large, not only the location of the hungry wolf, except for Kuroba Kuito and Nishiyuan Temple Yujing on the other side of the woods, there are gravel falling from the top of everyone else's heads.

However, in terms of the strength of everyone, it is not too easy to escape these gravel.

And those monsters, compared to the flexible Vongola Family people, they are more difficult to avoid, and dozens of monsters have been smashed by gravel.

"Ribone, it seems, it's time for us to play.

...... ask for flowers ........

Gito saw that after he smashed the boulder to pieces again, the monster had given up on smashing him with a stone, and was ready to do it himself.

Not to mention the level of this monster, now there are several people who have their own opponents to deal with.

If this monster is involved in the battle below, Gito feels that, except for Hungry Wolf and Sonic, everyone else will receive some serious injuries.

Gito is trying to exercise them, but it can't put too much pressure on them.

Moreover, Gito felt that just as he was shooting, a feeling of being pointed at by a gun was conveyed from a little ear below the top of the male substitute mountain.

Although it is said that with his current strength, apart from some powerful guns, other pistols, sniper rifles, submachine guns, etc., will not cause much damage to him.

However, Gito, still wants to draw those people out, and by the way, see if there are any other hidden people besides that wave.

"Gito, do you need me to help?"

Thor asked Gito.

"Thor, you should continue to hide, now this little thing can't overwhelm the Vongola Family.

Gito declined Thor's help.

Although Thor's strength is very strong, it is strong enough to destroy all the monsters here, connecting the two mountains with one blow.

However, Gito rejected Thor's shot anyway.

Thor's action can easily solve this danger, but what about the future?

If the Vongola Family wants to grow and develop, there will be more and more serious dangers in the future. Thor cannot be let out every time.

She's just her own little maid, and Gito doesn't want to see Thor as a tool dragon who handles "tricky" affairs for the family everywhere.

"Riboen, Cola Nello, go over there and see what kind of fools would aim their guns at the enemy on a battlefield like this."

Gito said to Ribone on his shoulder.

"Understood, but, it's really a bit silly, how can you take an ordinary sniper rifle in this situation?

Not only did Gito think each other was stupid, but even Ribone, Cola Nello and Lal, who also played guns, thought each other was stupid.

In this case, unless it is a special firearm, it will not have any effect at all.

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