Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 263 Small cooperation between the two guardians of Lan

"You two guys!

At this time, Hungry Wolf, who was still competing with the giant tortoise, also heard Sonic's words.

He did not expect that he was the slowest of the three.

The characters of the three of them are all very arrogant, and it is precisely because of this that they will not obey anyone.

What they want to fight is not the position of Varian leader, but to prove that they are not defeated by them.

And now, although the three did not say it was a real competition, the three were secretly competing.

The other two have completed it, but he has not completed it yet, which makes Hungry Wolf, who has always been arrogant, acceptable.

"It seems that I can only use that trick.

After the hungry wolf punched, he did not continue to attack, but opened a little distance from the three-headed giant tortoise on the opposite side~.

Then, a style-weird pose was taken.

"What kind of boxing are you going to use? It's useless, in front of my carapace, no boxing will work.

Turtle Bellos looked at the hungry wolf and said.

Hungry Wolf did not care about the turtle, but used his own boxing technique with all his heart.

To be honest, this kind of boxing was the first time he used it.

Back then, when he was looking through his teacher, Bang Gu's box, he discovered this boxing technique, or a skill.

As mentioned above, it takes two people to cooperate.

And himself, he also asked his teacher Bang Gu in a side-by-side manner, this kind of boxing method, he needs to be able to perform together with his standard Bang Pu.

And once it is displayed, whether it is a solid defense or a huge body, under this move, the affinity advantage will no longer exist.

Now, there is no one around him to perform with him, so he can only try to come by himself.

Afterwards, a stream of water appeared on Hungry Wolf's left hand, while a whirlwind appeared on his right hand.

However, whether it is the current or the whirlwind, it is somewhat unstable, and it seems that it may disperse at any time.

On the two arms of the hungry wolf, there were wounds one after another at this time, and the blood kept dripping down.

"I'm a genius, how could I not show it! Ah!"

Hungry Wolf resisted the tearing of his muscles and constantly adjusted his boxing technique.

On the other side, the tortoise Bellos just quietly watched the other side and kept "dancing" there.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Suddenly, the water flow and the whirlwind took shape at the same time, and Hungry Wolf was overjoyed.

"Fighting...Dragon Killing...Fist!"

With the roar of the hungry wolf, a huge fist was sent from his fists and flew towards the turtle Bellos not far away.

Turtle Bellos didn't expect at this time that the opponent's attack was so terrifying. At this time, he blamed himself a little and shouldn't let the opponent do it at will.

However, the punch has been completed, the attack has arrived, and now he has no other way but to defend.


Turtle Bellows roared and then stretched out his three heads, while aiming to get the punch.


Three energies emanated from his three heads, then merged into one, turning into a huge energy column to meet the hungry wolf's attack.

And after the attack, he hurriedly retracted his body into the huge turtle shell, and there were more.


The attack of the hungry wolf collided with the energy column of the tortoise Bellos, and a huge explosion sounded.


The aftermath of the explosion spread around, and some weak monsters were directly blown up.

Even Si needs to do his best to stabilize his body, otherwise, he will probably fly the same way.


At this time, there was a sound of something being broken through from the center of the explosion.

Then, seeing the punch of the hungry wolf, it flew straight to the shell of the turtle Bellos.

"Bang! 39

Another bang.

"Oppression face killing fist! 35

In the sound of the explosion, the voice of the hungry wolf suddenly came from inside.


Subsequently, the screams of the turtle Bellos also sounded.


At this time, a gust of wind with red flames hit from the side, blowing away the smoke, and it is also a proud sight to see the scene inside:

In a huge pit, there are countless fragments of turtle shells scattered, and inside, there is a bloody, indiscernible thing lying at the bottom of the pit.

However, looking at the familiar three heads, everyone knew who this corpse belonged to.

The hungry wolf, covered in blood, stood on the edge of the pothole with his hands on his shoulders.

At the same time, there was a yellow flame covering his entire body.

If you look closely, you can find that the injury on the hungry wolf is gradually recovering at this time.

"I'm done too. 35

Hungry Wolf looked at Si and Sonic and said.

...... ask for flowers ·

And in his heart, he was thinking: The sunny attribute of death energy is really easy to use, and the recovery is fast.

At this time, he also felt that if he joined the Vongola Family, it might really be a good choice.

"Hell, Hell, Arashi!"

At this time, a loud shout came out.

The direction from which the sound came was exactly the direction from which the red hurricane just flew.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

A huge tornado formed out of thin air in the valley.

In fact, this tornado is not scary, the scary thing is that the inside and outside of this tornado are wrapped in red flames.

This tornado was still expanding, sucking in many monsters in the valley.

Even the people of the Vongola Family have been affected.

"Hey! Look at this guy! Is there anyone here if you haven't!"


Hungry Wolf, who was originally standing on the edge of the big pit to play cool, also quickly fled from his standing position when he saw the flame tornado that was gradually involving him.

Not only Hungry Wolf, Si, Sonic, but even Kiritani and the undocumented knight, who are farther away, will also be involved as the tornado continues to grow.

In desperation, he was forced to flee.

And Gito in the air had to fly away from his position.

No way, this tornado made by Fubuki is too huge, even if you stand far away, you can see this huge tornado.

"Violet, come with an arrow!"

At this moment, Fubuki, who held both hands high, shouted loudly to Violet in the distance.

Gito also let them all get acquainted with each other when they came here.

Therefore, Fubuki also knew Violet's name, and also knew that she, like herself, was the flame of death of the Arashi attribute.

Violet didn't speak, but drew the bow directly, and after charging the arrow for a short time, it shot directly into the huge tornado.


With the blessing of Violet's Death Qi, the flames on the tornado became more vigorous.

At this time, two-thirds of the remaining monsters in the valley were involved in the tornado.

However, Fubuki is not her sister after all, and she doesn't have such powerful superpowers.

At this time, she was already bleeding from the seven orifices, and her face was covered in blood.

"Hell! Hell! Lan!"

Fuxue roared loudly, and then, directly burst the huge fire tornado that he had condensed.

"Bang! 35 and .

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