Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 274 Yuni who came to the battlefield

"Misaka 10025 said, I'm out of power.

At this moment, a Misaka sister suddenly spoke up.

"Misaka 10085 said, I have no electricity. 99

Another Misaka sister also spoke up.

This move "real thunderbolt" will consume all the electricity in their bodies after it is released.

They can also experience periods of no power as a result.

"Misaka 10125 asks, what are we going to do next?"

A Misaka sister stared blankly ahead and asked the others.

"do not know."

The remaining Misaka sisters went to answer.

"Misaka 10188 asks, did no one give us instructions? Does that mean we have nothing to do?

Originally, when they came out, someone brought them instant messaging headsets. "One Six Seven"

However, when they broke out just now, the earphones were destroyed by the surging current.

Now, they have no instructions, and they don't know what to do.


At this moment, Violet suddenly fell in front of the two hundred Misaka sisters.

"You, are you Misaka?"

Looking at the Misaka sisters in front of her, Violet asked.

However, none of the Misaka sisters answered Violet's words, and they were still thinking about what they were going to do next.

"I have seen Misaka No. 9999-10030. I know that you can share memories. You should know me, right?"

Seeing that no one answered her question, Violet asked again.


When the two hundred Misaka sisters heard these words, they turned their mindless eyes to Violet.

At the same time, they were also looking at the memories shared by other Misaka.

Soon, they saw the memory of the person in front of them in the memories of Misaka No. 9999-10030 and Misaka No. 9982.

According to the memories they uploaded, they knew not only the person in front of them, but also a person named Yuni, and they also learned that they had saved the lives of other Misaka.

Of course, in the eyes of Miss Misaka, there is no life-saving grace, they just know that the person in front of them is someone they know.

"Question No. 10101 Misaka, Violet, why are you here?"

At this time, a Misaka sister asked.

"I should have asked you this question, why are you here? Did Accelerator not rescue you?

Or, what order did you accept to come here?

Violet knew something about them because she had been in contact with them.


At this moment, a gust of wind hit the sky, and Violet and the Misaka sisters looked up at the same time.

The Misaka sisters didn't see anything, but Violet saw Thor in the sky and a white dragon beside Thor.

At this moment, the two dragons are descending.


Another gust of wind blew past, and there were a few more people beside Violet.

"Brother? Brother! 9

As soon as the Lion King Miku landed, he immediately rushed to the position of his brother who was lying on the side.

She also saw her brother's appearance through the video when he was fighting, and also saw his brother's appearance when he was electrocuted.

Although she had already made preparations in her heart, when she saw this black man with her own eyes, she still couldn't believe it for the first time, how did her brother change his race?

However, her concern for her brother made her run over directly.

"Future... How come you're here? It's dangerous here, so get out of here.

Si, who was originally lying on the ground, heard his sister's voice for the first time, and then saw his sister appearing in front of him.

"Brother, are you alright?"

The Lion King was crying while touching the wound on his brother's body.

"Future, I'm fine, leave here quickly."9

Si is not in the mood to care about his injury now, he just wants his sister to leave here quickly.

"Brother, it's okay, I came here with Kang Na and Sister Yuni, they will protect me."

The Lion King Mirai cried and replied.

"Misaka, do you remember me? 55'

Yuni also walked in front of the Misaka sisters at this time.


The Misaka sisters, who had just flipped through their memories, also recognized the person in front of them at once.

"It's me, have you accepted the mission of the research laboratory?"

Although Yuni used a questioning tone, his words were very affirmative.

"Yuni, why are you here?"

At this time, Ribone and Lal came running.

As for Cola Nilo, he was watching Vodka, Nishizonoji Yujing, and Kuroba Kaito who was fighting Yomeng.

Speaking of which, Kuroba should be in the best condition right now. Although he was also injured, he was barely able to continue fighting.

However, it was also thanks to him that he stopped those demon dreams, otherwise, the frontal battlefield on Gito's side would have been even more difficult.

Although, it is difficult now.

"It suddenly occurred to me that we can see your side through mobile phone video, and later, let Thor broadcast it in the sky.

Later, after seeing that some of you were at a disadvantage, Yuni thought about coming over to persuade Gito, let him stop persisting, and let Thor end it with a breath of the dragon.

So, we came to the rescue.

Verdi asked Reborn to explain.

"Then what's the matter?"

Riborn looked at Yuni and Violet who were talking to the two hundred people who looked the same at this time and asked.

"I don't know about that, but Yuni and Violet seem to know them.

For this matter, Verdi actually didn't know what was going on.

"The universe exploded!"

Just when a few 3.5 people were still thinking about what happened to Yuni and the others, Gito's voice suddenly came over.

Everyone heard the sound and looked around and found that the cloak behind Gito had disappeared at some point.

And his gloves have also changed a bit, and at the same time, the flames in his hands have become very strong.


The monsters also roared, and then the right hands of the ten monsters turned red, and at the same time, there was a smell of sulfur emanating from them.


Gito's fist burned violently, and then slammed down hard.


The monsters also raised their fists that had turned into magma and hit Gito in the air.


"Bang! 55

The deafening explosion sounded constantly echoing in the valley.

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