Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 28 Zero Breakthrough Of Death Qi

"call out!"

A flame was drawn from the bottom of the monster's feet and stayed in the air in front of the monster.

"The first time I entered the zero-degree state, I was a little uncomfortable."

Gito looked at the flame in his hand and said.

He thought that as long as he thought about it, he could suddenly enter the zero-degree state of the flame of death.

This is also the reason why he dared to disperse his own flames in the air. He wanted to use the feeling that the flames of death qi just aroused to bring himself to a state of zero degrees.

But because it was the first time to use it, he couldn't grasp the feeling a little. The flame of death gas kept hovering above and below zero, which was why he kept falling.

But the result was good. Before he finally landed, he successfully entered the zero-degree state of the flame of death qi, and he also initially mastered this move - the zero-point breakthrough of death qi.


Just as Gito was feeling his own state, the monster roared at him.

The monster was very dissatisfied, why didn't this little bug die.

"Stop calling, I've wasted enough time here, and I should send you to death."

Gito looked at the monster and said softly.


The monster couldn't understand what Gito was saying, he just waved his claws, made a fist, and hit Gito's position.

"call out!"

The flame of death erupted, and Gito's body quickly flew towards the monster's position.

Just when Gito was about to collide with the monster's fist, Gito's figure turned instantly and flew downward. And this also made the monster's fist empty.

Gito didn't care if the monster's fist was empty.

He came to the monster's knee, and then touched his hands, which were stained with the flame of death, to the monster's knee.

Then, the flame of death erupted.

I saw that the hands that were burning with flames exuded frost, and then turned into ice.

The frozen coverage also gradually expanded. In the blink of an eye, the monster's left knee and knee were already covered by a thick layer of ice.

With the eruption of Gito's deadly flames, the frozen area is gradually expanding.


The monster didn't know what Gito was doing, and was able to make his legs feel cold.

Although he didn't know Gito's plan, his hazelnut-sized brain also understood that Gito couldn't continue.

He raised his left leg and was about to kick it forward.

Gito didn't stay there waiting to be kicked. He released his hands and flew up quickly, reaching the monster's injured chest.

"Isn't it okay for you to be bleeding all the time? Let me stop the bleeding for you."

Gito put his hands on it again.

The same freeze reappeared on the monster's chest.


When the freezing appeared on the legs, the monster did not feel too much cold, after all, the skin was thick and resistant to freezing.

But the chest is different, there is a wound there, and cold air can penetrate into the body.


The monster who sensed the cold roared again, the upper body began to shake violently, and the hands also slapped towards the chest.

"Tsk tsk, why can't you just stay honest for a while and let me take care of your wounds."

Gito sensed the attack from behind and was forced to leave again before moving to the next place.

In the next three minutes, the onlookers saw this scene:

The hero with flames on his body flew all over the monster's body, and every place he passed by would leave a large frozen area.

And the monster can only keep slapping the body with both hands, trying to organize the freezing of the hero.

"You shouldn't be able to move now."

Gito was flying in the air, looking at his art work - a monster whose body was mostly frozen.


The angry monster wanted to attack Gito, but his hands and feet were frozen by Gito's special flame.

The monsters that were raging before, at this moment, can't do anything other than stand on the spot and yell.

"Okay, it's getting late, it's time to end."

Gito's figure disappeared again, and the next second, it came to the monster's head.


Gito muttered softly.

Then his flaming fist slammed into the monster's eyes.



The eyes were hit hard, and the monster screamed in pain.

And Gito flew up again at this time and came directly above the monster.

"Your skin is thick, but your body can't be so hard."

Gito aimed at the monster's wide-open mouth and punched again.

Everyone saw that a beam of flame cut through the sky and fell into the monster's mouth.






The surrounding policemen listened to the monster's voice gradually decreasing, and then disappeared completely.

"Is this monster... dead?"

The question haunted the policemen, but no one answered them.



Gito fell to the ground, looking up at the half-finished ice sculpture.

"It's better to disperse. Staying here is asking for trouble."

Gito moved closer to the monster, his hands covering the ice sculpture.

With the eruption of Death Qi's flames, the ice on the monster's body was rapidly diminishing.

After a while, it disappeared completely.

Without the support of the ice, the monster's body also fell forward.

"Huh? Why is there still someone here?"

Gito looked at the fallen monster and wanted to leave, but when he was about to take off, he found that there was a person injured and unconscious right below the fallen monster.

"Forget it, let's take it away first, otherwise the police will come."

Gito had no choice but to fly to the person's side first and carry him away on his body.

"Black clothes, silver hair, um, and guns, this look looks familiar."

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