Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 3 You Have Hair, I Didn't Recognize It

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be eating." Saitama walked into the room and found two bowls of noodles on the dining table. In addition, there was a very cute girl, presumably Gito's girlfriend.

"It's alright, I wonder what Mr. Saitama has to do with me? Are you here to cancel the lease?"

Gito poured Saitama a glass of water and placed it in front of him.

"No, I'm here to pay the rent." Saitama took out an envelope from his pocket and put it in front of Gito.

"Huh? Will Mr. Saitama continue to rent here?" Gito didn't expect that this person would continue to rent here.

"Yeah, if the rent in other places is too expensive, or the location is not good, and the room is too small, Gito is better.

how? Does Gito not want to keep renting to me? "

Saitama thought it was Gito who didn't want to continue renting to him.

'It seems that I have to find a house. ’

"No, no, no, someone can rent it. Of course I want to. How can I drive people out?"

Gito waved his hand, of course making money is a good thing.

"That's good, I thought I was looking for a house."

Saitama breathed a sigh of relief, scratching his head unconsciously.

With Saitama's scratching, he saw that his hair, which was not much, fell a lot again.

"Uh..." Gito didn't expect this gentleman to lose his hair so badly, 'People with kidney deficiency seem to lose their hair, right? It seems that this man has practiced his own craftsmanship at home. ’

Saitama saw that Gito was looking at him, and followed his gaze, and found that there were many hairs falling on his shoulders.

A few more fell on the sofa.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Saitama quickly apologized, and then picked up the few strands of hair on the sofa.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on recently, my hair keeps falling out."

"Is Mr. Saitama's hair loss serious?" Gito himself also lost his hair, but not like this one.

"I didn't lose my hair before, but it just started to fall out recently, and I don't know why."

Saitama has a bitter face, and he is also very distressed about the hair loss.

"Uh, I heard that diligently practicing handicrafts will lead to kidney failure and hair loss. If possible, I think you should slow down the handicraft work."

Gito couldn't help but suggest.

One of the causes of death in his previous life was craftsmanship.

I saw one now, so I thought about persuading him not to die suddenly like myself.

"Huh? Craftwork? What craftwork? I didn't practice any craftwork.

I just exercise. "

Saitama didn't understand what Gito was talking about.

"Exercise? Oh, I see, it's exercise."

Gito had an expression of sudden realization, all of which meant the same thing.

"You can't exercise too much, it's not good for your body."

Gito counseled the latecomer as a passer-by.

"Can't you exercise too much? It seems that I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats every day, plus a 10-kilometer long-distance running is still a bit too much, do you want to reduce it?"

Saitama went back to himself, did he appropriately reduce his training volume, but he had been exercising like this for more than two years, and he had never experienced hair loss before.

"That's right, don't exercise too much, reduce it appropriately... Wait, Mr. Saitama, can you tell us more about your exercise method?"

Gito felt like he was missing something.

"It's just 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run every day. What's wrong?"


When Gito heard Saitama's training method again, he couldn't help but gasped.

Then he looked carefully at the Saitama in front of him again.

"Slightly dull-looking facial features, coupled with those intelligent eyes, is a bit like Saitama-sensei, if you're removing his hair... I'll go!"

When Gito ignored Mr. Saitama's hair, he couldn't help but gasped again.

"Good guy, teacher, I didn't recognize you with hair."

"Mr. Saitama, I was wrong just now, you don't need to reduce your exercise."

After Gito was sure that the Saitama in front of him was the Saitama, he didn't dare to talk nonsense. He was afraid that the teacher would really reduce his training when he went back. In the future, the Saitama teacher who punched one punch and one Poros would not appear.

"Don't you need to reduce it? It seems that my hair loss has nothing to do with exercise. Let me just say, I have been exercising like this for more than two years, and I haven't lost my hair before."

"No, Saitama-sensei, your hair is indeed related to your exercise, but this thing is unstoppable."

When Gito heard Saitama's words, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But he thought of one thing.

"Saiyu said that he has been exercising for more than two years, I remember that the teacher only opened the restriction lock after exercising for three years.

In other words, he is not the Saitama teacher who punched one Boros with one punch.

His current strength is not enough, so can I operate it? "

Gito looked at Saitama, silently thinking about his plan.

As for Saitama, seeing Gito, who suddenly fell silent on the opposite side, and who smiled weirdly at himself from time to time, felt a little scared.

'Isn't this person trying to cut my waist? ’

"Gito." Yuni shouted suddenly.

"Huh? Yuni, what's the matter with you?" Gito also came back to his senses when he heard Yuni calling him.

Yuni didn't speak, just gestured to Saitama with his eyes.

"Ah, oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Saitama, I just lost my mind."

Gito apologized.

"It's alright." Saitama shook his head, "I think Gito hasn't eaten yet, so you should eat first. I have other things to do, so I'll go first."

Saitama stood up and said.

"Oh, then I'll send it to you."

Gito was also hungry at this time, so he didn't keep Saitama anymore.

As for the matter of fooling Saitama into his own family, there is no need to worry, he is here anyway and can't run away.

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