Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 403 The location of Karasuma's laboratory

"... BOSS asked people to borrow a lot of instruments and researchers, and didn't tell us their origins, just let us protect them and spread them all over QY City."

Rum stared blankly ahead, answering Gito's question.

"Know where they put these instruments?"

Gito asked.

"I don't know, the bosses are arranged separately, and other than the people who place the instruments, no one else knows where they are.

Rum replied.

"Does Karasuma have any other arrangements?"

Gito asked again.

"BOSS also distributed a potion to each of us, saying that it can stimulate our potential."

"Where's your medicine?"

"I didn't, the boss said I didn't need it. 35

"Where is Karasuma now? Is he still in QY City?

"Three five zeros" "In.

"where is he?"

"In a laboratory under the city hall.""

"A laboratory under the city government?"

Gito didn't expect that this guy Karasuma actually hid in such a place.

"How did you build a laboratory in a place like this?

Gito couldn't help asking.

"According to BOSS, when he was building this laboratory, the place was not yet the city government.

Later, when it was decided to build a municipal government there, BOSS went to tender.

After paying some price, the project was won, and then under the cover of the builders, the laboratory was kept in this way.

Rum said what he knew.

"I think Karasuma didn't do much less when the above decision was made. 39

Gito doesn't think things are so coincidental.

"Did Karasuma say when he plans to attack us? By the way, he should already know that we are coming?

"The boss said that when everything is arranged, he will do it to you.

As for the news of your arrival, the BOSS received the news on the first day of your arrival. "

Rum replied.

"If we didn't show up here these days, wouldn't Karasuma's methods be a waste?

He was so sure, we came back to QY City?

Karasuma is so confident that he and others will definitely come over?

"The boss said that with your character, you will definitely eliminate him completely, and you will feel at ease.

He's been gone for so long, you're sure to be looking everywhere for news of him.

When the time comes, you only need to reveal a little bit of wind to you, and you will definitely bring people over. 35

Rum said Karasuma's original words.

Before, he also asked Karasuma, and Karasuma told him that.

"This guy Karasuma, although he said that he is not very good, but the plan is still good, and even my thoughts are taken into consideration.

Gito now feels that this guy Karasuma is not useless, he at least guessed Gito's thoughts.

Now that he came to QY City, didn't he just know that there was news about the winery here, and then came to verify it.

"Okay, quick fight, let's untie it for him, we all know what we should know.

Gito looked at Kuroba Kaito who was standing aside and said.

Kuroba Kaito came to QY City this morning, along with Kiritani and Asuna.

As for Saitama and the others, they can only arrive in the afternoon.

Apart from these people, Hungry Wolf and the others also arrived at QY City to join them at around twelve o'clock last night.


After hearing Gito's words, Kuroba Kuito snapped his fingers and unlocked Rum's illusion.

"I am..."

Rum looked at everyone in the room in confusion.

All he remembered was that he was brought into the room by the gin, and nothing else.

"Gin, he's useless now, so I'll leave it to you.

Gito looked at the gin on the other side and said.

"I know the boss.

Gin agreed and walked out with Rum.

"Hey! Gin, what are you doing? Don't you want to know about the boss?"

Rum, who was being pulled by the gin, also sensed danger and kept shouting.


The door of the room was closed, and Rum's voice was also isolated from the outside.

"Ribone, what do you think?"

Gito looked at Reborn and asked.

"I was thinking, what are the people and machines that Karasuma arranged for, and why did he arrange them in various places in QY City?

Also, what did he plan to do.

Reborn thought while rubbing his forehead and chin.

"I do have some ideas about those people and machines...""

Gito looked at everyone in the room and said.

"I don't know if you still remember, that time at the Twilight Annex, Karasuma created the alien plane space channel.

"You mean..."

Reborn also remembered that incident.

"Yes, come to think of it, those machines and people are just to open the space channel of the alien plane again.

It's just, I don't know how many space channels that Karasuma guy intends to create this time.

Also, he actually chose to open a space channel in the city this time, is he really not afraid of the Hero Association, and other organizations, to find him?

Or did he really just ignore it?"

You know, tomorrow is August 15th, the summer festival.

For the summer festival, there are many people in QY city at this time.

If this happened during this period, it would be big news, not to mention that Karasuma plans to open a space channel directly in the city.

Could it be that he wants another monster siege?

At this moment, Gin opened the door and walked in.

"BOSS, it has been dealt with.""


Gito nodded, and he understood exactly what Gin meant when it was dealt with.

"Now, it can be confirmed that Karasuma is in QY City, and he also intends to fight us here.

Gito looked at the people in the room, although there were a lot fewer people, but the family cadres with brains and thinking are basically here.

"Gin, let people watch the city government, 3.5 don't let everyone who comes in and out, I suspect that there are people from Karasuma.

Fubuki, let your people, those with gin, scattered all over QY City, if possible, it is best to find those machines that Karasuma placed. 99

Karasuma wants to destroy the city, but Gito doesn't think so.

"I see!"

Gin and Fubuki answered at the same time.

"Li Baoen, after the hungry wolf and the others come, let them also distribute to all parts of QY city.

Gito spoke to Reborn again.

"I feel that this battle is coming soon, and this time, it's time for us, the Vongola Family, to officially stand up.35

Gito walked to the window and looked at the people coming and going below.

"Li Baoen, let me know, let Verdi arrange for 5,000 Misaka sisters to come over."

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