"Vongola Family? Vongola · Gito? It seems that I have been affected."

In a building in QY City, a man stood in front of the window, looking at the space passage that was forming in the distance.

He did not expect that he would only encounter such a thing when he stayed in QY City for a few days.

"Master, what should we do? Do you want to call the family and ask them to arrange someone to pick you up and leave here?"

A girl wearing a black skirt, short curly hair, and a somewhat neutral face walked behind the man and asked.

"Don't call for now, just take a look.

It's amazing to see such an interesting scene just back.

The man saw that the space channel not far away had been formed, and a monster had come out from it.

"Moreover, I also want to see what kind of person this Vongola Family and this Vongola Gito is, so that people can spend so much energy against him.

Even, to lose a city. "

He was curious about that Vongola Gito now.

At this time, he saw that on the street below the high-rise building, someone was already starting to organize the masses to stay away from danger.

"Has someone started to evacuate the crowd? But 350 doesn't look like a police officer.

"Jingle! Jingle! Jingle!"

The phone on the desk suddenly rang.

"What's up?"

The girl answered the phone and asked.

"Miss Francois?"

The person on the other end of the phone also heard who was answering the phone.

"Miss Francois, several girls who claimed to be the Vongola Family found us and said they would arrange for us to evacuate here. Look, do you want to inform the Master Qihai Longshui?"

"Girls from the Vongola Family?"

Francois looked at the man by the window.

"Just when I was thinking of meeting the people of the Vongola Family, they came, let them come up."

The man did not expect that he could meet the people of the Vongola Family so soon.

"Master said, let them come up, as for you, pack up and prepare to evacuate. 99

Francois said into the phone.

"Yes, I see, Miss Francois, I'll tell them to go up.

Francois hung up the phone after hearing this.

"Oho? Is this also from the Vongola Family?"

The man suddenly exclaimed.

Francois approached the window and looked at where the man was looking.

It turned out to be a monster. As soon as it came out of the space passage, it was shot in the head with a bow and arrow by a girl standing on the roof.

"Bang! 99



At this time, QY City has lost the joyous atmosphere it had before.

Now here, there are explosions, crashes, cries, and roars.

The current QY city is hell for the people below. They want to escape, but they can't.

"Ah! Woohoo! Mom! Where are you? Woohoo! I'm so scared!

On the street, a little girl sat on the ground crying.

The originally clean and beautiful kimono was now covered with dust.

There were many people around, and no one cared about the little girl who was sitting on the ground crying.

Each of them is running, running with the strength of their own milk.



A monster that looks like a Triceratops from TV appeared on the street, but this Triceratops may have been mutated because it has six legs and some blue-shine stones on its body.


The monster roared at the distant crowd.

"Monster! 35


Those people, when they saw this monster, ran faster.

At this time, they only hated why they only had two legs. If they could have six legs like that monster, they would definitely be able to run faster (cfdf).

"Woooooooo! Ah! Mom! There are monsters!"

The little girl cried even louder, but there was still no one to lend a hand to help the little girl up from the ground, and then take her away from here.

They only care about themselves now.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!"

The monster ran, chasing the fleeing crowd.

As for the little girl sitting on the ground, the other party was so small that it didn't notice at all.

Seeing the monster getting closer and closer, the little girl wanted to get up and run away, but the injured knee couldn't support her to stand up.

"Woooooooooo! 35

Seeing that she was about to die at the feet of the monster, the little girl cried again loudly.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly rushed down from the upstairs next to it.

"Oppression... face-killing fist!

"Bang!" 9

The voice fell, and the huge body of the monster was seen flying upside down.

In front of the little girl, there was a man wearing a black tights, with silver hair and a hairstyle like horns.

The little girl looked at the person standing in front of her, and for a while, even forgot to cry.


Not far away, the monster that had just been kicked into the air had already climbed up from the ground.

"Hey, Misaka! Take her away quickly, don't let her get in the way here!"

The hungry wolf did not look at the monster, but shouted to the other side.

"Da da da da.

Following his cry, a Misaka sister ran forward and picked up the little girl from the ground.

"Misaka 15231 feels that you are not sincere when you say this."

After Sister Misaka finished speaking, she didn't give him a chance to speak, and left quickly with the little girl in her arms.


Hungry Wolf looked at Misaka sister who had run away. At this moment, he didn't want to fight monsters, he just wanted to fight that Misaka sister.

"Bang! Boom! Boom! 35

At this moment, the monster ran and charged towards the hungry wolf.

The hungry wolf looked at the rushing monster, stretched out his hand, stretched his legs, and assumed a strange posture.

"Empty Ghost...Non-Poison Fist!"


66' Boom! 35

One person and one monster collided and made a loud noise.

There was also a burst of smoke on the ground, shrouding one person and one monster inside.

"Huh! 35

"Boom boom boom!

At this time, outsiders could not see the situation inside at all, and could only hear a sound.

"Hey! 35

When the sound ended, a black shadow rushed out of the smoke and charged towards the position of the other monster.

"Hoo! 99

A breeze came, blowing the smoke away from the ground.

On the ground, a monster whose original face was lost, lay there silently.

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