Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 410 The Vongola Family will not be destroyed!!!

Dragon-level monsters kept appearing from twelve space passages and landed in QY City.

And the people of the Vongola Family, when the low-level dragon-level monsters appeared before, fell into a disadvantage.

And now, the appearance of dragon-level monsters has made many people lose their faith in continuing to fight.

"We... can't win, QY City is going to be destroyed, the Vongola Family is going to be destroyed, and we are all finished.

Peak looked at the dragon-level medium geek not far away and fell into despair.

Before joining the Vongola Family, he was a B-level hero of the Hero Association, ranking 65th.

The reason why he joined the Vongola Family is because he was a member of the Fubuki group before, and out of his trust in Fubuki, he joined the Vongola Family with Fubuki.

And after joining the Vongola Family, he did gain a lot of benefits.

Because of these benefits and at the same time enhancing his own strength, he also has a slight sense of identification with the Vongola Family.

However, I didn't expect that this was the first time I went on a mission in the name of the family, and I encountered such a thing.

At the beginning, when only wolf-level monsters and tiger-level monsters appeared in the space channel, he was still very confident in fighting.

The feeling of one punch and one monster at that time was something he had never felt before for more than 20 years.

He never imagined that he would have such strength now.

Even when a ghost-level low-level monster appeared later, he could fight back and forth with the opponent, and even killed a ghost-level low-level monster by himself.

At that time, he and the other heroes who followed Fubuki to the Vongola Family from the Hero Association were very happy.

However, when the dragon-level monsters began to appear, the smiles on their faces disappeared.

Like the rest of the Vongola Family, they started to get injured and even die.

As far as Peak knows, five C-level heroes and one B-level hero have died.

He didn't know if more heroes died, and he didn't have time to think about whether he would die too.

All he knew was to fight, keep fighting, keep fighting.

But now, dragon-level middle-level monsters have appeared, and there are ten space channels left.

As he has dealt with monsters for many years, he is very clear that monsters will continue to appear in these ten space passages that have not disappeared, dragon-level monsters, and even god-level monsters are very likely to appear.

When thinking of this, he panicked a little. This kind of unknown fear can often destroy a person's confidence.

"Vongola Family, will not destroy 々〃!"

A roar resounded above him

"Thunder... Giant Horn!

Peak looked up and saw a thick horn composed of endless green thunder, slamming into a dragon-level medium monster.


The monster looked at the attacking attack, roared, then raised its huge fist and hit the giant horn.



The giant horn and the fist collided.


The monster roared again, but this time, the sound was more like a wailing.

Peak saw that the giant thunder horn easily pierced through the opponent's fist, arm, and... the monster's body.


The monster's huge body fell to the ground and smashed into a building.

"The Vongola Family, will not be destroyed."9

A green thunder fell in front of Peak and said lightly.

This sentence was said to Peak, to himself, and to other Vongola Family members who were fighting.

"No... Undocumented knight!"

Peak looked at the man in front of him, and he recognized him.


In the distance, there was another monster's miserable wailing sound.

However, the wailing sound stopped abruptly when it was halfway through the shouting.

It's not that the monster doesn't want to keep shouting, it's that it can't make a sound at all.

Countless barbed handcuffs only restrained its body, and even its head and neck had several handcuffs.


The monster wanted to make a sound, and wanted to ask other monsters for help, but with its throat locked, it couldn't make a sound at all.

Just like this, after nearly ten seconds, the tightly locked monster lost its vitality and fell on the street.

"The Vongola Family, will not perish. 35

The undocumented knight said something indifferently again, then turned into a thunder and rushed out.

"Yes, the Vongola Family, it will not be destroyed!"

Peak shouted, and then rushed towards a ghost-level monster.

At this moment, he is full of confidence in the Vongola Family, the family members, and himself.

At this moment, a green flame rose from the ring he was wearing on his right hand.

As he ran, this green flame became more and more vigorous, and the concentration became higher and higher.

Others, after seeing Peak and the performance of a family cadre, also gained confidence again.

They will not necessarily lose.

Gito in the air, although he didn't know about Peak's side, he could see that the family members were full of energy again.

"That's it, the Vongola Family. 99

Gito's cold expression drew a smile at the corner of his mouth.

However, when he saw the remaining ten space passages, his smile disappeared.

Now, there are still ten space passages left, and in one of them, because Saitama rushed in, no monsters appeared.

And after removing this space channel, there are still nine left.

"Nine, nine.

Gito knows better than anyone else what kind of monsters will come later.

Now, he no longer has the heart to care about Karasuma, the creator of this incident.

The place in the city hall was accidentally destroyed when Violet was fighting a dragon-level monster.

When the city hall was destroyed, the laboratory below was also exposed.

Li Baoen went to investigate deliberately, and he found that there were many corpses in the laboratory.

Some of these corpses are human, (good Li Hao) and monsters.

Because of the collapse above, these corpses were smashed by rubble, so Riborn could not distinguish the faces and information of the owners of these corpses.

Therefore, he could not determine whether there was Karasuma among these corpses.

"It's coming, it's coming soon."

In a basement, Karasuma watched Gito flying in the air in the video.

"Vongola Gito, I'll destroy you right away."

If Belmod was here at this time, she would find that she no longer recognized Karasuma.

Because, at this time, Karasuma has lost his human appearance.

At this moment, he is nearly three meters tall, the skin on his body has turned into black and red muscles, and even a red sharp horn has grown on his head.

On his chest, there is a black cube.

This cube, at this time, was still releasing strange energy, transforming Karasuma's body.

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