Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 412 The space channel... has moved!!!

At this time, Gito, who was in the sky in QY City, didn't know that Tong Di and Bang Gu had come to QY City.

He is now in the air and has become a support role everywhere.

Whenever he found out that a Vongola Family member was about to die, he would take action in time to kill the monster and rescue the family members.

It's not just him, Ribone, Lal and Cola Nello also take on such a role.

The three of them had good sniping skills, and each found a commanding height and began to observe the movements below.

Once family members are found in a dangerous situation, they will be shot to rescue them.

With the support of the four of them, the members of the Vongola Family, in addition to being injured, and the clear peacock to treat them, so one by one also became fierce and not afraid of death.

"Is this the Vongola Family? Are they all so brave? 55

Tong Di stood on a tall building, watching the battle below.

He just saw with his own eyes that several people who were already injured launched an attack on a low-level monster.

"Also, the flame in their hands is the thing called the flame of death that Vongola Gito said before, right?

That person, I remember him as a C-level hero of the Hero Association, right?

How did you become so strong now?"

Emperor Tong looked at the battle below, and he now had a lot of questions.

Why did they become so strong? Why did they become so fierce and not afraid of death.

"I do not know either."

The dragon roll is a soy sauce now, she can know something.


At this time, a roar came from a space passage, and a monster of the middle dragon level came out of the space passage.

And after it came out, that space channel also slowly closed.

"Genos! It's up to you!"

Gito looked at the monster that came out and shouted at Genos' location.

Their manpower is not enough now, and there are already many low-level dragon-level monsters running around, destroying the city.

In order to deal with the god-level monsters that will appear in the future, Gito does not dare to waste his physical strength excessively.

"I see, BOSS!"

Genos, who was fighting a ghost-level superior monster, responded.

"Battle mode, activate!

"Bang! 99

"Hoo! 95

Genos' second power source and third power source exploded instantly.

The flames of the sky hidden in the box erupted from the box and transmitted to all parts of Genos' body.


The flame of death erupted.

At this moment, Genos has become a flame robot.

"Open the box! 35

"Clap clap clap clap! 99

The boxes hanging from Genos' waist were opened by him.

The C.A.1 system also appeared on Genos.

"Hey! 35

The flames of Death Qi erupted under Genos' feet, propelling him to fly high into the sky.

"Om! 99

The sighting facility of the C.A.1 system appeared at the position of Genos' eyes.

"Start aiming!

Genos looked at the monster in the distance. In the field of vision that others could not see, he had locked the monster firmly.

"Shh! Shh!"

The two cannon barrels representing Thunder and Arashi attributes were aimed at the monster in the distance.

"Super powerful ion beam! 35


A flame of death that mixed the attributes of Lan and Thunder was sprayed towards the monster in the distance.


The monster in the distance is now roaring in the sky, announcing its arrival to the world.

It's just that what awaits it is not fireworks, but artillery fire.


The super-power ion beam is a "Lei Lan hybrid", which is characterized by fast attack speed, extremely high hardness, can penetrate all objects with extremely solid defense, and has super destructive power.

When the monster found itself being attacked, the ion beam had already come to it.


The monster roared, trying to defend.

It's just a pity that just as its hand was raised, the ultra-fine particle ion beam hit its head.


Facing a defenseless monster, even if it was a mid-level dragon-level monster, it was hit by a super-powerful ion beam, and its head exploded.

In this way, this dragon-level monster lost its life less than a minute after it appeared.

"Genos! Violet! Nishonji Yukyo! Fire support for the others!

Ribone! Cola Nello! Look at it, and if necessary, restore yourself!

Misaka! Gather all the wounded!

Hungry wolf, inspire clear peacock, heal the wounded!

...... ask for flowers ........

Sonic, Fubuki, Gin, Unlicensed Knight, Kiritani, Asuna, Kuroba Kaito, Shallow Mist, take a break and prepare to face the dragon-level superior monsters!

Secretary, vodka, and the rest of the dragon-level and inferior monsters, I'll leave it to you two! Lal, Feng, they will help you.

Violet and the others will also support you. ""

Gito was in the air, quickly arranging the next battle deployment.

Next, there will be high-level dragon-level monsters and god-level monsters.

Gito chose a few people with relatively high strength in the family and let them deal with the high-level dragon-level monsters.

Even if you can't beat them, you have to hold them back.

At least until Saitama returns from the space channel.

"Yes! BOSS!

All the Vongola Family members shouted in unison.

Then, everyone started to act according to Gito's instructions.

On the other hand, Genos, Violet, and Nishizono Terabumi were standing on high buildings, relying on the advantage of their long attack distance, and kept helping others to attack those monsters.

Ribone and Koranilo each chose two low-level dragon-level monsters to relieve the pressure of others.

"Roar! 35

At this time, out of the remaining eight space passages, seven of the monsters roared.

Then, in each of the seven space passages, a high-level dragon-level monster walked out of the space passage.

"Roar!" X7

The seven dragon-level superior monsters roared in unison.

"Dragon-level superior monster.""

All the people looked at these seven monsters, and their hearts sank.

However, the most frightening thing is not just these seven superior monsters.

When these seven high-level monsters appeared, three dragon-level high-level monsters appeared in three space passages.

And the remaining four space channels actually began to move.

That's right, it's moved.

The four closely spaced passages were beyond everyone's cognition and began to move slowly.

"The space passage... has moved!!! 99

Tong Di looked at the four slowly moving space passages and said in shock.

Some of the things he saw in QY City today were beyond his understanding.

No, it's not just him, even Banggu and Tornjuan around him are frightened.

They have never seen that the space channel can still move.

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