Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 418 GitoVS God-level monster

"A god-level disaster?"

FD City, Weird Association.

Da Jiong looked at the information in his hand, he didn't expect that Karasuma had created a god-level monster in QY City.

This kind of thing, even if it is his body Sikes, can't say that he can deal with it with confidence.

"So, what are you going to do? Vongola Gito."

Big eyes, no, it should be Sykes, she predicted the Vongola Family on a whim two days ago.

What I saw this time was not something like the sea, but a person with a special ring on his hand and a flame emitting from his body.

Sykes could easily tell who this man was from the striking golden hair of the other party.

There were three flames beside that person.

It is precisely because of this that Sykes, who was originally concerned about Gito, paid more attention to each other.

"God-level monster? In the end, "Three Five Seven" is not really a god. 39

In Academy City, in the windowless building, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

"The lead of the earth!"

Gito stretched out his left hand, and the fire of the earth activated.

I saw the flames of the earth flew out from Gito's hands, and then wanted to combine with gravity, turning into dark orange spheres.

The lead of the earth, the gravity caused by the ability to control the earth attribute. Use the flame of death to create one or more spheres and use it as a gravity point to suck the opponent or affect the opponent's actions.

Gito looked at the monster swooping towards him again, and the scales scattered in the air.

With a wave of his hand, a sphere combining the flames of the earth and gravity appeared right in front of Gito, blocking the monster's path.

"Bang! Boom! Boom! 35

The monster that was rushing forward slammed into numerous spheres.


Gito looked at the monster that rushed into the range of Earth Lead, and the Earth Flame in his left hand burned.

"Om! 35

In the lead of the earth, the gravity suddenly increased greatly, pressing on the monster's body.


The monster that didn't react at once was directly pressed down from the air to the ground by the huge gravity.



The monster lying on the ground roared in pain.


Gito ignored the monster's roar, and the flame of death in his hand burned again.

The gravity on the lead of the earth also increased again.

"Boom! 95

Just struggling, the half-body monster was pressed to the ground by the increased gravity again.


The monster roared, and a red light flashed across his body.

I saw the scales on it fell off a lot at once.

"not good!

Gito looked at the scales that fell off, and a bad premonition flashed in his heart. Just as he was about to use the Flame of Night to move to another place, he heard a huge explosion in his ear.


"Boom! 35

The power of the explosion was so great that Gito's space door, which he had just opened with the flame of the night, was directly shattered by the explosion.

Seeing that he couldn't use the Flame of Night to transfer, Gito could only reach out and pull the cloak behind him, blocking it in front of him.

"Bang! 99



An explosion sounded continuously.

"Clap clap clap clap!"

Countless rubble hit Gito's cape.


The aftermath of the explosion formed a hurricane, blowing in all directions.



There are many relatively weak monsters and members of the Vongola Family who were blown into the air directly by this hurricane.

Some people were even injured when they hit the building.

"Gito. 95

Reborn looked at the explosion in the distance and was a little worried.

Although Gito had the upper hand in the battle just now, the battlefield was changing rapidly.

No one can guarantee that the person who has the upper hand in the last second will be able to hold on to the final victory.


A breeze blew, blowing away all the smoke from the explosion.


Before everyone saw Gito's figure, they heard the roar of the monster.


The monster flapped its arms and flew into the air.

The monster at this time has no scales in many places, and even bloodstains appear in some places.

It seems that in the explosion just now, the damage was not small.

However, the monster at this time was full of dangerous red rays of light, and scales quickly grew out of the place where there were no scales.

Soon, the monster once again became covered in scales.

"Hey! 35

At this time, a figure also flew into the air and stopped opposite the monster.

"Did it grow out so quickly? It's really troublesome...  

Gito looked at the monster in front of him, but he didn't expect the scales of the monster to grow so fast.

The Gito at this time was the same as before the explosion, except that it was covered with some dust.

I have to say that the defense of the cloak is really high. Gito did not suffer any damage in the explosion, but it was just contaminated with some dust.

"Roar!!! 35

The monster looked at the person in front of him. At this time, it no longer thought that the other party was a little bug, and the other party was very strong.

"call out!"

Suddenly the monster disappeared in place, turned into a red light and rushed towards Gito.

"Gravity Wrap!"

The fire of the earth on Gito's left hand appeared, and then wrapped Gito.

When the flames of the earth completely wrapped Gito's body, Gito also turned into a fire and rushed towards the monster.

Gravity Coating: Attach a layer of Death Qi flame on the surface of the body, which can protect the body and strengthen the body technique.


Gito's fist collided with the monster's head, then quickly separated.


"Bang! 39

"Bang! 35

The two red lights kept contacting and separating in the air, sometimes flying high in the sky, and sometimes falling to the ground.

Every time there is a collision, there will be a loud noise.


Suddenly, the figure of the monster suddenly accelerated, and the place it flew over also sounded bursts of explosions.

Gito looked and found that the place where the explosion occurred was the 3.5 place where the monster had passed before.

Between himself and the monster, there are still many scales in the air.

It seems that the scales of the monster do not explode when they are dropped.

However, now is not the time to think about that.

Gito looked at the flying monster, his hands folded across his chest.



The flame of death emanated from Gito's hand and rushed towards the monster.


The monster and the flame of death collided.


The monster roared, and the red light on his body became more intense.

Then, despite Gito's attack, he continued to charge at him.

"Then let's see who is stronger!"

Gito looked at the monster that was getting closer and closer to him, and the flame of the earth in his left hand burned and joined the flame column.

"X-BURNER・Super Concentration!

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