Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 422 The Wisdom of Fighting

While Izona was fighting the god-level monster, Tonju, Tongdi, and Banggu also fought the monster Karasuma.

All three of Tornado are long-established S-class heroes who have experienced countless battles.

They found that the eccentric Karasuma, although he was physically strong and strong, didn't seem to have completely adapted to his current body.

Moreover, his combat experience is too little.

Empty strength, no combat experience, this is far from enough to see in front of three S-level heroes, even if he has god-level strength.

Soon, the three became, Banggu fighting in close quarters, Longjuan and Tongdi supporting in the long-range.

In this way, with the cooperation of the three, the eccentric Karasuma with god-level strength was once suppressed.

However, all this changed when one of Tong Di's missiles hit the black cube on the monster Karasuma's chest.

All three of them could see that just as Tong Di's missile was about to touch the monster Karasuma's chest, the black cube suddenly emitted a strange wave.

This fluctuation directly shattered the missile launched by Tong Di.

After that, the motion continued to expand, slowly spreading to the monster Karasuma's body.

And the whole body of the eccentric Karasuma also exudes black smoke, entwining around him.


Afterwards, the speed of the eccentric Karasuma suddenly accelerated, and he appeared behind Banggu, and threw his fist towards Banggu's back.

Bang Gu is also experienced in hundreds of battles, he did not turn back immediately, but directly used the flowing water to break the rock to protect the back of the column himself.


Banggu was directly thrown out by the punch of the weird Karasuma.

Afterwards, the eccentric Karasuma burst out with super fast speed and appeared in front of the robot driven by Tong Di.

Although he had a compass shield for defense, Tong Di was still kicked out by the eccentric Karasuma.

And his compass shield was also directly scrapped under this punch.

Then, he looked at the tornado in the air again.

Both feet stomped heavily on the ground, and then, at an extremely fast speed, they rushed towards the tornado in the air.

However, the tornado in mid-air, after Banggu and Tong Di targeted him, the tornado had adapted to his speed.

When the eccentric Karasuma rushed over, there was no panic at all.

"Get me down!


An invisible gravity appeared around the tornado.

The eccentric Karasuma is also shrouded in it.

Then, he fell to the ground at a faster speed.

The tornado, on the other hand, stretched out a hand and aimed at the falling eccentric Karasuma.


A shock wave formed by super power was sent out from Tornado's hand, and shot towards the fallen monster Karasuma.


The eccentric Karasuma fell heavily to the ground, smashing a big hole.

However, he quickly got up.

Looking at the oncoming superpower shock wave, the eccentric Karasuma's mouth sounded "hehehehe".

Then, the muscles of his right arm bulged, and the black smoke from his body condensed on his right fist.

"Hey! 35

Following the roar of the eccentric Karasuma, a black light emanated from his hand and struck the air.

"Bang! 59

The black light and the shock wave collided in the air.

As for the weird person Karasuma, a large amount of black smoke appeared on his body at this time, and he himself disappeared in the same place.

"Hoo! 35

The tornado was followed by a breeze that blew the smoke from the air.

It was at this time that she discovered that the monster Karasuma had disappeared.

"Be careful!"

Just as the tornado was looking for the location of the eccentric Karasuma, Emperor Tong suddenly shouted at the tornado in the air.

And the tornado also felt that there was someone behind him.

"How... how did he get here?"

Such a question flashed through Tornado's mind, but a huge superpower suddenly erupted from her body, forming a shock wave to hit her back again.


There was a crashing sound in the air.

However, at this time, Gito and the god-level monster in the distance made a louder noise, so not many people noticed the sound on her side.

Tornado's body quickly flew forward, and the figure of the eccentric Karasuma also flew towards a distant position.

Originally, Bang Gu and others thought that this was just a normal distance between the two after they fought together.

However, when they saw Karasuma, the weird person in the sky, turn a corner quickly in the air, and then speed up and fly forward, they realized that this was a premeditated plan.

Because, the position he flew over was where Gito fell to the ground.

All his previous moves were for the purpose of laying the groundwork for the present.

All he wanted was to get close to Gito and kill him.

Therefore, the tornado also quickly made a sound to remind Li Baoen.

"Huh? Karasuma!?

・・・・Seeking flowers....

Reborn also saw Karasuma getting closer and closer.

Looking back at Gito, who was still replying, Li Baoen knew that he had to block Karasuma.

In the previous battle, Li Baoen had discovered that his current combat strength was only between the dragon-level medium and the superior.

Under the full force of the explosion, it can fight back and forth with the dragon-level superior monsters.

However, now facing Karasuma, who is already a god-level eccentric, he has no chance of winning.

However, there is no chance of winning, and also buy time for Gito.

"Chaos Shot!

Reborn raised his gun and fired a shot at Karasuma, the weird guy in the air.

The fired bullets split into several pieces in the air, and shot towards Karasuma.

The eccentric Karasuma looked at the flying bullets, and with a wave of his hand, a cloud of black smoke blocked all the bullets.


However, when the eccentric Karasuma passed through the black smoke, a fist appeared in front of him.

"Bang! 99

Reborn's fist hit the odd man Karasuma's face heavily, knocking him straight from the air.

Then, he also fell to the ground.


The eccentric Karasuma looked at Rebauen, and said something that no one else could understand.

Reborn held a gun in one hand and a fist in the other, looking at the strange Karasuma in front of him.

"Bang!" X2

Reborn and the weirdo Karasuma attacked at the same time.




The two quickly fought together, and the speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't see their movements clearly.

In their eyes, there is a yellow figure and a black figure.

But in the eyes of powerful people, they saw that Li Baoen was actually suppressing Karasuma.

No, it should be said that Ribon was actually beating up the weirdo Karasuma.

Because Li Baoen seemed to know where the monster Karasuma's attack would come from, he was able to dodge in advance and then counterattack.

However, Li Baoen knew his own affairs from his own family, and he knew very well that it was all an illusion.

Relying on the "Killer Profound Truth", he barely contained the eccentric Karasuma.

However, the opponent is much stronger than him, and if he continues to fight, he will only lose.

"Riboon, get out of the way!"

Genos' voice resounded in the air.

"Lei Lan, Skypiercer Light Cannon!' and.

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