"You said, what did Saitama meet there?

What kind of world is that over there? 35

Cola Nello looked at Ribone and said.

The two of them were outside the space passage where Saitama entered. As for Lal, he expressed that he didn't want to see Cola Nilo, so he ran to the other space passage by himself.

"do not know."

Reborn shook his head, he didn't know what the other world was like, or, in this world, no one should know what the other world was like.

"Report! 35

In an office, a man is watching a video on a computer.

The picture in the video is divided into two, one shows the scene of QY city, and the other shows the scene of FD city.

However, the battles in these two places are now over.

"Come in.

The man returned quietly.


A man in a white coat with thick glasses walked in.

"What's up."

The man's eyes still stayed on the computer, or in other words, on the screen of QY City.

There's not much to see in FD City anymore.

According to the news he just received, the Heroes Association is ready to withdraw from FD City.

And their withdrawal also means that the Weird Association will completely occupy the FD City, and from then on, it will form a confrontation with the Hero Association.

"Report to the boss, our research base on the alien plane was attacked just now.

The white coat who came in looked at the person behind the computer and said.


The man did not take this matter to heart, and waved his hand, indicating that he could go out.

This is not the first time that they have been attacked by monsters since the establishment of their research base in the alien plane.

"Anything else?"

Seeing that the white coat has not yet gone out, the man asked again.

"This attack is a little different...々・"

The white coat said hesitantly.

"What's the difference?'

The man asked casually. In his opinion, it was just that the monster's strength level was different.

As for the rest, what else could there be.

"It was... humans who attacked the base this time.

"What did you say?"

The man finally raised his head and looked at the white coat.

"It was humans who attacked the base this time.

The white coat said again.


The man's expression became a little dignified.


The white coat nodded, if he wasn't sure, he wouldn't come here to report.

"Do you have a photo?"

the man asked.

"No, a few days ago, several ghost-level high-level monsters attacked the base, destroying many of our equipment, including monitoring equipment.

After the destruction, we have not come and installed.

Moreover, the speed of that person is too fast, and the strength is also very strong, he destroyed most of our base with one punch.

Many of our experimental equipment and experimental materials were destroyed.

The only thing we remember is that he wore a cape, had a bald head, and... held up a rock. ""

The white coat and the man talked about what just happened.

"Baldhead? Cloak? Stone? What's all this?"

The man is a little confused, what is this all about?

Besides them, how could there be other people in that world? The strength is still very strong.

The most important thing is, why is he running around with a rock? He even ran over and destroyed their base.

"That stone... We initially concluded that it was a magic stone, and its purity was higher than ours, but it was not as big as the one we obtained."

The white coat said again.

"What are you saying is true? He has a very pure magic stone!"

The man snorted and stood up from his seat.

He could not care about the others, but this magic stone could not allow him to care.

The magic stone was a stone he accidentally obtained fifteen years ago.

It is precisely because of this stone that he formed the loose alliance with others, and caused space shocks and space passages to appear in this world.

And now, if they want to open the space channel of the different plane, they also need to use this stone as the anchor point and assist some other things.

In addition to researching that world, the research base he has established on the alien plane is just trying to find a magic stone.

Back then, the magic stone he found was very large, but after all these years of consumption, now only the size of a basketball is left.

Unexpectedly, someone has obtained the magic stone, and the purity is higher than his, which makes him not surprised.

"I know, you go out first.

The man calmed down his mood and let the white coat go out first.

"Then I'll go back to the research base first."

The white coat withdrew from the room.

""" Bald head, cloak...couldn't it be him?

The man suddenly thought of something.

"No matter who you are, I will grab that magic stone.

The man made up his mind and was ready to contact the others and inform them of something.

"Saitama...still hasn't come back.

Cola Nello said with a solemn expression.

Ribon's expression was equally solemn, looking at the empty front without speaking.

Just three seconds ago, the space channel in front of them disappeared.

However, Saitama did not return.

"Go, go to Lal's. 99

Ribon looked at Cola Nello and said.

The space channel on Lal's side is relatively large and stable, so the speed of disappearance is relatively slow.

This space channel has disappeared, and there is another one.

"···I see.""

Cola Nilo also understood what Reborn meant, called Falco, and let him take the two of them to Lal's place (good king).

"You are here."

Lal's face was also not very good.

Here, she also saw the disappearance of the space channel over there.


Cola Nello and Ribon nodded.

After that, the three of them didn't speak any more, just quietly looked at the space passage in front of them.

"Huh? Where's the space channel? I remember it's here, why isn't there anymore?"

Saitama held a large stone and looked at the empty space in front of him, a little confused.

How could such a large space channel disappear?

"Forget it, it seems that I can only go to another one, but fortunately I paid special attention when I passed by.

Saitama shook his head, it seemed that he could only go to another space passage, and only hoped that the space passage had not disappeared.

However, there are a lot of monsters around that space channel, and their level is a bit high․

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