Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 432 \"You can call me, God\"


A powerful punch came from Banggu's fist and hit the monster Karasuma in midair.

And the tornado, at this time, also stretched out his hands.


An invisible superpower field appeared on the battlefield, and Gito was also wrapped in it.


Tornado looked at the weird person Karasuma who flew up again, and snorted coldly.

Then he raised his right hand and slammed it down.


A huge meteorite fell from the sky.

However, the tornado's attack wasn't just a meteorite.

When the meteorite appeared, the tornado stretched out his hands, and then slowly lifted it up, as if he was holding it up—a noon.

And the reality is exactly that.


Gito saw that there was actually a piece of ground on the ground below, which was "lifted" by the tornado.

There were meteorites in the sky and boulders on the ground, both of them attacked the eccentric Karasuma in mid-air.

"This... should be an opportunity.

Gito looked at the tornado's moves, and then looked at Karasuma, the monster who couldn't resist in the air.

He felt that if he, Bang Gu, and Emperor Tong shot together, he might be able to send the eccentric Karasuma straight away.

So, Gito flew to the ground.

"Master Banggu! Emperor Tong! Let's do it together! 99

Gito yelled at the two.

Bang Gu and Tong Di also understood what Gito meant.

Bang Gu put on a fist again, and Tong Di also jumped into his mecha.

Gito, on the other hand, extracted all the flames of death from the wings.

"X - Cannon!

"Flowing Water... Rock Shattering Fist!

"Billion Volt Shock!"

"Boom! 35

The three attacks, in no particular order, attacked Karasuma, the weird person in the sky.

"Bang! 35

The meteorite and the cut earth collided, and the eccentric Karasuma was in the middle of the collision.


The flame pillar, fist strength, electric shock, the three also smashed the stone surface from below, hitting the weird person Karasuma in the cracks of the stone.


The eccentric Karasuma, who suffered heavy blows one after another, roared in pain from the cracks between the stones.


Under the huge impact, the stone exploded directly.

The body of the eccentric Karasuma was also mixed among the many stones and fell to the ground together.

And Gito, after the blow, fell to the ground on one knee.

The blow just now was the last flame of his death.

"Is it resolved? 99

Gito, who was kneeling on one knee on the ground, looked at the falling figure in the sky.

He didn't know if the eccentric Karasuma was dead.

If he is not dead, then it is very likely that he is dead.

"Have you...have you heard? There seems to be a sound over the space passage.""

Li Baoen, who had been looking at the space channel, suddenly said.

At this time, the space channel has become smaller and smaller.

Before, the integrated space passage was about thirty stories high, but now, it is only three stories high.

And, it is still gradually shrinking.

"Sound? What sound? 35

Cola Nello asked aloud.

"I think... I heard a voice over the space channel, and it sounded like a roar of a monster,

Among them, there was also the sound of fighting. 35

Gito and the others fighting made too much noise, so Ribone wasn't sure.

"There is indeed a sound."

Lal said suddenly.


Seeing that both of them said so, Cola Nello listened carefully.



Although the sound was small, he did hear it.

"I heard it too.

Cola Nello also heard the voice.

"Could it be... Saitama?""

Cola Nello is not sure.

"It should be."

Reborn said with certainty.

Although he hasn't seen it yet, his feeling tells him that on the other side of the space passage is Saitama.

"Roar! 35



The sound became louder and clearer.

"No! Karasuma is not dead!"

Gito stared at the figure of the strange Karasuma in the sky and shouted loudly.

He saw that the body of Karasuma, the strange man in the sky, was completely enveloped in black smoke.

"Can't let him out!!

At this time, Emperor Tong also used the mecha to see the state of the eccentric Karasuma.

.....for flowers


Several small robots appeared beside the Tongdi mecha, and quickly assembled on the arm of the mecha.

"Millennium Emperor Star!


A huge shock wave emanated from the mecha-like arms.

"Not dead? Humph!

The tornado also stretched out his hands and aimed at the figure in the air that was completely enveloped in black smoke.

"Boom! 99

A huge shock wave formed by super powers emanated from his hands and sprayed towards the eccentric Karasuma.


"Bang! 39


The two shock waves hit the shadow in the air together.

The three energies collided, forming a huge ball of light in the air.


"Boom! 95

The aftermath of the attack raged in QY City, making this already dilapidated city even more dilapidated.

"Did you make it?""

Gito reluctantly stood up and looked at the ball of light in the sky.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air behind the tornado.

No one found out, including Gito.



Just as everyone looked at the ball of light in the sky, the sound of the tornado suddenly rang out.

Then, everyone saw the tornado smashed down toward the ground.

"Flowing water...

"Bang! 35

Banggu's flowing water hood was just formed, but it was broken by a punch, and then another punch hit Banggu's abdomen, knocking it flying.


The unknown figure disappeared again.

The next second, the mecha driven by Tong Di also flew out.

"Still... not dead? Karasuma? No, you should not be Karasuma by now.

Gito looked at the open space in front of him and said.


The next second, a shadow appeared in front of Gito.

At this time, Karasuma has completely lost his body, and his whole body is composed of black smoke and light.

Barely able to see the person's appearance.

But Gito knew that the "person" in front of him was no longer Karasuma.

"Who are you?"

Gito looked at "Karasuma" in front of him and asked.

"You may call me, God!" and.

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