Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 453 Development of QY City

"Boom boom boom!

"Come in.

"Squeak. 35

A tall man with long silver hair, wearing a black trench coat and hat, with cold eyes opened the door and walked in.


When the man saw the man behind the desk, he bowed his head and saluted respectfully.

It was a man with short golden-orange hair, the same golden-orange pupil color and brows, a gentle look, and a handsome face.

He was dressed in a black and white plaid suit with a black cape behind him, black leather shoes on his feet, and a pair of peculiar gloves on his hands.

However, the most striking thing about this man is not his handsome face, but the flame that seems to never go out on his forehead.

"Gin, what's the matter?"

Gito looked up at Qin "407" wine who came in and asked.

"Boss, Qihai Longshui has already sent the second batch of materials, as well as Tonggu and Ren's family, we have also taken over.

Gin took a step forward, put the folder in his hand on the table in front of him, and then returned to his place.

"The buildings of the four chaebols have also been completed.

The remaining chaebols are still under construction.

The hospital of Nakano's family has also been completed, and the money can be put into use at Christmas.

Gito flipped through the papers on the table while listening to Gin's words.

"I see.

When Gin finished speaking, Gito also read the contents of the file.

"Thank you, Gin. 35

Gito looked at Gin. During these four months, Gin should be the busiest person in the Vongola Family.

Gito had a headache when he was looking at a bunch of problems in the construction of QY City.

Then, he pushed forward and pushed all these matters to Jinjiu and Qihailongshui.

And these two people did not live up to Gito's expectations. With the consultation of the two and the help of others, the reconstruction of QY City is also advancing rapidly.

After four months of hard work, although the current QY city has not recovered to its original appearance, it is already very good.

At least, some buildings and facilities about the Vongola Family have been completed and put into use around the Meloni base.

As for the overall construction of QY City, Gito found a person—Teiji Morigu, and let him be in charge of this matter.

Let's not talk about his character reasons, just talk about his abilities.

The professor of the Department of Architecture, the famous architectural designer in Xiao Sakura, has presided over the design of many excellent architectural works.

Moreover, he also designed the architectural design of a small town by himself.

After Gito personally visited this person, after talking with him in detail and seeing his town design, he immediately decided to invite him to join the Vongola Family and let him preside over the redevelopment plan of QY City.

After knowing that he could design a city, Morigu Teiji was also very happy to agree to Gito's invitation and immediately decided to join the Vongola Family.

However, before the other party starts to preside over the construction of the new QY city, Gito asks Mamon to give him a deep hypnosis, changing his almost perverted perfect symmetry.

If it wasn't for the fact that Mamon could really change the character of the other party, Gito would not have dared him to be responsible for the reconstruction of QY City.

Gito is also afraid, afraid that one day this guy suddenly convulsed, felt that his design was not perfect, and then planted a bomb, blowing the entire QY city to the sky.

In addition, the three chaebols gave Gito answers a long time ago.

After determining that they could not "real" get a piece of land, their interest in investing plummeted.

In the end, I just rented a few pieces of land and regarded it as my own property in QY City, but the investment amount was not so large.

The Seven Seas chaebols also rented the seaport of QY City through the Seven Seas Dragon Water, and then built a dock, a port or something.

"That's what I should do."

Qin Jiu's expression remained unchanged, and he still replied respectfully.

After Gito heard Gin's words, he smiled and didn't say anything, but got up from his chair, walked to the window, and looked at the scenery outside.

At this time, the surroundings of the Meloni base have changed a lot. The previous battlefield style has been changed. Forests, ponds, and grasslands have all been arranged.

In the surroundings of the Meloni base, all the buildings of the Vongola Family, including the building where the members live, the Nakano Hospital, the laboratory, etc...

And there are several villas around, as the residence of high-level members of the family.

Of course, these residences are only for their families, like Gin, they usually live in the Meroni base.

Here, they all have a room of their own.

As for those villas for high-level personnel, very few are actually put into use now, only the one in Tonggu.

In a farther position, there are the buildings of the four big chaebols and a group of small chaebols, all of which are their industries in QY City.

At the back of the Meloni base, in the distance, there are some residential buildings.

For those who were in QY City before, Gito gave each of them a house after the buildings were built.

Of course, this is only because there are too few people left, and if there were too many, Gito would not have sent them like this.

However, the current buildings have not been completed, and Gito's current commitment has not been completed.

"Ginjiu, how many people has the family accepted now?"

Gito asked suddenly, looking out the window.

During this time, the family accepted a lot of people, because Gito didn't ask much about it before because it was handed over to Jinjiu.

"In these four months, a total of 34,586 people became temporary members of the family.

After the family's assessment, 8,000 of them were collected to become the real members of the family, and 13,000 people became the external members of the family.

In addition, there are fifteen C-level heroes, six B-level heroes, and an A-level hero from the Hero Association in 3.5. ""

Gin remembers these things well.

"Is there another A-level hero? Who is it? What is the ranking? 39

Gito didn't expect to get an A-level hero, so he asked.

"It's Tao TERRY, the hero is ranked 30th in the A class.

Gin replied.

Gito thought for a while after hearing the name, and found that he had no impression of this person, and was just a soy sauce character.

However, it is also very good to be able to become an A-level hero by virtue of his own strength.

"Well, I see, you can go.

By the way, call Reborn and the others. "

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