Among the several schools in J City, two schools are very special.

One of them is called the famous and private Baikao Academy.

Not everyone can enter this school.

To enter this school, there are only two requirements, one is that your family has three billion assets.

Another requirement is that at least one person in your family who holds a county-level position can enter.

This college is a school that specializes in recruiting the second generation of rich and second generation of power.

What they study here is not Chinese or mathematics. What they study is social interaction, networking, and investment. The competition is not about grades, but about strategy and mind-reading.

This school recruits very few students every year, and even sometimes does not recruit students.

In addition to this school, the remaining school is the one that Yuni said - the sea of ​​stars.

What makes this academy special is that they recruit "problem children"


What is a "problem child"?

Those with special abilities, such as the superpowers of the Fubuki sisters.

This school, whose school history is very short, is shorter than the history of the Hero Association.

It can be said that the investor behind this school is the Hero Association.

A large part of the students who graduate from this school will enter the Hero Association, as well as some special departments of the government.

"Yuni, why would you suggest us where to find the Guardian?"

Gito looked at Yuni.

When Gito and Ribon were discussing recruiting guardians before, Yuni was always on the sidelines and never made any suggestions.

Why this time is a little different, and also reminded him to go to Xingzhihai Academy to find someone.

"Because the people there are very suitable."

Yuni was still smiling, as if he didn't understand another meaning in Gito's words.

And Li Baoen and others also looked at Yuni.

"Yuni, are you hiding something from me々〃?"

Gito looked at Yuni and asked.

He recalled that a few months ago, Yuni came to him with seven sea dragon water.

Putting these two things together, Gito always felt something was wrong.

"No. 99

Yuni shook his head.

Gito stared at Yuni's blue pupils, and all he saw was the gentle gaze that healed the heart.

Other than that, can't see anything.

"Okay, Li Baoen, let's go to Xingzhihai Academy, you go with me tomorrow, Feng, you go too.

As for the others, Lal, it's time for you to take them back to J City,

The rest, just stay at the base.

Gito withdrew his gaze, looked at Ribone on the table and said.

"I see."

Several people at the table agreed.

Afterwards, several people also left Gito's office.

"Yuni, did you see something? Or is there something else hiding from me?

When everyone had left, Gito walked to the window and thought about the view outside.

"Yuni, did you see something?"

Reborn stood on the flower bed, looking at Yuni and asked.

"The progress of the world is accelerating, the end may come at any time, and the Vongola Family... is still too weak.

Yuni looked up at the sky.

"That's why you pointed out to Gito, where is the guardian of the family?

Li Baoen frowned slightly when he heard Yuni's words.

"No, it's not just that.

Yuni looked down at Ribone on the flower bed and pinned the blown hair behind his ears.

"I told Gito just because I saw it."

"Then why before..."

Reborn didn't finish his sentence, but Yuni already understood what he meant.

"Before it was because I couldn't see it.

"can not see?"

Ribon looked at Yuni suspiciously, not quite understanding what she meant.

"It could be because of the identity of those of us, it could be because of the world

In the past, about Gito, and about the fate of the Vongola Family, there was confusion,

Except for some special times, I can't see clearly.

However, with the increasing influence of the Vongola Family in this world,

The changes to this world are gradually increasing, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

I can already vaguely see something. "

When Yuni said this, he paused, and then said again.

"Actually, during this period of time, not only your strength is increasing, but mine is also increasing."

Yuni looked at Ribone and winked his left eye playfully.

"Your strength? Are you referring to the prophecy?"

Ribon looked at Yuni and asked uncertainly.


Yuni shook his head again.

"Actually, my pacifier was different from yours in the beginning, and it's not the same now."

Yuni touched the orange pacifier hanging from his neck.

"Dakong, it is very special, and your family also has its speciality.""

Ribone said after glancing at Yuni's pacifier.

"Is it special?

Yuni smiled again.

"The pacifier has also become brighter.

Yuni put the orange pacifier on his eye, as if there was something beautiful in it.

"I can understand the meaning before, but what does the last sentence mean?"

Gito sat in his seat and said thoughtfully.

The end of the world or something, Gito knew about it, but he didn't know whether the end that Yuni said was the same as the end he knew.

If it's the same (what Zhao), then it's nothing to worry about, just let the big devil Saitama punch the one-eyed big brother.

If not, then this is also a hassle.

"I'm not so sure either."

Ribone shook his head.

They all felt that Yuni's last sentence definitely meant something else.

However, none of them could guess its hidden meaning.

"Forget it, when it's time to know, you'll naturally know about Pong."

Gito shook his head, deciding not to think about it for now.

"Let's think about it, in the Garden of Stars, who is suitable to be the guardian of the family.

Since Yuni saw it, why didn't he just say it?

With so many students in the Garden of Stars, it's hard to find them. 55

"Could it be because Yuni couldn't be sure who it was.

After all, Yuni also said that she is only vaguely seeing things about the Vongola Family.

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