Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty-Three The Final Emperor

When Gito returned to the family, he was taken to a parlour by Kuriyama Miku, who was guarding the gate of the base.

In the living room, Emperor Yan and Thor sat on both sides, and Yuni sat beside Thor.

The atmosphere in the room seemed a little tense.

"Gito, you're back.

When Gito pushed through the door and walked in, all three in the room looked at him.

And Thor, also jumped directly from his seat.

"Well, I'm back. 99

Gito patted Thor on the head, then turned sideways around Thor and walked towards the seat.

"You're the Gito that Thor calls it?"

Emperor Yan opened his eyes and looked at Gito.

At this time, Gito felt a huge pressure on himself.

At the same time, Super Intuition also told him madly that the person (dragon?) in front of him was very dangerous, even more dangerous than the god-level monster he had encountered before.

Gito suppressed the "four-one-three" tension in his heart and bowed slowly to the person in front of him despite the pressure on his body.

"Hello, I'm Vongola Gito, and Thor's master."

When talking about the master, Gito clearly felt the pressure on his body, and he got a few points heavier.

It seemed that Emperor Yan was somewhat resistant to Thor becoming Gito's maid.

At this moment, Thor came over with his mouth puffed out.

"woo woo woo woo!

Due to the dragon's breath in his mouth, his speech was not very clear.

However, looking at Thor's expression, Gito felt that he had understood what Thor meant.

To sum up, it is to warn Emperor Yan not to bully Gito, otherwise she will spray the dragon's breath.

I have to say, this scene in front of me is really a father saying filial piety.

However, as an important participant in Gito, at this time, he really can't laugh.

"Uh... Thor, I'm a little hungry, can you invite me to get something to eat?"

Seeing that there was something wrong with Emperor Yan's expression in front of him, Gito quickly pushed Thor away.

"Yuni, please go with Thor. 99

Gito looked at Yuni next to him again.

"Thor, let's go together."

Yuni was really considerate, pulling Thor and walking outside.

"Ohh Ohh ohh..."

Thor's mouth was still whimpering as she walked away, she just didn't know what she was talking about.

"I don't know what you are doing here?"

When Thor left, Gito also sat down and looked at the other person and asked.

"Vongola Gito, I know you."

Emperor Yan did not say the purpose of his coming.

"so what.

Gito continued to ask.

"You are very good to have such strength and create such a force."

Although the strength of Gito and the power of the Vongola Family were no match for the Dragon Breath of Emperor Yan.

However, based on his understanding of this world, Emperor Yan knew very well that it was really good that the other party could create such a force at such an age.

At least, in terms of the age of their world, no one has ever reached such a level.

Including those brave ones.

Gito didn't speak, just looked at each other quietly.

"Actually, I've been following Thor, and of course, you.

I've been watching you since you pulled that sword from Thor's back.

From what I've seen, you're pretty good with Thor, at least, you're not using Thor for anything else. 35

Gito knew what the other things the Dynamo was referring to.

"I treat Thor as family, and I'm confident that I can handle those things, so I don't need Thor's help."

Gito said confidently.

"It's because you treat Thor as your family, so I haven't been looking for you before."

Emperor Yan glanced at Gito.

"Then why are you here today?

According to what the other party said, he had been paying attention to Thor and himself for a long time, so why did he show up today when he didn't show up before?

"There is news from our world that the people who reconcile the forces have been frequently mobilized recently, and they seem to be planning to do it. 99

Emperor Yan paused for a while, then said slowly.

They and the reconciling forces have not done anything for nearly a thousand years.

The most recent action was when Thor rushed to the opponent's hometown alone, and was stabbed into this world by a sword from a god.

After a thousand years of rest, it was clear that the other party had risen again, wiping out their minds.

"I hope, during this time, you don't let Thor return to our world. 35

When the war came, the Dying Emperor could not guarantee Thor's safety.

So, for Thor to have another accident, let her stay in this world and don't let her go back.

"The reconciliation forces are about to start?"

Gito is very clear, the meaning of Emperor Yan's words.

As that world, the two most powerful forces.

Once they fight, the impact is huge.

And looking at Emperor Yan's appearance, it is obvious that he has no certainty of victory. . . .

No, or rather, he was already fighting with the determination to die.

"Well, I want to ask you two forces, which one is stronger?"

When watching anime in the previous life, because there was very little explanation for Thor's world, Gito did not have an obvious comparison between the two worlds.


After thinking for a while, Emperor Yan replied.


In other words, if two equal forces fight against each other, the consequences for both sides will be devastating.

There is no way, because neither of them is sure to beat the other, so they must fight with the determination to die.

And because the strength of the two sides is similar, it is likely to cause a lose-lose situation.

"Well, can't you just not fight?"

Out of concern for Thor, Gito didn't want an accident with Emperor Yan.


Emperor Yan shook his head.

"Okay. 35

In fact, Gito has long thought of the other party's answer.

"I try to keep Thor from going back until the war in your world is over.

Since it is unavoidable, it can only make Thor not go back.

lest Thor be forced into the war.

In this middle-level battle, with Gito's current strength, there is simply no way to intervene.

Um... Maybe Saitama can go up and punch him twice, but I don't know what the consequences will be.

Emperor Yan came suddenly and left suddenly.

When Thor came in with the food, Emperor Yan had already left.

3.5 "Huh? Is he gone? 55

Thor looked at it and found that he had not found his father.

"Well, it's gone.

Gito stood by the window and looked up at the sky.

"Let's go, Gito, come and eat, I've prepared something delicious for you.""

Thor didn't worry too much about his father.

Thor has seen things like this suddenly appearing and then suddenly disappearing again.

After Thor disappeared, they fought fiercely with the reconciling forces.

His father often came back to see her within two days, and then immediately plunged into the field.


Just as Thor was putting the food on the table, Yuni walked up to Gito.

"Don't worry, Thor will be fine."

"Well, I see.

Gito nodded.

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