Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 87: Phantom Thief Kid's Technique

"Report, I found this in the corner over there!"

A police officer came over with a white object the size of a cigarette case.

"This is... a tape recorder?

Both the officer and Suzuki Jiro looked at the white box.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the box.

"In other words, the sound of the explosion just now came from this tape recorder? 35

The officer gripped the tape recorder hard.

"Not good! Watch the gate, no~ don't let anyone out!"

Suzuki Jiro shouted loudly, and he ran towards the middle position too.

They also reflected at this time.

Although I don't know how Kidd made the two heroes faint, but before they came in, no one came in here.

The gems are also kept indoors.

However, just after they came in, not only were there smoke bombs, but there were also bodyguards who said that the gems were gone.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, the bodyguard who stepped forward to check is the phantom thief Kidd in disguise.

When Suzuki Jiro ran to the position of the pillar, he found that there were no gems there, and his bodyguard was also gone.


At this time, another exclaimed.

"Someone ran out!"

I don't know who yelled.

"Keep an eye on the door, no one is allowed to go out, the thief Kidd is among us!""

The police officer shouted loudly.

"Ah! 99

Another scream sounded.

In this smoke-filled, invisible room, everyone panicked.

Because they are not sure whether it will be themselves who will scream in agony next time.

Also, do you still trust the people around you?

Suzuki Jiro was also anxious at this time. He knew that Kaitou Kid was in this room, but he couldn't catch him.

"I saw Kaitou Kid! He rushed out! 95

At this moment, a voice sounded at the door.

"Ah! 35

Another scream sounded.

"Blow out the smoke! Also, keep an eye on the gate. If one person comes out, one person will be arrested!"

At this moment, a child's voice suddenly sounded at the door.

"Hu! Hu! Hu! 35

Soon, a few bodyguards took the blower and started blowing at the room where the gems were stored.

"Everyone stay still! Wait for the smoke to blow away!"

The police officer in the room also shouted loudly at this time.

"Hoo! Hoo!

At this time, it was a little quiet in this small room, except for the blower, there was no sound.

Under the action of several blowers, the smoke in the room was completely dried in less than three minutes.

At this time, everyone can see the scene clearly:

The people inside were scattered around the room, and the two heroes were unconscious at the feet of Jiro Suzuki.

"Anyone injured?

The police officer looked at the crowd and asked.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and find that no one was hurt.

"No one was injured at all, the screams and shouts just made were the sounds of the phantom thief Kidd.

He just wanted us to get out of our way and take the opportunity to run out of this room.

The old child's voice sounded again.

Everyone looked for the voice and found that it turned out to be a primary school student with glasses.

"According to the position of the sound just now, Kaitou Kidd appeared here respectively,

The schoolboy is walking around the room

"Here, here, and here, and finally here."

The pupil finally stopped in front of a young man.

At this time, the positions of the primary school student and the young man were only fifty centimeters away from the door.

"I think you should have mixed in when you were transporting gems at noon, and the smoke bombs were also placed at that time.

As soon as the dummy outside is intercepted, you detonate the smoke bomb and create chaos.

As for the two heroes, I think the smoke bomb in the room should have a strong drug in it, and the smoke bomb in this room should have been detonated very early.

After the door was opened, you rushed in as soon as possible, ran to the glass cover where the gems were stored, and stole the gems out.

Then loudly told others that the gem was stolen, which made the people inside start to panic.

I was right, Kaitou Kid. 35

The primary school student pushed his eyes and said in a positive tone.

And the others were also looking at that person, wondering if he was the phantom thief Kidd.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

I saw the young man clapping his hands.

"Your reasoning is brilliant, and most of it is right.

・・・・Seeking flowers・


Elementary students do not feel that there is anything wrong with their reasoning.

"Yes, for the most part, there's one thing you've reasoned wrongly, and that's the location of the gem.

The real gem was not placed inside that glass cover at all. "5

The young man took a gem from his pocket and threw it to the ground.


The gem is torn apart.


Everyone was shocked, what they tried so hard to protect turned out to be fake.


Suzuki Jiro laughed at this moment.

"Yes, what I put here is indeed fake, I know that you are going to steal it, so you must take some precautions.

Phantom Thief Kidd, all of us are here now, so just grab it.


"Mr. Suzuki, do you really think I don't know, did you put the real gem in the hidden compartment of that pillar?"

At this time, the thief Kidd actually took out a gem.

Suzuki Jiro was surprised when he saw the gem in Kidd's hand, and quickly opened the hidden grid on the pillar, and found that the gem inside was really gone.

"How did you know I put the gem here?"

You must know that in order to ensure the safety of the gem, Suzuki Jiro put it himself, and no one saw it when he put it.

"Okay, now that the gems are in hand, it's time for us to leave, right, my buddy.

Kaito Kidd bent down and patted the elementary school student on the head.

At the same time, he threw a smoke bomb at his feet.

"Bang! 35

The smoke bomb exploded and smoke appeared in the room again.

"The schoolboy is with him! Catch them and don't let them run away!"

The police officer shouted, running towards the door himself.

But by the time he ran to the door, the phantom thief Kidd and the elementary school student had disappeared.

"Block all exits and must not let them leave!

The police officer shouted loudly into the walkie-talkie.

At the same time, a large number of police officers surrounding the museum also acted.

"It seems that Kaitou Kidd has succeeded.

Gito looked at the actions of the police and said.

"They can definitely catch Kaito Kidd.

Kawaii was angry with his colleagues.

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