Comprehensive Manga: Maid Dragon Collects Rent For Me, Doorman Miss Pao

Chapter 6 Who Says White Cats Can’T Be Called Black Balls

Lin Yi squatted down and picked up the running cat,

He looked at the little cat with dirty hair and said,

"When I first met this guy, he was black. After I raised him for a while, I found out that this guy was artificially dyed black. I got used to it and didn't bother to change it! Anyway, there is no rule that white cats cannot It's called Black Ball~~"

As he spoke, he licked the little white cat,

"You guy, you know how to play outside every day. If you bring me a bunch of little wild cats someday, I will castrate you~~~"

"No eunuchs!!!"

Tokisaki Kurumi said angrily at this time! ! !

Cats are so cute, how can they be castrated? What's more, it was a little female cat! ! !

Lin Yi smiled,

"Just kidding, seeing that you like cats so much, do you have cats too?"

Even if he can't directly reveal the identity of Tokisaki Kurumi, it doesn't mean that he can't use the information he knows to have a relationship with Tokisaki Kurumi.

He is very envious of Tokisaki Kuangsan Kedi's ability.

Thor's abilities are all combat-oriented, and he basically doesn't use them in daily life, but if Tokisaki Kurumi's ability is used to buy lottery tickets or open boxes in games, it is very good.

A handful of 999 boxes, if you have something you like, keep playing, if you don’t have something you like,

The "bang~~" shot went back to the time when it was not fired, and started all over again.

However, if Tokisaki Kurumi knew his thoughts, he would probably be beaten to death by him! ! !

Tokisaki Kurumi snorted coldly


Originally, he still had a certain degree of sympathy for Lin Yi and the others to help him out of trouble.

But the kick that Lin Yi kicked the little white cat instantly reduced the favorability to 0.

If it weren't for the little white cat's attitude towards Lin Yi, I'm afraid the favorability score would be negative.

Lin Yi was not angry with her attitude, but smiled slightly,

"Is it not allowed? My apartment can be raised, 15,000 yen a month for one bedroom and one living room, 25,000 yen a month for two bedrooms and one living room,

Well-decorated, check-in with bags, 24-hour management, there are still about ten rooms, would you like to rent one? "

In their city, cats are not allowed in many apartments.

According to his understanding of Tokisaki Kurumi, since she has become an elf, she should also live outside.

Anyway, I still have more than ten rooms in my apartment, why not let her rent one, so that not only will I have income, but I may be able to copy the skills of the other party.

Even if the favorability level doesn't increase, isn't there still a 100% contract conclusion card?

Hearing his words, Tokisaki Kurumi's angry expression immediately relaxed.


She doesn't have a cat, partly because she often has to go out to hunt and kill humans to replenish energy for Emperor Keke,

The second is that the current apartment cannot be raised.

So, directly,

"Where is your apartment? If the location is suitable, I can consider it!!"

Lin Yi took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over.

"It has the address of the apartment and my phone number. My name is Lin Yi. If you want to come, please feel free to contact me!"

Tokisaki Kurumi took it over,

Glancing behind Lin Yi, Thor with horns on her head and a tail behind her, she was not afraid, after all, she herself is not an ordinary person, nor is she a superpower.

Taking another look at the kitten in Lin Yi's arms, he said

"Tokisaki Kurumi, I'm thinking about it!!"

After that, he walked down the mountain.

Although those guys have already left, the energy fluctuations they caused before are too huge, there will definitely be more powerful guys coming, and she doesn't want to expose her strength now.

There are no people in this world who are stronger than her.

Isn't there one or two in front of you?

However, after walking two steps, seeing Lin Yi who hadn't left yet, they also kindly advised,

"If you don't want to get into more trouble, leave quickly, those guys from the discipline team have installed detection devices all over the city!!"

After saying this, he left without looking back.

Lin Yi thanked him politely, and asked Thor to use cognitive impairment again, turning into a dragon and flying back towards the apartment.

Although he no longer has to go to school or go to work,

But I was a little hungry at this time, and I was going to go back to have a meal first, and then take Thor to the city to let her get acquainted with the world.

Tokisaki Kurumi was also a little surprised when he sensed that their aura disappeared instantly.

"Sure enough, there are many powerful guys in this world~~"

Then he took out the business card and looked at it.

"Is it Yixin Apartment? The location is a bit out of the way, but there is a tram stop nearby, so it's not bad~~"



On Lin Yi's side, sitting on Thor's back, watching the scenery of Academy City from the sky for the first time is also a very good test.

"Thor, can I fly like you?"

"Okay, when you can master the magic power proficiently, you can fly in the air like this!"

Thor is now using floating magic, which can float in the air with only a small amount of magic power, and can move directly in the air by manipulating the flow of magic power around him.

This is easier than using her wings to use the wind to fly, and it will not make Lin Yi feel the cold wind.

Although there is a contract between her and Lin Yi, it is only a theoretical knowledge. If she wants to use magic, she still needs to carry out practical operations.

While chatting, the two flew towards the apartment at a leisurely pace. Even so, the distance of two kilometers was less than ten minutes.

Just after flying over his apartment, Lin Yi saw the balcony of room 303,

A guy with angel wings and an angel ring on his head was holding a golden horn like a bull's horn in his hand, and was about to blow it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating.

"Gabriel, stop!!! Thor, stop her!!!"


I don't know how many people know about Gabriel, but I only found out about it recently,

一看就爱上了这个堕落天使,只想和他piapiapia,是揍她,不要想歪了! ! !

Gabriel town building, please cherish this unfallen angel~~~

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