Comprehensive Manga: Maid Dragon Collects Rent For Me, Doorman Miss Pao

Chapter 63: Knocking Accelerator Flying With One Hand, An Energy Ball Alerts The Whole

"Sniper target code name: Accelerator!"

Misaka sister said the final order,

trigger down,

"Bang bang bang bang~"

The modified sniper rifle fired several rounds of bullets in succession, accurately hitting Accelerator's back.


The bullet just flashed a burst of sparks on Accelerator's back, and then reflected at a faster speed towards Misaka sister's position.


Accelerator scratched his back in displeasure,

"Can't wait until I finish eating to start!"

As he said that, he turned around in Misaka sister's direction and looked,

While seeing Miss Misaka,

The displeasure on his face immediately turned into a sick smile,

"This time the test product is interesting!!!"

With a slight tap of the toes, the body immediately jumped towards the roof of one side of the building, stunned the passers-by.

on the roof,

Younger sister Misaka held the sniper rifle in her hand, looked at the five deformed sniper rifle bullets hovering half a meter in front of her, and was slightly dazed.

"There is an unknown situation, Misaka can't judge!"

Accelerator's ability is vector control, which can reflect all physical attacks and change the direction of energy movement.

But there is no record in the data that Accelerator has the ability to control objects to hover in the air.

Before he had time to think about it, the Japanese Accelerator was quickly jumping towards this side.

In order to avoid accidentally injuring passersby, sister Misaka gave up the sniper rifle,

He took out another pistol from the black box, turned around and prepared to run towards the center of the roof.

However, two familiar figures appeared in the line of sight, which made her move suddenly.

30 "Why are you here, Misaka asked very anxiously, and urged you to leave this place as soon as possible!"

It was still an emotionless voice, but the speed of speech was twice as fast as before.

Misaka Mikoto looked down at his body, the green film had disappeared, and Lin Yi lifted the cognitive barrier of magic power.

"Huh? Are you going to solve two this time? Are the higher-ups so impatient?"

Accelerator's voice came from the edge of the rooftop.

The body also landed steadily on the roof.

Miss Misaka immediately turned around and made a defensive gesture,

"That's my sister, the real Misaka Mikoto. The current situation has exceeded the scope of the experiment. Misaka asked to suspend the experiment and report! Misaka spoke at a slightly faster speed!"

hear this,

An even more smug smile appeared on Accelerator's face.

"The real Misaka Mikoto, how about this, I kill her directly, it must be faster than killing hundreds of you!!"

the voice did not fall,

The body tamed like lightning and rushed towards the position where Misaka Mikoto and Lin Yi were.

Misaka Mikoto has no idea what this is all about.

I don't even know who the guy in front of me is,

It's just that I'm very upset about the smile on the other party's face and what he said.

Seeing the opponent's figure rushing towards him, the electric arc immediately surrounded him, and he was about to attack the opponent.


at this time,

A big hand appeared in front of Misaka Mikoto, directly holding the fist that Accelerator hit.

The smile on Accelerator's face disappeared instantly,

He can freely manipulate the direction of kinetic energy, thermal energy, electric energy and other energy,

But when the other party held his hand just now, why didn't he perceive any energy?


Accelerator roared,

left hand waved,



An extremely powerful force and an extremely violent airflow blew towards Lin Yi and Misaka Mikoto,

Lin Yi's body remained motionless, but Misaka Mikoto was blown away directly,

It is about to fall from dozens of stories of high buildings,

A group of invisible magic directly wrapped Misaka Mikoto's body, pulling him back slowly.

Lin Yi looked at Accelerator in front of him, and said lightly

"You are really impatient!"

Then give it a little push,

Fang Accelerator instantly felt an extremely powerful force pressing towards him.

The ability slanted out crazily,

However, he found that there was no effect at all, and it could not change the huge force pushed towards him by the opponent at all.

The body flew upside down tens of meters and hit the wall of the courtyard.

The hard concrete wall was instantly covered with cracks like spider webs.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Fang Accelerator's mouth, looking at Lin Yi in shock,

"who are you!!!"

It's not that he didn't change the power that Lin Yi pushed over just now, it's just that with his special ability, the changed part of the power only accounts for 10% at most.

In other words, Lin Yi pushes him away with 100% strength, and his ability can only resist 10%.

The remaining 90% directly pushed him away and hit the wall,


It also hurt him!

This kind of power is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It is simply not something that LV5 superpowers can have.

Is he LV6?

But in Academy City, it is impossible for LV6 to exist, otherwise, the higher-ups would not rush to urge me to experiment as soon as possible.

Lin Yi slowly walked towards sister Misaka,


"Lin Yi, just an ordinary person!"

Then I looked at Miss Misaka,

"We already know your mission, can you take me to the person who will let you carry out this mission?"

If Lin Yi had said this before Misaka sister's mission started,

Misaka sister will definitely refuse.

But now that I have learned of their plan, there should be no need to solve it!

Miss Misaka looked at Lin Yi and said,

"Misaka has already contacted the doctor through the Misaka network, and the doctor informed that they need to discuss. I hope you can give them some time. Misaka told the truth!

"That's it!"

Lin Yi nodded.

I am afraid that the moment they showed up, they were already discussing how to deal with the current situation.


If the other party doesn't know his true identity and just treats him as an ordinary person, it will be useless.

So he walked towards Tongtong.

Accelerator stared at Lin Yi warily.

Lin Yi smiled slightly,

"Don't be nervous, I have no intention of fighting with you, I just didn't control my strength just now, I thought you would be stronger!!!"

As soon as he said this,

Accelerator's face suddenly darkened.

He knows that he is not the strongest, but no one dares to say that he is weak!

This guy is the first!

"What do you want!!"

Accelerator said in a cold tone.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, stood at a distance of more than three meters from the passing party, and said slowly,

"Do you want to make a contract with me, I can make you stronger, LV6 is just the starting point!"

The contract with Saten Ruiko has proved that his magic power can also improve the strength of superpowers like them.

Accelerator's participation in the Absolute Abilities Project is just to become LV6 and have stronger strength.

make a contract with yourself,

In addition to the faith contract, he felt that Accelerator had a breakthrough.


He felt it was difficult to get Accelerator to agree to the binding force of the master-servant contract and the slave contract.

"What contract?"

Accelerator asked.


Lin Yi explained the binding force of the master-servant contract and the slave contract.


As soon as he finished speaking, Accelerator called immediately,

"Absolutely impossible!!!"

Accelerator's pursuit of power is for freedom, for being unrestrained, and for making others no longer able to control him.

How could he lose his freedom for the sake of power.

987 Lin Yi knew it would be such a reaction, but he didn't give up, and continued,

"I'm telling you like this, you may not be very clear about it, how about this, I will demonstrate it myself, you can see what I can achieve with 10% of my power, and then you can think about it!"

To obtain the ability of one party to pass through,

All he needs is a 100% contract card.

However, what he wants now is not just the ability of Accelerator, but to let those who are behind Miss Misaka come out to meet him.

This is about proving your own strength.

It would be even better if he could take the opportunity to let Accelerator make a contract with him.

I can also be a kid playing vector in the future.

finished speaking,

Lin Yi slowly flew into the sky,

Although only 10% of the energy is intended to be released, with Thor's energy, destroying this city is not a problem.

at the same time,

Academy City City Defense Command Center,

The energy detection radar sounded the alarm again.

"Captain, found energy beyond LV5!"

"Where is Yixin Apartment?"

"No, District Eight?"

"The eighth district? Don't worry, the eighth district is doing a special today..."

"The energy has broken through LV6, and it is still rising!!!"

The monitor who was still calmly sitting in front of the screen and reporting, stood up and screamed.

The captain on duty who was about to drink water heard this, immediately threw the quilt in his hand, and ran towards the radar screen.

Seeing the energy value that has turned purple, he shouted instantly.

"Immediately contact the Commander-in-Chief, and pull the line for a first-level alarm throughout the city! Organize personnel to hide in the air-raid shelters, start from areas 21, 14, and 17, and near the eighth area, just give up!


19:16 PM,

While most of Academy City are eating dinner peacefully at home,

The ear-piercing first-level alarm sounded instantly!


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