The sun sets over the western mountains, and the setting sun becomes red. The yolk-like sun gradually blends into the mountains and rivers. Nowadays, between Kamijou Village and Yuanye Village, there is a blue river shrouded in thick fog. On both sides of the river, the evil spirit is thick, and will-o'-wisps are flying. In the hazy evil mist, bursts of joyful singing and dancing can be heard. Voice.

In the Tobu Kingdom, only near this river, a grand and grand monster banquet is held every hundred years. When the banquet is held, humans passing by here cannot see the monsters, but the river can be seen with thick fog all year round, especially every year. Every ten years, ethereal music sounds are heard from both sides of the river from time to time, which is very strange, hence the name of the river.——【demon river】

"Wow~" At this moment, Youhua stared at the entire river bank occupied by monsters,"I didn't expect there were so many monsters here.……"She was brought here by King Douya, but as soon as King Douya arrived, he immediately left the little Youhua behind and blended in with the demon group.

All I saw was a monster with three eyes. It faced King Douya with a drunken face and said,"Isn't this the world-famous big monster - His Excellency King Douya? It's been a long time since I saw you. Why do you have time to come here today?" Party at the river?"

King Douya said with a hearty smile:"I came here to visit my brother, and it coincides with the Centennial Demon Banquet, so I stopped by to see you, how about it? You have been doing well over the years, right?"

"Living well, just……"As the three-eyed monster spoke, his gaze shifted to Yuhua who was following King Douya,"Your Majesty King Douya, why did you bring a miko to the party?" It was okay that he didn't say miko, but when he said the word miko, All the surrounding monsters looked over and shouted the word"witch" with fear in their mouths. The joyful atmosphere of the party was instantly destroyed by those two words.

"This little witch……"At this time, the monster [Spider Woman] came over in a graceful and graceful way,"It can be seen that she is young but full of energy!"

Youhua looked at the Spider Woman and said hello to her:"kong~ni ~jv~wa~"

The spider woman didn't say anything else, just stared at Youhua thoughtfully.

King Douya took out a jar of good wine from the side and said while drinking:"Don't worry, she is the witch from my brother's shrine. She is very friendly to monsters. As long as you don't do bad things, nothing will happen to her.""." Then, he turned to Youhua and said:"I knew all the monsters in this area more than three hundred years ago. Come on, little witch, I will take you to get a good seat!" At this time, the one-legged umbrella Yaoya came over curiously,"I heard recently that there is a very powerful miko, but it's probably not her."

"oh? When Youhua heard this, he was very interested and asked,"How do you say this?" Is there a more powerful miko than me?"

The three-eyed monster answered on behalf of the umbrella monster:"I heard that in a famous city eight hundred miles away from here, there is a witch named Cuizi. She used the legendary monster flower [Four Souls Flower] in the monster world to practice a very special kind of magic. A powerful spell that can purify the soul of monsters."

When Youhua heard the name Cuizi, a white light flashed in her mind - no wonder she heard Bai Lu mention [Four Souls Flower] instead of [Four Souls Jade]. It turns out there is such a device. Sure... I guess the Shikon Jade in the future will be the crystallization of the"Four Souls Flower"? In this way, wouldn't the Warring States Period where Inuyasha is coming soon? She has already met Inuyasha's father! But that's not right. Ah, the time and space she is in now is the Asuka Period, and after that it should be the Nara Period, and then the Heian Period... Oh, her mind is in a mess, so she just doesn't care, let's live her life now first, what will happen in the future, what will happen in the future. Thinking about it.

Seeing Youhua's weird expression, King Douya couldn't help but put his face closer to her,"What's wrong?" Could it were shocked by the monster scene here?"

"Wow!"King Douya came so close so suddenly. Youhua was shocked when he came back to his senses,"Coming so close...what do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do anything. You little witch is so weird.……"King Douya ignored Youhua and started playing with the monsters alone.

Just at this time, a monster with a neck as long as a snake passed by, and was unfortunately seen by Yuhua...

When Yuhua saw it, he rushed towards it,"Is this the legendary monster [Flying Man]? ?" She grabbed Feitou Man's neck,"If it falls asleep, will its head fly out with its neck? How interesting!" She said this, raised her fist and hit Feitou Man hard!

"Ha~~ It’s flying~ It’s flying!"She looked happily at the flying-headed beast whose head had detached from its body and was flying in the night sky.

"Hey, it's a bit bad for you to do this, isn't it?"The spider woman looked pitifully at the flying man who was being played with by Yuhua.

Youhua played with the flying man, with a happy smile on his face,"It's okay, it's okay, I won't kill it."

King Douya, who was drinking heavily with the monsters not far away, glanced at Youhua and muttered in his heart:"Am I right or wrong in bringing her here? Speaking of which... why should I bring her here? This Ka Wai's little witch...what's her name? Hmm...I forgot.]

King Douya burped and continued to drink and have fun. After a while, he was so drunk that he fell unconscious and completely forgot about Youhua's existence, leaving her alone among the monsters, as if he had concluded early on that nothing would happen if he brought her here, and he was not worried at all. At this moment, Fairy Ling Yue flashed beside King Douya, closed her fan and knocked hard His head was thinking,"Ah, ah, ah, ah~ Mr. Douya King, why are you so drunk?" Don't you care about that little witch you've taken a liking to?"

After listening to Immortal Fairy Ling Yue's words, King Douya sobered up more than half of his wine. He looked at Youhua half drunk and half awake,"That girl... will definitely be a legendary figure in the future, but wait until she becomes that famous person. Characters, probably hundreds of years later……"

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue sat down noblely and leaned next to King Dou Ya. Her delicate jade hands stroked the green lawn beneath her,"A big monster like me who has a thousand years of monster age can see through a person's life's destiny at a glance. That little The fate of a witch is full of shackles, and her life path is even more full of curses.……"

The two were discussing Yuhua, and Ichimoku and the others also arrived. They all greeted Yuhua:"Yuhua-chan~" Hearing the sound, Yuhua turned around and ran towards Ichimoku and the others,"min~na~"

And the people on the Yao River bank The other monsters all gathered around Yuhua and danced drunkenly...

King Douya stared thoughtfully at Yuhua who was surrounded by monsters, with a deep monster light flashing in his eyes, and a hint of domineering at the corner of his mouth. Smiling,"Well, if it's her, she can definitely survive it."~"

"Hey~" Ling Yue Fairy used her fan to cover her lower face seductively,"Because, she is the one you like.……"

For a moment, Yaohe drum music sounded, and there was a lot of joy……


The starry night covers the sky, and the stars surround the moon. On both sides of the demon river, a group of demons danced wildly.

Next to a certain monster who was drunk on the ground, Yuhua was holding a stack of small notebooks filled with names of monsters and secretly said,"Great~ It's finally done! My personal friends list! Haha.……"Youhua took advantage of the group of demons to be drunk and easily asked their names.

Upon seeing this, a certain Cyclops who was not drunk immediately staggered over and said,"Hey! Little witch, how could you do this?! Give us our names back!!!""

"This is wrong~ This one-eyed brother."Youhua smiled triumphantly,"This stack of friends' books is signed by you! Before signing, you personally promised to be friends with me, and then I asked you for autographs, and you signed them with your own hands. And you are all famous monsters in the Tobu Kingdom, so you shouldn't go back on your word easily, right? If you want me to return your names to you... it's very simple, as long as each of you agrees to do three things for me in the future! As for those three things, well... I will call you if I need anything in the future."

"this……"Cyclops wanted to say something else, but he felt that what Youhua said made sense, so he didn't bother anymore.

"It’s pretty awesome ~ a kawaii little miko."King Douya was lying drunkenly among the flowers while holding the wine jar. He looked at Youhua with drunken eyes,"I didn't expect... you actually asked for my name.……"

Youhua smiled proudly,"Master Douya King, since your name is also on my friend account, you have to do three things for me~"

Douya King curled his lips and smiled disapprovingly, then threw the wine jar away, as if he was drunk. Fei walked up to Youhua drunkenly,"I'm telling you, little witch, only those monsters who want their names back will agree to help you do the so-called three things. In this way - monsters who don't want their names back can just Don’t you need to pay attention to the three things you said?"

Youhua rolled his eyes and scratched his face with his fingers,"Well, you’re right to say that.……"

King Douya continued:"Besides, I believe that the reason why you did this was not because you wanted to drive the monsters, but because you really wanted to make friends with the monsters. Am I right?"

"Hee hee~" Youhua grinned,"Master Douya King really knows how to understand people's hearts~ That's what I mean!"

"Of course, who am I, King Douya? You little witch is really interesting~ Well, if you have anything to do in the future, you can tell me, and I will naturally help you if I can! There's no need for your so-called friend account at all. Well, since you already want my name, just do whatever you like."

"Ahhhhh~" She had a lovely smile on her face. Although she didn't drink, she seemed to be drunk by the alcohol at the scene, and her face turned red at some point.

Youhua looked at the hand in her hand proudly In the Friends' Book, Sugino, who was beside him, was already looking at the Friends' Book with twinkling eyes,"Hey~~~ Yuhua-chan, on which page did you write my name?" Is it really the third page? I've read the third page from the beginning and the end several times, and it doesn't even contain my name.……"

"Hmm... I'll look for it……"She flipped through her friend list,"Wow~ Sugino-kun, because there are too many monsters on the scene, so... I wrote your name on the last page."

"Nani——?!"When Sugino heard this, his whole body turned to stone on the spot.

The cold wind whistled past Sugino, and a flock of crows flew arrogantly over his head, accompanied by"A——A——"mocking voice.

In the long starry night, with a cool breeze, the Demon River flows endlessly amidst laughter, conveying happiness to the distance, and the sky is also filled with white fish belly...

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