With the awakening of the Herrscher of the Void, the world fell into a catastrophe.

In just four months, the survivors fled everywhere, seeking asylum.

Sky City.

The technological city established by humans in China has become one of their refuges.

Two weeks ago, someone witnessed the Herrscher of the Void appearing here. In order to find her whereabouts, Destiny and Anti-Entropy launched operations at the same time.

If it is said that during the second Great Crash, Sirin brought a huge disaster to the world, even if the Herrsrscher who recovered during the Fifth Great Crash brought the whole world into


Of course, all of this is due to the effect of the "God Killing Spear", precisely because it is combined with the "weapon" developed by the holy blood of the Shaniat family, which can smoothly make the Houkai in the emperor-level Houkai be out of the control of the main body ", after Wuliangta Jizi injected the Herrscher of the Sky and awakened Qiyana.

The huge Houkai energy that was originally bound in the body of the Herrscher of the Sky was released instantly and spread to the whole world.

In fact, the reason why the pre-civilization has less living space as it goes to the back is not only the damage caused by the Herrscher, but a large part of it is caused by the huge collapse energy pollution in the Herrscher's body after the crusade against the Herrscher.

On this point, it is the same reason that the Herrscher and the demon gods in the original gods will leave behind the residue of the demon gods after death. The more powerful a creature is, the more impossible it is to simply erase the traces of its existence after death.

When a whale falls, everything grows. The death of a whale brings about the growth of everything in the sea.

The same is true of lawyers.

Countless Honkai Beast Deadpool roamed the land of "May 77", and those with poor Honkai adaptability either became one of them, or they couldn't survive and died completely.

And those lucky ones can only report to the group to keep warm, give up more space, and gather together to resist this disaster.

Standing on a tall building in Sky City, Rita Rossweisse, the vice-captain of Undying Blade, was thinking of something.

After a long time, she connected to the personal terminal of the Archbishop of Heaven.

"My lord, I have arrived in Tianqiong City, please give me further instructions."

"Two weeks ago, Tianqiong City monitored a leak of Honkai energy. After investigating the camera records, someone discovered the trace of the Herrscher of the Sky.

"Your task is to find her whereabouts."

"I obey. But..." Rita respectfully responded, but there was still some doubt in her eyes, "Two weeks have passed since the surveillance shooting, and the Herrscher of the Sky may have left this city."

"Is this information worth pursuing!?"

Otto seemed to have expected Rita's reaction in this way, he said, "The uploader of the photo is an information dealer from Sky City, nicknamed 'Grey Snake'

"He has a technology that can monitor the city's network information, and screen out valuable information for sale. Gray Snake's release of the photo is to hint to the sellers that he has the whereabouts of the Herrscher of the Sky in his hands."

Rita nodded and said, "I understand. However, according to the latest intercepted information, some people have witnessed traitors from the Far East Branch also appearing in Tianqiong City."

"It can make Master Teresa so impatient that she will come to Tianqiong City to find clues at the expense of exposing her whereabouts. I can only judge that the credibility of this information is far beyond imagination."

Otto stroked his chin and said, "It seems that this banquet mission is not easy."

"The traitors still had enough energy to track the whereabouts of the Herrscher of the Sky during their escape, and the anti-entropy people should have provided them with intelligence support behind the scenes.

"Maybe if you keep biting them, you will be able to find clues." Rita affirmed.

"Let's adapt. I have provided you with all the information you need for the mission. No matter what method you use, you must get the information before Teresa.


After turning off the communication, Rita didn't act immediately, but stayed on the tall building for a long time, letting the night wind blow her hair,..."

On the other side, looking at the blacked-out screen, Kong Kong Wanzang let out an undisguised laugh.

"You are really unpopular, Otto Apocalypse.

Otto didn't get angry, just swayed the goblet filled with one-third of the red wine in his hand, and said disapprovingly, "Compared to me, I think you don't understand people's hearts."

After finishing speaking, Otto no longer paid any attention to this noisy void.

He lowered his eyes, hiding everything.

"Theresa, and my old friend, don't let me down..."

Also in a corner of Sky City.

"Principal, we have entered Tianqiong City. There is no sign of being followed or monitored."

"Got it, keep in touch with Dr. Einstein.


"Mei is in charge of vigilance."


"Then let's quickly find that nasty snake and finish the business deal!? It's so old, it's okay to use the Internet to send information...Why do we need to use such an old-fashioned connection method!?"

"Probably to prevent the signal from being eavesdropped.

Raiden Mei and Bronya Zajcek also took a special plane to enter Sky City at the same time, but the purpose is the same as Rita but also different.

As the supporting party in the disaster of the Herrscher of the Sky, even though they had already held high the banner of resistance before that, they did not expect that after the Destiny Headquarters escaped from danger, they really did not show any sympathy at all, and directly defined them as traitors, and then launched a hunting operation , St. Freya Academy is directly disbanded.

This method of crossing the river to draw boards made Teresa and the others drop their favor towards the headquarters of Destiny to a freezing point, and because of this, their cooperation with anti-entropy has been unreserved.

Hearing Bronya's guess, Teresa thought about it and agreed: "Well...maybe it can represent the weight of this piece of information."

At the moment, Mei seems to be not paying attention to communication. She stared at the metropolis in front of her, and said in surprise, "This...is Tianqiong City!? It is so huge that it is unimaginable. Even before the Great Crash, such Prosperous cities are also rare.”

Teresa sighed after hearing the words, "Yes, in order to resist more and more Houkai beasts, people have to abandon their homes and move to large cities around the world."

"After all, only these big cities are capable of protecting them. With the accumulation of technology and resources, cities have become larger and larger, and eventually become super-giant metropolises."

Mei clenched her fists, "In such a big city... Kiyana, I will definitely find you..."

Seeing this, Teresa comforted, "Although most of the intelligence dealers are double-faced guys, there are many risks in dealing with them. But this is also the only clue we found for Qiyana after escaping from the headquarters... ...No matter how much risk I take, I will try it."

"So Mei, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

.......Time back to three months after the Great Crash

【Citizens in this area are requested to evacuate quickly and go to the nearest shelter. Sky Patrol is rushing to the affected area as quickly as possible. repeat……………】

【Northern part of Tianqiong City】

The raging fire ravaged the land, and the damaged electronic notifier was constantly repeating the disaster notification.

People shouted in terror and despair.

Honkai beasts are wreaking havoc and massacres. In the dark, a white-haired girl with a baseball bat and braided braids is clenching her teeth as she watches a giant Honkai beast with a spear in one hand and a shield in the other slowly move. Close to a mother and son who had no time to escape.

"Qiana, you can no longer absorb Houkai energy."

"Let's go. There's nothing you can do right now."

Fu Hua's voice came again, there was sadness in her voice, more helplessness.

"Can't do it!? I have to..." Qiyana was about to bite her lower lip to bleed. It's not that she didn't understand that what Fu Hua said was right, but she didn't want to listen to it, nor did she want to do that.

She rushed out amid Fu Hua's shouts, and raised the metal baseball bat in her hand to block the thrust of the temple-level Honkai beast..0

"Run! Don't look back, I'll hold it back." She shouted to the frightened mother and son behind her without looking back.

"Thank you..." Although the mother was surprised, she still didn't dare to delay pulling her child up, and ran back, but when she was about to run out of sight, she still turned her head to the strange white man. The hair girl whispered thanks.

And Qiyana, who stayed behind, looked at more and more Honkai Beasts approaching with a wry smile.

She didn't support it for too long, and she was already scarred.

"I... can't die here..."

But at this moment, she was already physically exhausted. Facing the menacing Honkai Beast army, Qiyana didn't even have the strength to dodge.

Just when she thought that she might really be going to die here, suddenly that nightmarish voice sounded in her ear again, with a smug laugh.

Qiyana's left eye was gradually replaced by gold.

"Leave this body to me."

At the same time, Qiyana also heard Fu Hua's anxious cry, but Qiyana felt that her consciousness was getting heavier and heavier, she seemed to be sinking, little by little, until she completely in the darkness.

The girl once heard someone say that when she was dying, everything she had experienced in the past would fly before her eyes like a revolving lantern.

But now, there was only darkness in front of her eyes.

"Shouldn't I have already been pierced by the Honkai Beast's spear!?" - The girl's heart was filled with confusion.

It should be like those victims who can't do anything but run and cry, watching the Honkai Beast fall from the sky, being pierced, trampled, and slaughtered...

...why am I still alive!?"

—Because of committing too many sins, he needs to live to accept the punishment of fate.

—Does he think that he can resist the personality of the Herrscher, and that he still has a chance to save everything!?

Or, is there a final fantasy in the bottom of my heart, hoping that all this is just a nightmare, and when the classroom bell rings, everything will be back to normal!?

The answer, she has no way of knowing.

There is only darkness in front of my eyes, endless darkness...

Kiyana gritted her teeth, trying to control her mind that was about to lose control, recalling everything worth recalling in the past.

In the end, the memories were shattered and rushed towards her...

"Theresa! Mei!"

With the appearance of familiar people, that nightmarish voice sounded again.

"Those friends who keep saying they want to take you home...5.7"

"When they see the true face of your heart, are you still willing to let you approach them and hug them!?"

"At this moment, in their eyes, the girl named Qiyana no longer exists. The only way to save you now is to destroy you."

Teresa and Mei, who were surrounded by memories, immediately raised their weapons and attacked the bewildered Kiyana without mercy or hesitation.

Wuliangta Jizi, who was sitting in the headmaster's office, twitched her lips. Looking at Xilin who was reading from the manuscript, she always felt that everything in front of her was more like a dream.

This Herrscher seems to be tempting Kiyana to end her life step by step, but as the personality of the Herrscher, if Kiyana's body dies, can she still live!?

If that was the case, then Wendy couldn't possibly have died.

So Wuliangta Jizi didn't understand what the Herrscher wanted to do, and the other party seemed to be no more understandable than Archbishop Otto, and they were all riddlers.

Maybe the other party simply wanted to consume Fu Hua's limited power......

To be honest, facing Fu Hua, a former student, Ji Zi's mood is quite complicated, because as long as she is not stupid, she can see that Fu Hua's life is not simple, and she is definitely not an A-level Valkyrie who can survive.

Even an S-rank Valkyrie doesn't have the ability to stay on someone else's body after death, and she still has the ability to play support and insurance.

So what kind of monsters are the students I teach!?

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