Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1008 Sirin: There Are Always People Who Want To Harm Me!

"Does the Lawrence need to sleep too!?"

After being roughly driven out of the principal's office that originally belonged to Teresa by Sirin, Wuliangta Jizi couldn't help muttering. Of course, she was also in a better mood. After seeing her dead, Kiyana finally got help from Fu Hua. Come out of the shadows.

This made Wuliangta Jizi, who was worried about the outside world, much less restless.

At the same time, the serum was injected into Qiyana's body in a hurry. Before she could see the effect, she couldn't hold on. She had a lot to tell that idiot student, and she was also worried that this idiot would get into the corner, but at that time she could only Done so much.

Now that he has come back to life inexplicably, naturally he can't feel at ease.

As for the Herrscher of Nakon...

Forget it, she has stayed with Destiny and Teresa for so many years, even her grandfather Otto, the archbishop of Destiny, can't figure it out, how can she see what the Herrsrscher, the enemy of mankind, wants to do!?

Anyway, she's all dead, and now even the Valkyrie's strength has been lost because of the loss of the Houkai ability, so if she continues to worry about it, she will only ask for trouble.

With so many people accompanying her, I believe that neither Kiyana nor Teresa should have to worry about it. After so many years, this is another retirement for her!?

Maybe after a while, Teresa and the others will come down to accompany me!?

"I wonder if Delisa has prepared a funeral for me!?"

Hearing Wuliangta Jizi's muttering, both Wendy and Ji Lin looked over with strange eyes, Wuliangta Jizi smiled awkwardly, changed the subject and said, "It just so happened that I took back the good wine from before. Shall we have a drink together!?"

"Major Jizi..." Wendy was a little speechless, "Are you accepting reality now!?"

Even though Jizi hadn't quit the front line to be a teacher when she was in St. Freya's school, otherwise Teresa wouldn't have said that Wendy was her student instead of Jizi's student. Lisa is an S-level Valkyrie herself, so Wendy's A-level Valkyrie has a lot of strength, otherwise, how can I explain that other people's blackness is three times stronger, but on Wendy's side, she turned black and became a Herrscher , but was punched by the mecha!?

It's so embarrassing.

However, as a former student of St. Freya College, Wendy still respects Himeko, the right-hand man of Principal Teresa's Academy, but because of unfamiliarity, she doesn't live together like Kiyana and the others, so It is not clear what kind of person Ji Zi is in private.

Unexpectedly, the beauty of distance between groupies and stars can also be realized here. The captain of the dignified Hyperion, the second in command of the Far East branch, 310, turned out to be a drunkard!?

Who can accept it!?

Ji Lin, on the other hand, was a little tired. She was somehow thrown underground to be with Wendy. After finally returning to the ground to see the sun, she felt empty and not as happy as she imagined.

As a super old ancestor, everything in modern times is very strange to her, and there is no one she is familiar with.

However, seeing Immortal Chi Yuan, an "old acquaintance" just now made her feel a little more at ease.

At least she wasn't really completely abandoned by the world.

So facing Ji Zi's invitation at this time, Ji Lin thought about it and agreed directly. After all, it is different from being locked up alone now. She was free, and she really didn't know where to go for a while.

Since the red-haired big sister in front of me is Chi Yuan... No, she should be called Fu Hua's acquaintance friend now, Ji Lin feels that there is nothing wrong with staying with her for the time being, anyway, Fu Hua seems to be fast Get the bento, and when she comes here, she will definitely find this "lady" named Ji Zi, so that she can see her as soon as possible.

If Lianshan and the others...

Ji Lin didn't think much about it, but shook his head, "I also want to taste what the wine will taste like after thousands of years."

Seeing that Ji Lin agreed to come down, Wuliangta Jizi was very happy. She twisted Wendy's shoulder and said, "How about it!? You are the only one missing now. Maybe this wine is the last one here. Are you sure you want it?" miss!?"

At this moment, Ji Zi is like a demon who seduces others to make mistakes, and she lures the pure nun to violate the precepts.

Before Wendy could make a sound, her Herrscher personality couldn't help but choked, "Aren't you being too leisurely!?"

Wuliangta Jizi was a little surprised by Wendy's change, "After getting here, you still coexist with the Herrscher personality!?"

Wendy didn't want to talk anymore, and she didn't want to, not to mention that her Herrscher personality was too loud, cursing and cursing in her head all day made Wendy not calm down for a moment.

Just because the opponent clearly used her body as a candidate for the S-rank Valkyrie, and ended up with such a shameful record, Wendy didn't really want to talk to the opponent.

She is obviously the closest to the S-rank Valkyrie, but in the end, even those Titan mechs that can be easily dismantled by a B-rank Valkyrie, ended up being humiliatingly seconded. Although there is an element of sneak attack, you are a dignified Fourth Herrscher, didn't you say that the Herrschers who appear at the back are more powerful!?

Look at the Second Herrscher, and then look at you!?

Shame on Jill!

After regaining control of her body, Wendy said to Jizi with red eyes, "I want to drink, please give me a drink no matter what!"

She wants to get drunk to relieve her worries and completely forget these bad memories.

Wuliang Tajizi scratched the back of her head, " doesn't need to be like this...well, then come to the dormitory with me, I live alone in my side right now, Kiyana and the others are afraid It’s not that easy to come back!?”

The word "come back" is really strange in every sense.

After Wuliangta Jizi and the others were sent away on the other side, Sirin suddenly slapped her forehead and said with a headache: "Oops, I forgot about the currency system."

Sirin can already imagine what kind of chaotic situation the resurrected people in this false world will face after their emotions calm down. Problems such as work, food and money will definitely follow.

The only good news is that those who can appear here are all "good people" who have been screened by her, and it is unlikely that some disgusting things will happen. As for food, there may be no shortage.

"Forget it, human beings' problems, human beings can solve them by themselves..."

In the end, Sirin simply didn't plan to care about it. Anyway, this place is only a temporary resettlement space. When the collapse outside is resolved, just let these people out. It's still very simple to make some ordinary people's bodies.

She didn't plan to take care of so many people for a lifetime, and she didn't really have the heart of a bodhisattva.

It's just that people like Ji Zi who are more "useful" and "important" can stay at ease and stay out of trouble.

As long as there is no victim, then there is no need to make trouble for her.

This is also the reason why Sirin did not manifest the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven. Without the existence of the camp, it is difficult to gather people's hearts if they want to resist.

It's just that Sirin didn't expect that because of the interweaving of multiple powers, the false world she created would lose the Houkai power. No, it can't be said to be lost, but converted into various other natural elements.

It made Sirin want to put on a vest and act as an unreasonable maintainer for half the time.

I really didn't expect that the most inconspicuous power to dominate the Herrscher can have such an unexpected effect. Sure enough, there is no garbage power, only the Herrscher who doesn't know how to use it.

After checking the situation of Qiyana and Fu Hua outside again, Sirin closed her eyes and entered the lunch break.

Of course, she didn't really sleep, but entered the foggy space.

Compared to the reality where all kinds of planning consume brain cells, and you have to act out a scene from time to time, this place in the foggy space really allows Sirin to really relax.

Ever since she suddenly became the Herrscher of the Sky, she hasn't relaxed for a day. No one knows better than her that the powerful Herrscher will end up with all kinds of lunch boxes.

To be honest, even she finds it hard to believe that Herrscher, who is as strong as a god, will be killed by humans. It stands to reason that it is impossible for humans to accomplish such a feat, because it is not a battle of magnitude.

But in fact, it is so absurd and ridiculous. In the pre-civilization, except for a certain person's Herrscher, the original Herrscher, who has human nature, the other Herrschers seem to be similar to wild beasts, only knowing destruction.

In the modern civilization, it is either the two or five boys or various plots. The most outrageous is Wendy, the Herrscher of the Wind. If there is no inside story about her being easily killed, this is impossible for anyone to believe. Even the first During the second collapse, the pseudo wind rhythm made by the purple-haired young girl Sirin was not so weak. Could it be that the real wind rhythm of Wendy (cafc) is not as good as the counterfeit product!?

Wouldn't you also learn from a certain Aihe monster, and get your heart gutted at your door?!

But Wendy is really dead, not fake, there is no need to put so much effort in acting!?

Do you know what manipulating the air flow means!? It's not as simple as a mere storm, it can really easily destroy the world.

But she just got a lunch box when she appeared on the stage. In fact, not only Wendy, except for the second agent of the Herrscher, Varwalt Yang, there is no Herrscher who can live for one year after birth. If we say here No problem, I wouldn't believe it even if I killed Sirin.

Not to mention that Sirin hadn't entered the mist space at that time, she didn't know if she would also be affected by the sanity, or if the Honkai God would suddenly come up and ask her to surrender or die.

In this kind of Xilin who is full of knives, but also has identity problems and various restrictions, there is really no day when she can sleep peacefully.

At the same time, she can't change the plot and have a good relationship with Qiyana.

One is losing the advantage of the plot, she really lost any advantage.

The second is the existence of Otto. Once Qiyana changes, maybe she is not a wanderer, but is directly captured and locked up by Destiny. As for Otto, she will choose to help her!?

This joke is not funny at all, and Xilin doesn't trust the other party, and hates the other party very much, wishing to blow his soul steel heads off one by one, how could it be possible to cooperate with such a duplicitous guy, how much Fu Hua was cheated by him Miserable, can't you prove it!?

Sirin didn't believe that Otto had no ability to heal Fu Hua before, and it had to be after the Battle of Destiny.

As for anti-entropy, not to mention that there is an extreme Cocolia, in fact Sirin also has a very bad impression of the First Herrscher. From the memory inherited from the real Sirin, it can be seen that this person who was born for mankind The first herrscher in the war is very double standard. If Sirin finds him, there is only one possibility, to take away all the minions and thoroughly prove that she is safe and harmless.

This is as absurd as you have to prove that you are yourself when you go to the bank to withdraw money. As a lawyer, how can she prove that she is harmless? Then there is only a dead lawyer.

It is precisely because even she, who is familiar with the plot, has not found a trustworthy person, so Xilin acts on thin ice.

Of course, it is also possible that she thinks too much, but she can't stop thinking, because it is impossible to have a third life, and it is very unwise to entrust her life and death to others.

In fact, if there is no foggy space, Sirin will also plan more power. As for how Qiyana felt at that time, she would not care about it. For this reason, she has rehearsed countless times in her mind. The day Yana was rescued by Siegfried began.

It's just that she didn't expect that fate didn't give her a

At the end of the road, the foggy space appeared.

"Yo~! Sirin sauce!"

After Sirin entered the misty space, she was caught by the nameless demon god of Tewat who had been waiting inside for a long time. The other party seemed to be waiting for her.

The reason why the nameless demon god is mentioned is not that the other party really has no name, but because of the particularity of the Tivat world, each demon god actually has its own name at the beginning of its birth.

Gods, such as Morax, the god of rock, or Heulia, the demon god of salt.

This is the name given by the world, and who takes it because of it.

However, Zhang Qing, the crystal demon god, does not have a so-called "real name" or "god name". She seems to be very special from the beginning.

But these are not important, the relationship between Sirin and the other party is not bad, although the other party's character is a bit strange or distasteful, but the demon god of Tivat is originally like Li

They are almost the same, so they are naturally closer.

Of course, because there are relatively few female individuals in the foggy space, the relationship between Sirin and these female individuals is naturally better.

It would be even better if you don't call her Sirin Sauce or something like that.

"Something has happened!" Zhang Qing said straight to the point.

"Huh!?" Sirin was a little confused, could it be that the law of heaven has recovered, and now she is coming out to destroy this strange number!?

Zhang Qing tried his best to look "shocked" and said, "A question and answer space suddenly appeared on my side, oh my god! It's terrible!"

Xilin was suspicious, but she always felt that this guy's expression was too exaggerated!? But Xilin couldn't help but wondered, "So what!? Just find someone and kill him!? Don't

Say you can't do it, or can't bear it!"

For this kind of transmigrator who doesn't take other people's privacy seriously, just kill her. If someone from her side dares to reveal the plot and destroy Xilin's plan, Xilin will kill her right away.

After killing someone, why would there be any hesitation!?

After Zhang Qing saw Xilin's reaction, he became thoughtful, "It seems that Xilin sauce didn't show up with you!?"

"??????" Sirin asked with a question mark on her forehead.

Zhang Qing smiled and said, "Of course I came here. In fact, the moment the question-and-answer space appeared, all the demon gods in Tivat were looking for someone. Unfortunately, they didn't find the so-called

A time traveler, no, or a suspicious person. "

Unlike Zhongli and the others, even if the other party has some kind of system that can shield others from prying eyes, it's useless. Zhang Qing doesn't need "

I found something", but if she couldn't even find anyone, it could only prove that she didn't exist.

Zhang Qing also thought that the world of Honkai III had the same world view as Yuanshen, maybe Xilin also changed, but he didn't expect that.

Sirin looked at this fun person with a speechless face, it seems that you really hope to see an accident on my side. "

Saying that, Sirin squinted and stared at this guy.

"Haha, no, am I worried about you!? Since you're fine, I'm relieved." Saying this, the white-haired Demon God went off the assembly line and ran away.

"Hmph!" Sirin didn't bother to get angry with the other party. She looked around and found that no newcomers came in. She was a little disappointed.

"It seems that you can't rely too much on the foggy space, the uncertainty here is too great."


[The author has something to say: Speechless, the network was suspended without paying the network fee, and the renewal was not notified. 】.

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