Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1012 Why Can't Everyone Take The Initiative To Die! ?

Xilin played with the power entangled on her five fingers, which was usurped from Yu Duchen and partly came from the law of the previous civilization, and she fell into deep thought.

The more Herrscher's powers she collected, the more she found that the virtual world she created was moving closer to Tivat, which was obviously very abnormal.

If such a situation really occurs, there is no reason that neither Su nor Otto can observe many such types of worlds. It is obvious that Tivat is a special world, and there is no reason why it just appeared like this, and there is no need for her to interfere. .

No, no, maybe it's not that she didn't interfere, but because of her observation, it moved closer to Tivat. This world was obviously influenced by Sirin's subconscious to move closer to Tivat's law.

It is because of my own sake that this false world will gradually become the appearance of Tivat.

So now I realize the problem, do I need to stop it!?

Sirin thought about this question.

"Wait, why am I thinking so much!?"

Obviously this is just a cage that I created temporarily to temporarily store those [Shadows], what does this cage do, what does it matter!? Just make sure that those [Shadows] cannot get out without authorization.

Is it necessary to restore a one-to-one real world to these people!?

And this process of getting closer to Tivat, Sirin is not without any gains. She has realized the deeper application of the Herrscher's power, and even if she really completes the creation of the world, she may be further sublimated. Enter another level on the basis of Herrscher.

It's a pity that no matter how real the virtual world that exists in her and Qiyana's sea of ​​consciousness is, there is still a big gap between it and the real world. .

This is an unhealthy and broken world, and Sirin feels this way every time she is in it.

It is obvious that the powers she currently possesses are not enough to perfect the complete structure of this world. If she is not the Herrscher of the Void and the power to control the space, the world may have fallen apart long ago. No wonder whether it is Honkai II or Honkai III. In this world, only the Herrscher of Emptiness can give birth to the end. I am afraid that the Herrscher of Emptiness is a very special existence among all Herrschers and cannot be replaced.

It's a pity that human beings still have too little research on space, so using the foggy space as a transfer station to collect knowledge of many worlds has not made much progress for Sirin. After all, those who are in the foggy space now, where they are The level of civilization in the world has not gone beyond the parent star, so naturally there is less research on space.

Of course, as the Herrscher of the Void, Sirin does not have to think and prove the authenticity like ordinary people. She can intuitively observe the existence and changes of space, which is innate, just like human beings feel the existence of their own limbs. Ordinarily, so if Sirin was given time, she would be able to walk to a very high level by herself, as long as one or two hundred years.

It's a pity that people in this world of Herrschers always seem to be able to kill skillfully. It is basically difficult for a Herrscher to live for a hundred years. The longest-lived one is Walter Young, a semi-herrscher, who has lived for half a century. It is a pity that the more The more times you die later, it becomes a representative of sit-ups.

Others may find it strange, but as Herrscher Sirin, she only feels boundless malice. How can there be so many life and death calamities!? It's simply too much. Other Herrschers don't have so many life-saving methods like this one, and death is really dead up.

In fact, Sirin guessed that if the Herrscher of Reason hadn't been sent to Bronya later, Walter Yang would have to die several times. .

Sirin was a little thankful that it wasn't Lili who was reincarnated, otherwise she wouldn't have thought of relying on her own efforts, but would have hugged her thigh directly. She would have to suffer too much to live, compared to Ninety-Eight in Journey to the West. The eleventh difficulty is not bad, and every time I suffer, I haven't won much, and I have a toothache just thinking about it.

Dispersing the power of consciousness in her hands, Sirin looked at the opened door with some bad eyes, "Humans, don't be too presumptuous, and you think you will ignore it when you offend me again and again! 々?"

Wuliangta Jizi scratched the back of his head when he saw this, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Didn't I not realize it for a while, and thought this was Teresa's office!?"

"By the way, can't you just wait somewhere else!?"

"By the way, I'm here to get you some wine, how can I do without wine!?"

"Presumptuous, who do you think I am!? I am the Herrscher, an enemy of mankind, not a god to fulfill your wishes." Sirin said angrily, before shouting and killing, have you forgotten it now!?

"Furthermore, this body is the most supreme and noble body, and should hold the power of the world! It is the right reason for me to be here."

The corners of Wuliangta Jizi's mouth twitched when he heard this, "I now believe that you are definitely not Qiyana, she definitely can't say so many polite and middle-school words."

After complaining, Wuliangta Jizi clasped his hands together and said, "Please, I haven't had a drink for so many days, I feel like I'm going to die."

"My Lord Herrscher, please."

Sirin almost lost her expression, who are these people!? Does this world need you to eat and drink!? What’s so good about wine!?

And he actually begged her in a low voice, isn't his brain a problem!?

This is the Valkyrie of Destiny!?

Seeing that Sirin didn't run away immediately, Wuliangta Jizi, who was watching secretly, went further, "Also, all the electrical appliances are not working properly now, and we all lack entertainment facilities. Even if I want to teach, I can't help it, and Saint Fu At present, I can't do it alone at Leiya Academy......"

Listening to Wuliangta Jizi Balabala talking non-stop, Sirin felt that she couldn't help but kill the other party. Is it true that you can't be the head of the school!? I never saw you so sad when you were alive Teresa, is she easy to bully!?

"Hmph, I don't care!"

After Xilin gave this hateful woman a cold look, she left the office directly, "I'll send you a Teresa right now."

Hearing Sirin's angry words, Wuliangta Jizi blinked, "Actually, it's unnecessary..."

It's not that Wuliangta Jizi is afraid that Sirin will really kill Teresa right now and let them reunite. After all, if they can all be resurrected in this world, then it doesn't matter whether they die or not. It's just that they have been with Teresa for so many years Yes, Teresa is a mascot, no one knows better than Wuliangta Jizi.

Ji Zi felt that it would be useless even if you caught Teresa, the problem was still a problem and could not be solved at all.

"Ah......." Seeing the Herrsrscher of the Sky flew away without looking back, Ji Zi was a little helpless, "If Teresa knew that it was because of me that she was killed, I'm afraid she would raise her eyebrows." Let Judas run after me!? Headache......"

"As a result, I didn't get any wine,"

After Wuliangta Jizi left the principal's office, a large group of people gathered around and asked in concern, "What's wrong, Teacher Jizi!?"

"Can manga be updated!?"

"Can the author of the novel ask him to come down and continue writing!?"

"Also, there are network problems. I can't go online. I can't live anymore."


Listening to the appeals of the girls, Wuliangta Jizi also had a headache, waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said, "Sorry, that guy just ran away."

"Why is this!? Isn't she a Herrscher!? Isn't a Herrscher equal to a god!? Can't even this problem be solved!?"

"Actually, I think it's good to live here, as long as she goes outside and brings those authors down. My request is not too much, anyway, isn't that what law enforcement is for!?"

It's too much, listen to what nonsense you are talking about, have those authors eaten your rice!? Or dig your ancestral grave, you actually asked them to die, it's too much.

When Ji Zi heard it, there was a black line on his forehead, and when he looked again, he found that this guy was still the Valkyrie from the headquarters of Tianming, and he cursed in his heart: Damn it!

This is how the Valkyries of your Destiny Headquarters protect humans!?

Before Jizi could complain, the Valkyries who were born in the Saint Freya Academy's Herrscher Training Devil's Nest also echoed, "We also think it's okay, especially the author of "The Great Adventure of Humu", he must be alive outside now It’s very hard, it’s too pitiful, I should have let him down, I definitely didn’t do this because I wanted to watch the update.”

Good guy, really good guy, are you all so heartless in your feelings!?

You should really let everyone outside see your face, it's too grassy.

"That's right, Mr. Jizi, we used to fight for human beings, but now that everyone is dead, it's time to retire and enjoy life. There's no reason why we shouldn't wait!?"

That is, you can’t work hard for most of your life, and there will be no benefit in the end!?”

"Since the Herrscher didn't kill us or enslave us, I think she is a good person. Teacher Jizi, why don't you talk about it again!? You are Kiyana's teacher, so you should also be regarded as the other party's teacher, I think The relationship can be further improved.”

Immeasurable Tajiko:

Are you embarrassing me, Fat Tiger!?

And listen to your words, what do you mean by not killing you, don’t think that being resurrected can erase the other party’s previous facts about you, do victims these days treat themselves as victims!?

"Okay...I'll do my best."

Ji Zi finally agreed, "But it's not up to me to decide whether the other party agrees or not, so don't have too much hope.

"No, no, Teacher Jizi just do it, we trust you."

"Oh...but I don't believe in myself...Really, everyone is like this...but this is a bit like a girl of this age, maybe this is the virtue Lisa wants to see it."

I didn't expect Teresa to work hard for so many years, but she didn't fully realize her dream. Instead, after her death, these Valkyries really had the lives of ordinary girls. How ironic and sad.

But Jizi is still very happy for them. Unlike Jizi, most of the Valkyries did not have a normal childhood and life like her at the beginning. Many of them were brought to the destiny since they were young, and they were planted and transformed by artificial stigmata. Yes, there are very few who can survive, and even if they survive, they have to fight for human beings, and every battle is a step closer to death.

The reason why an organization like Destiny has never had any internal problems, and the position (Qian Zhao) has not been controlled by some moth, so that the people below cannot be promoted, and the internal collapse is precisely because all the people who make up Destiny do not live long, Even the Valkyries, except for a small number, usually have to be replaced in two or three years, and those who survived basically have to retire and become disabled.

As an organization that holds high the banner of saving the world and fights for mankind, Mandate of Heaven does not need to give any subsidies or compensation to these war dead and veterans. Instead, countries around the world have to donate a lot of funds for free every year to support the normal operation of Mandate of Heaven.

This is really an organization that is more capitalist than capitalist.

So no matter what Teresa does, it is impossible for her St. Freya Academy to really make this

These reserve Valkyries really live a normal life, unless the collapse is gone, they don't have to fight anymore.

They used to be bound by responsibilities, but now they are gone. Naturally, these people have no shackles. They want to do things that they did not do during their lifetime, and they want to enjoy life instead of worrying about it every day.

I thought that I would die tomorrow, and how many people died because of their incompetence. Under such pressure, how could it be possible to completely relax!?

Ji Zi had some headaches. With the ability of the Herrscher of Space, if she wanted to hide, how would she find him!?

"By the way, how is our ship ready!? Are we able to travel between the mainland and St. Freya Academy!?"

"Ah... there is a problem, we can only rely on sails or manpower rowing, we don't have experienced veterans in this field, I'm afraid it's...

"Then what to do! Cabinet?"

"Why don't we look again, maybe there are other ways to contact people from other places, probably..."


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