What is the significance of a person to the whole world!?

This was the last thought that crossed my mind before I plunged into total darkness.

【叮咚~叮咚——! Ding Ding Ding Ding~~~!】

The get out of class bell rang.


"Oops, fell asleep in class again, did you call your name!?"

I was awakened by the familiar ringtone, and I couldn't help feeling a little annoyed and uneasy when I saw the students who were packing up their personal belongings and leaving the big classroom.

"No, but he stared at you several times." A person who hadn't left gave me the answer.

"Too bad, he won't fail my subject!? He's already in college, why don't he be so strict..."

I started to howl, but the man said with a pitiful expression of "Why did you choose this?", "There are so few students in this course, isn't it because the professor's grades are strict? If you let him remember You, the usual score is probably gone."

"Are you still caught? Because I was too slow when choosing courses, I didn't grab anything else, so I just chose one..."

"Hey, you know so well, why did you choose this course!?"

After I finished complaining, I looked at this person and asked curiously, do I really like Professor Yan!?

The man smiled wryly upon hearing this.

I was the same as you last year, but I failed at the end of the term. This year I can only retake the exam, and if I fail the exam, I can only postpone my graduation. "

"Is it too late to withdraw from class now!?" I asked weakly.

"It's the eighth week, let's give up. Hey, my friend invited me to dinner, so let's go first."

In the huge classroom, other students also left one after another, and in a blink of an eye I was the only one left.


"never mind."

The dust floating in the air, the scribbled writing on the blackboard, the garbage thrown by someone at the desk, everything...is annoying.

The glare of the sun shines on the table through the window, and the light spots form a strange pattern, like a ferocious smile.

Irritability is unbearable.

I quickened my pace and left the classroom like an escape.

My name is John Doe, a name you see everywhere in this 123 country.

In the twenty years since I was born, my life is like a line of text copied and pasted, repeating the ordinary every day.

In an ordinary high school, I got an ordinary test score and went to an ordinary university..

What's more, the current majors of this school are not interesting, and even the food in the cafeteria is mediocre...

A few years after graduation, my classmates will not be able to remember my name.

Ordinary me, ordinary past, mediocre life.

That's all there is to me.


Laughing at myself, after finishing the day's class, I went back to the dormitory and opened the door.

"It's pretty early."

My roommate didn't look up from the game, and greeted me with his back turned. The dazzling light pollution effects on the screen showed the intensity of the battle.

"There is no part-time job today, and there will be shifts tomorrow."

I put the paper bag in my hand on the table, and the food inside is no longer steaming.

"Oh, what a pity. I queued up in the cafeteria for a long time, but when it was my turn, the dishes I wanted to eat happened to be sold out, so I lost my appetite."

"I wanted to go out of the school to eat something good, but in the end there were only people, and there was no place to sit."

"In the end, I can only pack it and take it back to eat... Well, it looks like it's cold, alas.

"So miserable."

In the face of my vomit, my roommate never left the screen from the beginning to the end, but echoed me absent-mindedly.

I'm used to it. In this dormitory, everyone only cares about their own affairs, and so do I.

I turned on the phone, looking for something to do, but I couldn't think of anything, I just let my fingertips slide on the screen.

[.....Because the impact of the unknown disaster is still continuing, the qualifiers that were not scheduled to start today will be postponed.....OC

Another inexplicable notification.

I turned off the live broadcast irritably, and threw the phone aside.

"Unknown disaster, another unknown disaster, this is the first time this year!?"

"Shenzhou, Far East, and what's that called?"

"Coral Island." The roommate pointed out the name of the place that I couldn't remember for a while without looking back, his eyes were still fixed on the screen, and his hands were clicking on the mouse and keyboard.

"Yes, that's the one. Every time it is said to be an unknown disaster, and then there is no more. What happened to this world!?"

"have no idea."

"Oh, forget it, it's far away from us anyway.

"I read on the Internet that some people said that the same thing happened in Eastern Europe more than ten years ago, and tens of millions of people died in the whole world, but the news was blocked."

"Really, tens of millions of people!?" I sat up from the bed in shock, "If this continues, it will be our turn sooner or later!?"

The roommate agreed, but still didn't look back: "It's your turn, it's your turn, what can you do if you're unlucky!?"

"Anyway, ordinary people like us, even if they die, will only become a number on the report...God, what I said is really cool."

Facing the big-hearted roommate who suddenly shouted with joy, I was a little speechless, "Hey, maybe the world will be destroyed in a second, and then we will all die together.

The roommate didn't take it seriously, "That's pretty good, but it's better to wait until I finish this game before destroying it, haha."



We ended our short conversation and returned to our usual stranger status.

Open your eyes, after a night...

The crows outside the window croaked as always.

The sun was blinding as always.

Time passed like always.

When I realized it, I was staring at the phone screen again.

Down, it seems that there is another strike march somewhere

The application of the laboratory still has no progress——

Sliding down, eyes full of uninterested advertisements appearing again and again——

Sliding down, people I met online are arguing with others——




Nothing has changed.

Today is also an ordinary day, no different from yesterday.

Tomorrow will be an ordinary day, just like today.

"Is there really a tomorrow!?" I couldn't help asking myself.

... It seems that there is not much difference. "

"Forget it, I have to work tomorrow, so go to bed early."

After another wasted day, I closed my eyes.

Darkness, endless darkness.

The world turned into darkness.

I opened my eyes wide, but I couldn't see the front; I opened my mouth, but I couldn't make a sound (cafb).

Darkness stands still.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I couldn't confirm my existence.

The surroundings were so quiet that it seemed to be frozen, gradually turning into ear-piercing tinnitus, and raging waves roared in my brain.

The air was so heavy that it was close to freezing, strangling my throat, squeezing my lungs, making me almost suffocate.

Oddly enough, I didn't feel pain, much less the need to struggle in the slightest. I am convinced for no reason—that this is what the world really is like today.

In such a world, it doesn't matter whether a person lives or dies.

everything, doesn't matter....

Then, I fell to the ground suddenly, gasping for breath.

"Ahem.....this is...!?"

I raised my head and was instantly taken away by the scene in front of me.

It was a huge building complex far beyond my comprehension, and common sense was ruthlessly crushed here.

A series of broken corridors twisted into strange angles and stretched forward, and strange symbols were carved on the irregular stone pillars.

In the depths of the cloister is an unrecognizable quaint gate, and the majestic castle quietly exudes a wordless courage.

The colorful glass windows on the top of the peak projected strange shadows, and fragmented and ethereal singing voices faintly came out of the windows.

What attracts the most attention is the huge terrace floating in the void. The grandstand surrounded by layers like petals surrounded the gorgeous and delicate stage.

"This is a theater!?"

Just when I had such doubts in my heart, almost at the same time as I blinked, countless puppets of different shapes suddenly appeared everywhere, and slowly flocked towards the direction of the theater with stiff steps.

There are countless transparent silk threads wrapped around the body of the puppet, and the source of the thread hangs down from the sky, as if there is an invisible big hand manipulating everything.

And among those puppets, I suddenly saw a familiar face.

My classmates, roommates, and even the professors in my classes...  

Like other dolls, they walk slowly with their heads down.

"Hey, wait a minute, what's going on.......!?"

I yelled and tried to run in their direction, but I stopped in place as soon as I took a step.

I looked down at my feet, and there was also a thin and long transparent silk thread extending from there.

"Ah, that's right, that's how it is..."

I finally understand everything.


Bursts of harsh laughter kept coming out of my mouth, even though it wasn't my voice. But what does it matter!?

It has ended.

it's all over.

This world, the dispensable me in this world, we, finally ushered in the end.


The sea of ​​consciousness has returned to calm again, and occasionally some strange lights, shadows and clouds appear on the upper floor due to Qiyana's whimsy or mood swings outside, but these are not permanent, and will soon dissipate, and then reappear. Condensed into a new look.

Sirin quietly floated on the bottomless sea, inserted her hand into the sea, and picked up the memory fragments left by the puppet who tried to dive just now. As the half master of this consciousness space, Sirin can do whatever she wants. She is also responsible for controlling everything here, and even the reason why this place looks like a vast ocean.

As the Heavenly Dao here, with a thought in her mind, she casually browsed through the memory fragments without the owner.

It's worthless, just a fragment of a mortal's life.

But maybe this is just the cynical words of a mortal named John Doe, but no one in the whole world can say John Doe, and no one can do without John Doe.

Even the high-ranking professor in the memory of the other party also became a member of the puppet in the end.

Life in this world is destined to be lonely and difficult to be fully understood by others.

And the freedom to choose one's own life without being bound by any factors is a luxury for everyone, even those rich and high-ranking officials.

Throw away the memory fragments turned into seashells again, and let them sink into the sea.

Sirin was not affected. Perhaps when she was reborn as a Herrscher, her mentality was already different from that of ordinary people. Her empathy was not that strong, and her understanding was not deeply touched.

On the contrary, it feels faintly ridiculous.

"Well, since you guys are self-righteous and want to do something, prove something, and change something, then I will quietly wait for the opening of the play and enjoy it...

"Hopefully it doesn't disappoint me.

After these words echoed in the upper consciousness space, Sirin's figure disappeared again, because she knew that the time for her to fight Qiyana was getting closer and closer, "She also needs to make good preparations for this." Some..

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