Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1041 Kiyana: Sirin, I Am No Longer A Human Being!

"We're out!"

"That's... Kiana!"

After some twists and turns, with the help of Fu Hua, Bronya was finally able to devote herself to finding the weak point without being distracted from fighting. The compatibility of dolls together is the worst, and it is difficult for her to kill the doll without damaging it, so she will be the first to get tired and get down.

Of course, there is also the factor that her physical fitness is indeed not as good as Fu Hua's. Compared with her being disabled for many years, that is, she recovered after becoming the Lawer of Reason. It is not enough to exercise a strong body in a day or two.

Under the astonished eyes of the puppet, the two entered the crack, walked out of the pseudo-enclosed space of endless stair towers, and returned to the domination theater.

From a distance, the two saw where Qiyana was, but there was no direct road leading there.

And what surprised Bronya even more was that Qiyana's state at the moment was a bit wrong, and it was different from every possibility she had imagined before.

At this moment, Qiyana is like Jesus tied to an invisible cross, with her hands stretched out to her sides, her head slightly lowered, as if she has fallen into a deep sleep, just floating in mid-air.

And this is not the most surprising thing, what surprised Bronya was that at this moment, Qiyana was exuding a golden light, illuminating the entire Dominion Theater like daytime, and because of this, they will be the first Time finds out where Kiyana is.

Fu Hua was also surprised by this scene, but she found that the puppets on the other side of the crack had already caught up, and she didn't care to continue thinking about why Qiyana was like this, she urged: "Don't look, before those puppets catch up , let’s quickly find the way to that side!”

As soon as Fu Hua finished speaking, the puppet's voice sounded, "Hey, you left without even saying hello, are you trying to hurt your feelings!?"

But what made Fu Hua's faces ugly was that these puppets didn't come after them from behind, but suddenly appeared in front of them.

It seems that in this dominant space, they don't need to obey certain laws of physics——

Appear wherever you want.

"It's amazing, Bronya, every time you take advantage of the loopholes. You make it look like we all live in cheese-there are holes that can be drilled everywhere. It seems that Qian Fangfang still has to Just guard against you."

At this moment, the puppets seemed to be really angry, without the calmness they had before.

Bronya was not overjoyed by the other party's words, but looked at Kiyana over there and asked urgently, "What did you do to Kiyana!?"

She was too concerned about Qiyana's state at the moment, it was very abnormal, she thought that Qiyana was probably still fighting and waiting for their rescue, so she didn't move her position, but now it seems that this is not the case.

But this is very strange, why do the dolls not move Qiyana!? Instead, they spend a lot of effort to create a fake infinite corridor to trap them!?

"It's nothing, I just did what the Bishop of Destiny did back then - I gave her a gem and let her be our companion. If you want to see it, you can go see it yourself 7

"Of course, the premise is that you have to pass through here."

"This time is different. In front of you, there is only one way! Come on, choose, you can escape from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day, if you have the ability, kill [us]!"

Fu Hua heard that the other party imitated what Otto did back then, and even said that she gave Qiyana a gem. As one of the parties involved, Fu Hua quickly figured out what this meant. Glancing at Qiyana over there, and then at the puppets, he asked word by word, "Are you planning to... revive the Herrscher of the Sky!?"

Fu Hua knows very well that every time the Herrsrscher of Kong is awakened and revived, it is more difficult to deal with than the last time. Although the other party's character is a bit prone to inflated and overconfident, but I have to say that the other party does have the ability to be proud, and he will also learn from it. It is very difficult to defeat the opponent with the same move.

Although Fu Hua was healed by Otto now, but Fu Hua knew that the heart of the sword was broken, and now that Yu Duchen was taken away by the Herrscher of Knowledge, she could only use the remaining feathers. Wanting to defeat Sirin who came for the third time, it was difficult for her as the thirteen heroes of the former civilization.

And once the Herrscher of Space and the Herrscher of Dominance join forces, even if it is definitely the most troublesome thing, the Herrscher of Domination can be able to appear and disappear, and has greater freedom of movement and mobility

It will definitely cause serious damage to the order of human civilization.

In this doomsday, how many people will really feel that they are happy and have no pressure!?

Seeing that Fu Hua's face was not looking good, Bronya immediately comforted her, "Squad leader, don't let them bypass you. These puppets are not as calm as we have seen at the moment, and their plans may have some accidents. Yana's current situation has exceeded their estimates."

At this time, Bronya discovered that these dolls really started fighting directly, and no longer refused to listen to them as before, which made her finally find something wrong from worrying about Qiyana's situation.

"And... squad leader, you are worried about the combination of the Herrscher of the Sky and the Herrscher of Dominance. I think that compared to the combination, with the character of that Herrscher, I am afraid that he will directly kill the Herrscher of Dominance, and then Swallow its Herrscher core."

Even if she only saw it once, Bronya could also see the temperament of the Herrscher of the Sky, and she was afraid that other Herrschers did not have the same existence in her heart.

Hearing Bronya's words, the dolls really broke their defenses, "You're so annoying..."

That's right, the puppets were also worried that Sirin would do this, so they planned to lure Qiyana to fall, and even sent the disease gem, hoping that Kiyana would either become the Herrscher of Flame or join them To become a true Herrscher of Dominion, her heart is full of wounds, she was born as a clone, and Qiyana, who is not tolerated by the world, is definitely the most qualified person.

Compared with Sirin, Kiyana is also easier to talk, which even these dolls agree with.

However, Qiyana refused to enter, so they had to make the final choice to liberate Sirin.

Obviously, as long as Kiyana also becomes a Herrscher, not a Herrscher of the Sky, with the power of a Herrscher, she can completely imprison Sirin forever, but Kiyana just doesn't know how to be flexible, and the doll doesn't Have the guts to say this idea face to face, otherwise Sirin will really kill them directly. This is the real reason why the dolls' past is so contradictory and chaotic.

Weak and weak, they are really restrained in doing anything, and their schemes and schemes are too weak in the face of absolute strength.

Seeing this, Bronya hooked her lips and showed an imperceptible smile, "And I also believe in Kiyana, she will never let us down, Kiyana is such a fool."

"Damn it, shut up, Bronya, shut up you Herrscher of Reason who has been deflated..."

Seeing that the puppet was defeated by Bronya's words in turn, Fu Hua also put away the worries in his heart, and said with a smile, "Indeed, Kiyana will not let us down...she changed For me, I believe she can change more people and will not end here...."


At the same time, Qiyana, whom Bronya and Fu Hua had hoped for, was panting heavily in the arena between her and Herrscher of the Sky.

"In Tianqiong City, you said that I would never be able to get rid of you... In the days after that, I have been thinking about the meaning behind this sentence, thinking about the answers to two questions

Who are you, and who am I!?"

She stood up with her hands on her knees, and looked at Herrscher of the Sky who tilted her head and looked at her.

"I'm not interested in discussing philosophy with you. I'm Sirin the Herrscher of the Void, and you are the experimental subject K-423. This is a long-established answer." The Herrscher of the Void said the answer calmly with his arms folded.

"So everything was done by the Herrscher, not your responsibility, nor your fault—isn't this your favorite saying when you and your companions gather together to keep warm!?"

She didn't continue to attack Kiyana, or every time she would stop after Kiyana fell to give Kiyana time to stand up.

"No... There is a fact that I didn't want to admit in the past, but only by accepting it can I fill the gap in my soul and have the possibility of fighting against you." Until now, I have seen both Qiyana, who had a huge gap before, knew very well that it was not an option for her to continue to escape. She took a deep breath, stared at the eyes of the Herrscher of the Sky and no longer dodged any more, and said word by word, "I am you , we are two selves that belong to this body, two existences born of Sirin's desire."

"You and I are both extensions of [Sirin]."

"Hahahahahaha. I thought you were going to say something. Today, you started to claim that you are Sirin!? Thinking wildly, your head is broken!?"

"Okay, I want to see, since you are Sirin, how do you plan to fulfill Sirin's wish and destroy the world that she failed to destroy!?"

The Herrscher of the Void floated up with his hands folded, sat on the void throne, and waited for Qiyana's answer with his feet upright, but his face was full of indifference, as if he just wanted to hear about someone's stupidity Just delusional.

Qiyana didn't care about the attitude of the other party. She stretched out her right hand and pressed it on her chest, feeling the heartbeat inside, "You pretend to be Sirin, and wantonly vent your malice and hatred. In this way, you will marry me The real Sirin cut me off and made me refuse to face up to my identity."

"But that's just your wish, not Sirin's wish. In her dream, there are turbulent and filthy darkness, and there is also a calm, warm twilight. Complicated and contradictory emotions are intertwined in her heart, but you just want me to see the resentment in it."

The Herrscher of the Sky thought he wanted to say something, a little lacking in interest, and said, "After reading some past memories, I replaced myself!? Okay, then let's chat.

"Hope, trust... People always like to hang these words on their lips and repeat lies over and over again. Those sanctimonious researchers took Sirin away in the name of [Hope], but pushed her away To hell, to meet the fate that life is worse than death.

"The seeds of hatred have been sown since then, and it is human beings who make Sirin no longer able to trust others."

After Qiyana waited for the Herrscher of the Space to finish speaking, she reminded, "But there, she met Aurora, Agata, and Bella. This is what Sirin met in that laboratory. The name of her best friend, and the name she cared about until the end.

"She never forgot them. Honkai tore Sirin's heart, but they couldn't erase their figures from her heart. Whenever she recalled these names, Sirin would feel missing and sad. Until the end, she Looking forward to meeting you all again.

"However, it was human beings who took them away from Sirin." The Herrscher of the Void said, resting his chin, "These children became victims of Babylon's laboratory in the end. They died, and the dead will not be resurrected. That's death." Even the Herrscher cannot do it."

"With nothing left, Sirin only had revenge. She used the power bestowed by God to wash that piece of hell with blood, and sent down the judgment they deserved to those demons. There were innocent people in that tower, but Sirin didn't care anymore. She will Own

Inflicting her pain on another without hesitation, because she no longer wants to be with human beings.

Kiyana disagrees, "But even then, there were people who wanted to save her."

The Herrscher of the Sky laughed when he heard this, "You want to say Teresa!? She can only speak beautiful words, which are unrealistic. She never cared about Sirin's true feelings. And even if she sincerely

So what, what did she do, can she influence Otto, or influence everyone in the world!?"

"Or Siegfried!? He's a coward, submissive, indecisive, and ends up getting nothing done. Yes, he shouldn't be counted at all."

"As for Cecilia... Maybe she has strange feelings for Sirin, but love is too weak in the face of hate. The world does not allow her to do this. In the end,

She still had no choice but to fight Xilin. [They] killed her together—this is what you mean by [salvation]. Your so-called kindness and understanding are the deepest affection for Xilin's fate.


"If you can only defeat me with these words, then I advise you to give up. I am different from those puppets outside, and you can't make me shake. In the past 883

It's the past, people can't be resurrected after death, if you want to use people from the past to stop me from destroying the world, you're too fantastical. "

Kiyana didn't care what the Herrscher of the Void said, "No matter what you say, their appearance will remain in Sirin's heart. In the boundless darkness, Sirin sat in the endless dream

. The warmth you despise is the treasure she desires most in her dreams. "

"She longs for a new start, longs to be an ordinary person, has friends, has an ordinary and happy family. She longs for the love of her parents, and wants to listen to her mother's voice again

Feel the warmth of arms and embrace again. She longed for hope, longed for happiness, and she kept silently chanting the words she heard from Cecilia.


"All of this is engraved in the core memory, spanning time, sending the last prayer of her life to the future, and giving birth to a new consciousness."

".....…that's me."

"I am [another chance] that Sirin longs for. You understand everything as duality, but the human heart is never such a simple thing. We are from Sirin's wish

Two souls born in the same tree, two branches growing from the same tree, stretching in different directions. "

"We shared her feelings and memories, but we took very different paths. I don't know what influenced you—the pain of the experiment, the bewitchment of Houkai, or the same

The hatred imprinted in the core!?"

"Those shattered memories are warm dreams for me; for you, they are like a scorching curse.

...Even if it is the same piece of memory, in [different eyes], it is also a different scene!?" Herrsrscher of the Sky yawned, "Now start biting the text

It’s the word Jue, but you have said so much, what exactly do you want to express, deny me!?”

"No! You are you, just as I am me, although we are all us, so don't deny each other." Kiyana shook her head.

The Herrscher of the Sky narrowed his eyes, "You don't want to be Xi'er, do you!? I don't have the habit of getting along with idiots, and you are not Xi'er."

When Qiyana heard this, there was a small question mark on her head. It was not the first time she had heard Xier mentioned by the other party. She didn't quite understand why the other party kept talking about things with them.

Seele, who has nothing to do with love, pulls in.

Qiyana, who was confused, didn't continue to think, she looked up at Herrsrscher of the Sky and said seriously, "I mean, I don't want to be a human anymore!"

Herrscher of the Void: "...

Qiyana shook her head, "No, I don't know why this sentence popped into my mind just now, I mean, since I am also Sirin, the amount of the Herrscher of the Sky

It's not that I borrowed it from you, so I should have equal power with you. "

The Herrscher of the Void said disapprovingly, "I thought what you were trying to say, equal power, even if it was true, but you think this alone can defeat me!?"

"At least in this way, I am qualified, right!?" Qiyana looked at the Herrscher of the Sky and said. .

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