Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1044 There Are Cloudy And Sunny Days, People Have Joys And Sorrows!

"I understand your nervousness, Kiyana. The more you receive help from everyone, the more you will feel a heavy burden.

"That's why it's even more important to remember—you're never alone."

"I have become the anti-entropy of my partners and comrades, the school principal Teresa who always thinks about you, and the reliable monitor Fu Hua."

"Bronya, although she is not good at expressing, she always thinks about her companions. You can see her actions and progress. And Mei, she is the most gentle child among you. So Don't worry about her, Kiyana. Trust her, she will make the right choice."

"...and you, Kiyana."

Ji Zi twisted Kiyana's neck, let her head rest in his arms, raised her head with some pride and said, "You are the most mischievous one among all my students, and the one who never gives up easily. You have the power to change everyone, and the power to make people around you move forward with you.

"So, trust and rely on your companions, Kiyana. Because they must also trust and rely on you."

Kiyana rested her head on Jizi's huge heart, and listened to her quietly. When Jizi praised her for the first time, she was very happy, but also very sad.

Just as the two were snuggling together, enjoying a moment of tranquility, suddenly there was a loud thunderclap in the sky.


The two couldn't help but looked up, but this space still looked calm with blue sky, white clouds and years.

Kiyana was a little puzzled, "This is... what sound-!?"

Ji Zi had some guesses, she said, "I'm afraid something happened outside."

" everyone!?" Kiyana finally remembered the business, and she looked regretfully at Wuliangta Jizi who let go of her.

Ji Zi smiled and said indifferently, "It seems that they are fighting the Herrscher. In this way, the time stagnated here has finally begun to shake. Look at what I said, Kiyana. You are never alone."


The second burst of thunder was even more violent, making people feel that the space was split open.

Wuliangta Jizi waited for the thunder to weaken and continued, "The power of the Herrscher of Domination has weakened."

But in return, it was Qiyana's silence. The two looked at each other speechlessly, only the pointer of time began to turn slowly.

In the end, it was Wuliangta Jizi who couldn't help but break the true silence. In the past, Qiyana, who was bluffing before, had already rushed out to fight the enemy, which made Wuliangta Jizi a little suspicious. I know Kiyana.

But no one would pretend to be her, right? Kiyana's life is not good, and even the happy childhood that most ordinary people have, she lacks the care of her family.

Not to mention that the Herrscher might not allow anyone to do this.

"Are you ready!? Kiyana."

...... I see, Mr. Himeko. "Qiana said as if she had made up her mind, but she couldn't hide the reluctance in her eyes.

Ji Zi helplessly stretched out his hand and pulled him up from the seat, "Come on, let me accompany you through this journey."

Qiyana stared at Jizi, nodded after a long time, she didn't say willfully that she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to make Jizi difficult and worry at the last moment.

The two walked very slowly... It seemed that every step was like measuring the floor tiles under their feet with their hearts.

"St. Freya's yesterday seems to be still vivid in my memory. I remember when you first entered school, you shouted that this would become the strongest Valkyrie. You have grown so much in the blink of an eye."

"To be honest, I also really want to watch you grow up. I really want to go back to St. Freya, continue to teach you lessons, give you training... write on the blackboard, and go back to the room for a drink."

"The time in St. Freya is also my most precious memory."

"Unfortunately, it can no longer be done."

"There is still a long way to go, but I don't seem to be able to go on with you. But it doesn't matter, Kiyana, you will never let me down."

"Always remember that there are always many people around you who will always support you and protect you. Among them, I am also included."

For a short distance, Ji Zi was the only one talking non-stop, nagging, as if he wanted to explain everything during this distance.

It's a pity that the road can't be endless. If it has a beginning, it must have an end.

In the same way, there must be a moment when you have to finish speaking.

It was obviously the familiar St. Freya College, but in this familiar environment, there was an extra door that stood up suddenly.

Wuliangta Jizi saw the door blocking the way forward, so she had to stop, knowing that this hard-won reunion was coming to an end, she smiled at Qiyana who was being dragged away by her. Said, "My journey ends here. From here, Kiyana, it's your way."

Qiyana, who had been silent all this time, was standing in front of the door and didn't reach out to push it away, but turned her head to look at Wuliang Tajizi who let her go and took a step back to quietly look at her, biting her lower lip hard. , trying not to let the tears overflow.

...after leaving that door, it all goes away, right!?"

Ji Zi shook his head and said sincerely, "I don't know. But it should be."

It was impossible for that Herrscher to create two St. Freya Colleges, it was not necessary, and it was obvious that there were some shoddy things here, and they didn't care.

Qiyana also expected this to be the case, she responded slightly sadly, turned her head and stopped looking at Jizi, for fear that the moment she opened the door, the other party and this place would disappear in smoke, she restrained herself from turning her head, and also Restrain yourself to say words of reluctance to make it difficult for the other party.

Seeing Qiyana like this, Wuliangta Jizi was both heartbroken and relieved, and she grew up with Kiyana.

"Remember to say goodbye to everyone in St. Freya for me." She reminded, actually she wanted to say that she should not miss her, but this is a forbidden matter.

"Okay." Kiyana lowered her head and pressed her hands on the door, but she felt that there was a huge force on it, and she was also weak.

"Tell Mei, I support her choice, but next time I can't be so harsh on my friends." Ji Zi looked at Qiyana and continued. In fact, at this moment, Qiyana's nose is bruised and her face is swollen, which makes Ji Zi a little suspicious Was the previous Mei also so ruthless?

"I will."

"Tell Bronya, I am very happy to see her growth now, and she will definitely become an excellent leader in the future." Unexpectedly, even Bronya became a Herrscher, Ji Zi was actually in a delicate mood, always She felt that St. Freya Academy was cursed, and she was a little worried that she would hear that Teresa became a Herrscher in the future.

"I think so too." Kiyana sniffed and replied vaguely.

"Tell Fu Hua that although we can't meet again in the future, whether Saint Freya is still here or not, she will always be everyone's squad leader." There are many people waiting for her below, all of them are very senior, I really hope that Fu Hua can come down soon Ah, but according to Danzhu's words, I'm afraid they won't be able to wait until that day, and the other party can live for a long, long time.

"Hmm." Kiyana's eyes were completely covered by tears.

"From now on, Teresa will be the only one left to take care of you. You all have to be obedient and don't make the headmaster angry. It's best to help her more. Don't think she is trying to be brave. In fact, she is harder than us. Much more. Thinking of Teresa Himeko, I was really worried. She became such a mascot, and suddenly asked her to do something serious. I am afraid that she will be devastated by now, but unfortunately, I can no longer help her.

"I know."

"Oh, by the way, I remember that Ragnar is also the teacher of Rita and Ulandal. If there is a chance, please convey her will to them too." Jizi suddenly remembered that she had the opportunity to ask Kiana Spread the word, but Captain Ragnar was afraid that he would not have such an opportunity, so he couldn't help but mention it, which can be regarded as making up for Ragnar's regret back then. At that time, Ragnar was just like her to Rita and Ulandal For Kiana, Bronya and Mei.

"No problem." Kiyana nodded slightly.

Seeing that Qiyana did not open the door for a long time, Ji Zi sighed and said with a helpless smile, "Finally, tell yourself, Kiyana... I will always be by your side."

"Qiana...don't pay too much attention to it." Ji Zi smiled softly, then took a step forward, and gently pushed on Kiyana's back, "Take this moment as a It's a dream. When you wake up from the dream, everyone has to move on. Don't be afraid to say goodbye. Saying goodbye to the past is to move on to the future."

"Let's go, Kiyana. Don't make everyone wait too long."

Kiyana, who was pushed unexpectedly, found that the door had been pushed open a crack due to the slight force, and after being pushed open, the gap automatically expanded, and she was sucked in staggeringly.

0 looking for flowers 0…

Kiyana tried her best to turn her head, only to see Wuliangta Jizi waving goodbye to her on the other side of the door that was closing a little bit.

Qiyana couldn't hold back her tears and whimpers anymore, she burst into tears, but her body kept falling, she wanted to use the power of Herrscher of the Sky to fly up, to prevent the gate from closing and disappearing, but she couldn't .

"Obviously, I still have a lot to say.....Obviously, I want to see more of you..."

After crying for a while, Qiyana wiped her tears with her hand, sniffed and said, "Don't worry, Teacher Jizi, I will pass it on, and the flame will last forever."

After she finished speaking, she let herself fall into the white light below and disappeared.

Watching the door close and finally disappear, Wuliangta Jizi stood still for a moment, then turned around, looked at the bench where she and Kiyana were sitting before, and at some point there was a girl with white hair and golden eyes, whose appearance was similar to Kiyana is exactly the same, but her temperament is different.

If both are metaphors for the sun, Kiyana is the sun that people yearn to get close to, and the other is the ruthless and lofty sun god who threatens to destroy everything.

"You're here!?" Ji Zi asked without any surprise.

Sirin didn't respond to such a meaningless question, she stared at Wuliang Ta Jizi, and then asked, "You didn't say anything else, did you.

Ji Zi chuckled, "Aren't you staring at me all the time!? Why ask me!?"

Sirin did not deny this, in fact she had been watching to prevent Jizi from saying unnecessary words and causing trouble.

Wuliangta Jizi was not annoyed when she saw that she didn't reply. When she looked at this Herrscher again, she realized that every time she saw him, she had to change her mind and had a new impression.

When I met her for the first time, she was a bad guy who occupied her student's body, a Herrscher who wanted to destroy human beings and the world.

When we met for the second time, the other party revived her, but he didn't ask her to do anything.

When they met for the third time, the other party suddenly took her away and threw her to this place, allowing her to meet Qiyana and have a chance to say goodbye.

The fourth time is now, after listening to Kiyana's oral experience during this period.

Ji Zi had a question in his mind, what is the other party planning to do!? Is she really the Herrscher who will destroy the world!?

But in the end, Wuliangta Jizi changed the question, "The enemy is so strong that you have to do the same thing every step of the way."


Sirin cast a glance and did not answer this question. She is not surprised that Wuliang Tajiko will notice something, because a really stupid person cannot become a fighter against the Houkai

, Honkai energy is a double-edged sword, which not only erodes the user's body, but also improves the user in all aspects.

And Herrscher is the product of complete sublimation into another level.

If the fighters fighting against Honkai have no brains and only know how to fight, even if they are already dead, even the muscular Ulandal actually has extraordinary knowledge and is no better than others.

No matter what experts and professors are in the head, you can know how difficult it is to deceive these people forever with a lie.

Like Otto, he didn't actually lie, and every word he said was true, but the truth of a smart person is not as true as a lie.

That is to say, Qiyana is mainly in-depth, she is a fan of the authorities, and her mental age is indeed not old.

I noticed something was wrong, but I didn't take it too seriously.

As for other people, they have even less contact with Sirin, and it is even less likely that they will notice anything.

Wuliangta Jizi saw that Sirin did not answer, but this kind of silence often acquiesced to a certain fact, she sighed, worried about Qiyana and the others who were still struggling outside,

If the enemy is so strong that even the most vicious Herrscher in history finds it difficult, I'm afraid...

She didn't dare to think about it.

Sirin didn't let her think for too long, she stood up and said calmly, "Let's go, you should go back."

Then, with a wave of white light, the two of them disappeared into this fake St. Freya Academy. After everyone left, everything here was like a little bit of falling apart building blocks.

Generally collapsed and scattered, until finally everything turned into dust. .

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