Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1057 Otto: Dr. Tesla, I Am Not Lying!

In response to Otto's invitation, anti-entropy recalled a number of anti-entropy executors who had been independently active before and concentrated them in the Salt Lake base. Among them, Cocolia was no longer listed because he had already been imprisoned.

The main members include Raiden Mei's father Raiden Ryoma, Kokolia Orphanage's Uncle Xing Maer, and the general artificial intelligence Aida who is in charge of the Alahato restoration project, etc.

Although it sounds a bit reluctant, after all, these people have never trained together before, let alone fight together. However, this is the most feasible conclusion reached after the combat meeting.

Dividing troops for defense will only become passive, and it is more cost-effective to concentrate limited combat power in one place as much as possible.

After all, the personnel going to the town of Kloster on the outskirts of Vienna is equivalent to being in a dangerous place, and they need combat personnel with sufficient strength. As for the Salt Lake base, although it cannot be ruled out that this is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, it is convenient for the destiny or the world snake to take advantage of it. Void sneak attack, but in the final analysis, the Salt Lake base is not of much value except for Walter Yang, the leader.

After all, Walter Young, who has lost the core of the First Herrscher, is not worthy of the Mandate of Heaven or the World Snake enrages Anti-Entropy, causing Anti-Entropy to completely counterattack with anger, and may even die together.

And anti-entropy will always pay attention to the monitoring of satellites and radars to prevent the worst from happening.

In this way, the Hyperion brought all the important combat forces of the Far East branch except Einstein and Dr. Tesla, including the two sisters Seele and Rosalia and Lilia who joined before.

A stigmata awakener, 3~4 fusion fighters, and 2~3 Herrschers are enough to make a country fall in a short time. If they run away with all their strength, the entire planet will directly become a death star in a short time. Said that it is already very embarrassing for Destiny who may have conspiracy and hole cards.

If Tianming was able to dare to launch an attack without fear like this, then the old Tianming headquarters would definitely become history today and be wiped off the map.

After all, including Teresa, everyone is worried about Lituo.

On the afternoon of Saturday, October 14, 2017, at 15:00 local time in Vienna, the Huberian came to the berth of the air battleship in the town of Kolosten.

The others stayed on the Hyperion to temporarily rest and protect Qiyana, and Teresa took two anti-entropy doctors off the Hyperion to contact the welcome personnel.

"The Destiny Headquarters before the floating island in Kolosten Town...I'm back." After Teresa got off the Hyperion and stood on the ground, she felt a little emotional. She hadn't been here for a long time. .

I remember the last time I helped Siegfried block other Valkyries and let her take K-423 away.

"The Captain of the Immortal Blade, Ulandal, was ordered by the bishop Otto Apocalypse to welcome Lady Teresa Apocalypse of the Far East branch here."

Seeing Teresa and the others getting off the plane, Yolandael, who was wearing the fourth-generation Valkyrie armor—"Bright Knight Moon Soul", led people to greet her, but she didn't see Qiyana's figure. Ulandal was a bit lost.

She also doesn't understand why she cares so much about that girl!?

"You're welcome, Youlandelle. You should also know that the current situation is very complicated, so I'm going to ask a straight-forward question——

"Does the bishop have any arrangements for the next thing!? Where is the clue to the Herrscher's core!?"

Teresa was also a little disappointed when she saw that the person who greeted her was the cold-faced and gloomy Randall. She thought it was Amber who was in charge of this task anyway.

As the only surviving experimental subject in Project A, Teresa and Amber had a close relationship when they were young. The relationship is gradually estranged.

Teresa, who thought she had done something wrong, was very sad and at a loss at that time, but Amber refused to see her. Even if she broke into Otto's office, Amber still had a businesslike attitude. Fortunately, Cecilia Chaniat appeared at that time. The saint of the Chaniat family broke into Teresa's small world and became her last best friend, making up for Amber Alienated, vacant position.

In this way, Cecilia became Teresa's second, no, first friend in Destiny, and Amber was her relative.

Maybe many people don't understand why Teresa has so few friends, isn't she the granddaughter that Otto admits!?

The answer is very simple. Don’t forget that Teresa is an artificial person in Project A, not a natural person. Her special way of birth made her have an invisible wall between the world and other people from the beginning. This is why she and Amber always met The reason for staying together is that the two androids can only hug each other to keep warm.

Perhaps because he realized that Teresa would refuse to communicate with other people in the long run, Otto ordered Amber not to be with Teresa again, and deliberately arranged for Cecilia to appear near Teresa at that time, and As Otto expected, Cecilia did become Teresa's best friend.

Urandale also retracted her mind when she heard the words, "The bishop said that he was sorting out the aftermath of his resignation, and he was exhausted. He ordered me to fully assist you in exploring this area that has been eroded by the core of the dominant Herrscher."

"And, the bishop had previously contacted the tree of imaginary numbers with the help of the remnants of the dominating theater and the second key of God [a thousand worlds]—he speculated that perhaps it was because of the previous process that the nearby area was connected to the law. The core of the reader is connected."

"After all, after Vermul's experimental field was destroyed by the world snake, some of the supporting facilities of [Thousand Realms] were transferred and placed in this old headquarters.

Although Ulandal's explanation at this moment is very reasonable, and it also explained why the core of the Herrscher of Domination disappeared and just appeared near the old headquarters, but Teresa still cast her eyes on the two doctors who were listening , Compared to her, it is obvious that Dr. Tesla and the others understand the doorway inside.

"——Wait, wait!" Tesla, who received Teresa's eyes, immediately took a step forward, and said preemptively, "What did you just say!? Otto used the remnants of the domination drama!? Then When did it happen!?"

She discovered a very important message in Ulandal's words, which deserves more attention than whether the reason is true, so she rushed to speak out before Einstein.

Youlandelle didn't seem surprised, she said, "A month ago."

But Einstein looked at Youlandelle and saw that she had no guilt, pinched the center of her brows, and sighed, "It's been a long time since the Herrscher of Dominion was defeated. At least anti-entropy has nothing to do with it." Ways to re-enter the theater of domination.....let alone take advantage of it.

It means that Urandale's statement cannot be verified at all, it can be true or false, of course Urandale is not lying, but the problem is that the person who gave this reason is Otto, Urandale Lauder is just a mouthpiece.

And Otto was never to be trusted.

Youlandelle could also see Teresa's distrust, she shook her head, "Maybe the bishop himself can answer your questions. However, I can't contact him at all right now."

This is indeed very embarrassing, but it can also be said to be the consistent style of his work. "

Urandale became inexplicably unconfident, because Otto disappeared again, and even Urandale suspected that the other party might be planning to do something again. To be honest, Urandale didn't want to be here with Teresa at all. They are facing each other with swords, which does not do any good.


Seeing that Dr. Tesla was about to swear again, Teresa hurried out to smooth things over, "That's not your fault. Grandpa has always been so irresponsible. Especially when he is secretly planning something."

Youlandelle smiled wryly, "Maybe. But anyway, it was with his help that I reconnected the world bubble that I originally protected to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers... In this matter, I can only thank him."

Einstein was a little surprised when he heard the words, reconnecting the World Bubble to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers—that was an [impossible] challenge, and Otto managed it, which prevented her from evaluating Otto's danger again. And guess his true purpose.

Einstein obviously felt that Ulandal was completely used by the other party here, and he was probably an outsider who knew nothing like them, or was even worse than them.

However, I still tentatively asked: "Miss Ulandal, you said before [the clues of the Herrscher's core appeared near this old headquarters] - what exactly do you mean!?"

Urandale, who had no idea that she was regarded as a fool by Einstein, did not intend to hide anything, and told what she knew: "Literally speaking, I mean [anomalies in the space-time environment] ]. The bishop believes that this abnormality is probably related to the out-of-control Herrscher core."

"And taking this as a premise—the core of the Herrscher whose whereabouts are unknown is naturally our number one suspect.

Tesla rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, why don't you suspect that this is a sign of the birth of a new Herrscher!?

But she didn't say it out. After all, no one wants the worst situation to happen, because according to the records of the previous civilization, the next Herrscher is likely to be the Herrscher of Restraint, and that will be the most difficult situation so far. challenge.

Whether it is Herrscher, Valkyrie, or anti-entropy mecha, in the final analysis, it is inseparable from the power of Houkai. Restraint can be said to completely prohibit the use of all existing powers of human beings. Although this is the case, the law of restraint The Herrscher herself can't use some of the power that Houkai can drive, but he is a Herrscher, and he is still a Herrscher with the power of [restraint], and he releases the forbidden magic domain by himself, so she has no loss.

To be honest, Dr. Tesla and the others have privately discussed how to deal with this Herrscher more than once. Even though she is likely to be the same as the Dominant Herrscher, and slightly different from the records of previous civilizations, the other party's power is too tricky anyway. up.

This is also the reason why they came here with all their combat power this time. Of course, Truss would definitely not say this to Youlandelle, because he couldn't trust the other party at all.

So she said, it's not impossible to justify it... But it depends on what you mean by [anomaly in time and space environment]. "

Youlandelle frowned secretly, she didn't know the illusion of time, she always felt that these two anti-entropic brains looked at her strangely at this moment, did she say something wrong!?

However, he still replied, "The specific circumstances are yet to be investigated."

"However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the time and space information of a certain historical period in the past has been projected into our current time and space."

The three of Teresa immediately looked at each other, and this answer exceeded their expectations.

Tesla was even more surprised, "Wait, is that [Time-Space Projection] you're talking about!? The one that Jiwotou has studied!? Do you know what you're talking about, the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny!?"

This is not like a constraint, nor is it the power to dominate!? Tesla is a little unbelievable.

...... In front of outsiders, you should call me 【Dr. Einstein】, Dr. Tesla. After correcting his companion's inappropriate words again, Einstein also turned his head to look at Ulandle, "Dr. Tesla did have a reason

Lose your composure like just now.

"In our real world, bending spacetime already requires quite a lot of mass or energy; [spacetime projection] is even more so.

"Generally speaking, only on the other side of the singularity, in the depths of the quantum sea or the tree of imaginary numbers, is it possible for such a situation to arise naturally. In other words, if there is no extremely special

The reason is that it is impossible for this phenomenon to appear on the surface of the earth openly. "

"However... If what you said is true, Miss Ulandle—the worst kind of inference (Wang Hao) is that here will soon face the step-mother

Another [imaginary number invasion] after the empty market. "

Einstein finished explaining with a wry smile. She didn't know what other people were thinking at the moment, but what she said meant that it was probably not domination or restriction, but a

This is a brand new Herrscher, and its power is likely to be related to time. She very much hopes that the time-space projection that Yolandal said before is a joke, that kind of Herrscher is more exaggerated than constraints.

Youlandelle, who didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, rubbed her chin, and said with a look of understanding: "... [Invasion of imaginary numbers].

Singularity erosion, the phenomenon of being assimilated by the imaginary number space—but Destiny did not observe the entity of the singularity like Changkong City, is this really possible! Male?"

Faced with Ulandal's doubts, Tesla explained, "It's very simple! If this singularity happens to be the so-called [Out-of-control Herrscher Core]—then its body may

Jubilee stays inside the imaginary space. "

"If that's the case, the current state is a delicate the ostensible steady state of the long-short market in previous years. This fragile situation

Once the balance is lost, the situation will probably take a turn for the worse like a volcanic eruption.

That is to say, in addition to the worst case where the Herrscher in charge of [time] appeared, there is another possibility that the Herrscher just happened to be in a very subtle position.

It acts as a bridge between the tree of imaginary numbers and the real world, otherwise the cause of this phenomenon cannot be explained.

Compared with that kind of strange and invincible Herrscher, Tester certainly hoped that it was the latter, but he was sure that this is the conjecture that the Dominant Herrscher exists.

However, after finishing speaking, Tesla became irritable.

"——Tsk. How did I start to help that Otto justify himself!? I obviously don't have any empirical information at hand!"


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