Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

106 Emiya Kiritsugu: Back Then, My Eyes Were Dim, And I Thought I Saw Light!

"Sister Rin, it's too much..."

Feeling relieved, Irisviel took Serra and Lijie Lite away, leaving behind the three sisters Fujimaru Tachika.

After her mother and the others left, Illya stared at Rin Tohsaka fiercely with wide-eyed eyes like a white puffer fish, staring at her cheeks. It's impossible for anyone to be happy if you play like a fool.

And Illya's magical girl dream was completely shattered.

How can there be any magical girl organization!? There is no evil organization, monsters from other worlds, all fabricated by Tohsaka Rin to deceive himself, a little fool.

When I think of myself before, I feel very guilty, and I am determined to live up to the entrustment of the former magical girl Rin Tohsaka, and work hard [Illya feels that she wants to die.

"And, Ruby! You didn't even tell me!!!"

Seeing the pink magic wand ruby ​​flying above her head to comfort her, Ilya was even more unhappy.

Ruby bent the body of the staff, and grabbed the head of the staff with the handle, "This... because Rin threatened me, I can't help it. Although Rin is an expired magic aunt, as long as it makes sense , I'll still listen."

"Who do you call Big Mom!?"

Rin Tohsaka grabbed the bastard's magic wand, wishing to tear it apart. While rubbing vigorously, she said to Ilya, "I'm sorry, Ilya. I don't want to, but your mother and the others asked me to do it a long time ago. We don't want to involve you in the world on the mysterious side, so I can only do this.

Seeing Tohsaka Rin's apologetic expression, Fujimaru Tachika on the side pouted and said, "So you made up a false identity of a magical girl and came out, isn't that a mysterious side!?"

Fujimaru Tachika is not as easy to fool as Illya. Although she usually looks carefree, her brain is still relatively easy to use, and she is also very aware of the bad character of her childhood sweetheart, which may be the reason for helping to hide it, but in the end The main thing is to take the opportunity to play tricks on Illya.

Tohsaka Rin is not as cold as she pretended to be in school. This guy is just a genuine teenage girl with a playful heart.

Rin Tohsaka, who was slapped in the face in seconds, was dismantled by Tachika Fujimaru on the spot, and Rin Tohsaka was even more embarrassed. After finally seeing the little idiot Ilya, her face softened a little.

"Ahem......... Nothing, your sister is talking nonsense, if you don't believe me, you can ask other people, I, Tohsaka Rin, is a well-known high-cold goddess, how can the goddess be so boring!?"

"Would a real goddess call herself a high-cold goddess!?" Ilya was sober-minded, she showed her small canine teeth, and looked at Rin Tosaka very angrily. This guy won't always treat her as a fool, right? !?

It's disgusting!

Over there, Yi Liya and the others were making a fuss, while Zhang Qing dragged Xiao Hei to his magic workshop, but...

"Cough, that Sakura, you really don't need to follow up. Wouldn't it be nice to go up and chat with Rin and the others!? They are all the same age..."."

Xiao Hei stood beside Zhang Qing and kept making funny faces at Sakura, but she clearly remembered that this hateful woman tied her up and threw her out.

And a rival!

Xiao Sakura ignored Xiao Hei's provocation, and said to Zhang Qing with a gentle smile, "But Xiao Sakura, I am also your student, how can I not participate in such a rare subject!? Are you right!? Xiao Sakura Experimental material..."

After finishing speaking, she bent down and reached out to gently stroke Xiao Hei's head, like a gentle big sister, as long as you ignore her words, it is true.

"Of course, I don't want to see the teacher being sent in because of wretched YT, the teacher should pay attention to it..."

Zhang Qing is helpless, does he look like the kind of beast that would attack a child!?

As a disciple and lover, how much do you distrust him!?

Zhang Qing felt that her education was quite a failure. Not only did her filial piety and the relationship between teachers and students deteriorate, but Sakura also seemed to have a big misunderstanding of herself.

On the other side, Irisviel and the others, who brought Serra back to the Emiya Mansion, also discussed the current situation.

Sera looked at Irisviel with some confusion, which man really decided to hand over the engraving and inheritance to Miss Lixiang!? He wasn't..."

Irisviel interrupted Sera with a smile, "Kiritsugu was actually very distressed. When he was in the orphanage, he didn't choose Lixiang at the beginning, and Lixiang didn't fit his style. Idea, at that time Kiritsugu wanted to adopt another child, although I don't know why he suddenly thought of adopting a child, obviously he could have the same child as Hisu Maiya, Maiya is not artificial, she can give birth normally , and I don't mind..."

It was also the first time Serra and Lijielit knew that Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want to adopt Fujimaru Tatsuka but someone else, and they were a little surprised.

As for Jiuyu Maiya, they certainly know about it, but as Luvia Serenta Edelfelt said, polygamy or polyandry is very normal in the world of magicians, even if men or women This is the case for women and girls, not to mention that they are artificial humans. The original intention of being created at the beginning was for the Holy Grail, so they didn't consider giving birth to offspring like normal people at all. Illya is indeed Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu's child, but her birth is also not like a normal baby, a bit like a test-tube baby.

Therefore, Alice Viel and the others have no objection to the matter of Hisau Maiya and Emiya Kiritsugu together, but it seems that Emiya Kiritsugu is a bit weird, and seems to simply use Hisau Maiya as an assistant tool, or The X processor does not mean to want a successor of its own descendants.

When they learned that Emiya Kiritsugu had suddenly adopted a child from the orphanage, Sera and the others were taken aback, "I wondered if this guy was not good enough in that respect.

Seeing Sera and the two of them looking at him in surprise, Irisviel smiled bitterly and said, "I asked Kiritsugu, and he also expressed that he didn't understand why he wanted to go to the orphanage to adopt a child at that time. And he was firmly attracted by one of the little boys, as if a voice was telling him that it was him, go, take this kid home, your dream will come true... "

"This is the second time. The first time was during the last Holy Grail War. It seemed that there was also a voice telling Kiritsugu to give up on Illya and me. Don't forget your dream and your mission. The world is waiting for you." For your salvation, between the few and the many, you should choose the many, as you have always done before. …”

Irisviel didn't know how creepy what she said at this moment, Sera and Lijie Lite couldn't believe it, if the man really chose another way back then, Sera and the others couldn't believe it. Imagine what will happen now!?

But one thing is certain, Ma'am, she must be dead.

As the Little Holy Grail, if the Holy Grail War continues normally, she will have no chance of surviving.

"... `Every time, after disobeying that voice, Kiritsugu's health becomes worse. Kiritsugu and I have been searching for medical treatment for these years without any results, and we have already suspected some kind of curse. Now we have been looking for news related to the curse. .”

"Then why...why!? Don't ask Mr. Zhang Qing to take a look, maybe he has a way..." Selah looked at Irisviel in confusion, and Selah was very aware of the strength of the person next door. of.

Irisviel shook her head, "Actually, the other party reminded us a long time ago that there was a curse on Kiritsugu, but we didn't listen to it at that time. After all, we were all out of the Holy Grail War at that time, and the other party's Relationships are less...., um, yes, trust."

"Besides, at the beginning, Kiritsugu's body was not so bad, nor was it so obvious, so we ignored it at that time. After adopting Ritsuka... It was too late, Kiritsugu's soul and body were both It is polluted and cannot be cured by any magician in this world, only the legendary magic that represents miracles can do it, so Kiritsugu and I have been looking for ancient magic relics all these years."

No matter how powerful Zhang Qing is, he is just a magician. There is a difference between magic and magic, but they represent different things.

"Then why does the sir want to adopt Miss Lixiang!?" Sera didn't expect this to happen. They always thought that Emiya Kiritsugu just had some strange disease, but they didn't expect it to be so terrible.

But Serra and the others don't understand why Emiya Kiritsugu chose Fujimaru Tateka in the end, even if he didn't want to follow the advice of that devil's voice, but he just turned around and left, why did he still adopt a child! ? Unless he really can't, can't give birth to children.

Irisviel swept away the previous haze, laughed and said, "Because Kiritsugu said that he saw light in Lixiang."

"That child is completely different from him. It is too dazzling, like the sun."

"Unexpectedly, sir, he would treat Miss Lixiang like this!" Sera couldn't help covering her mouth and screaming, this evaluation is simply unbelievable.

From Sera's point of view, Fujimaru Tachika is just an ordinary girl with a bit of carelessness, and she didn't see anything special about her. I didn't expect that man to say that he saw such a different thing in Fujimaru Tachika .

"No, Kiritsugu also said later, probably his eyes were dazzled at that time..." Irisviel blinked mischievously, and said with a smile.

"Sure enough... zero"

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