Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1090 Snape: Arrogant, Ignorant And Stupid, Isn't This Gryffindor!

"Find out how it got in!?"

As vice-principal Minerva McGonagall, she may not be as powerful and prestigious as Dumbledore, but she has more majesty and voice in Hogwarts. Anyone who works at Hogwarts for a day can feel that Dumbledore is unreliable and out of tune.

Sometimes Dumbledore's behavior like a child makes it difficult for people to be in awe of such a headmaster.

And because of the existence of a headmaster like Dumbledore, most of the matters fell on Professor McGonagall, which made Professor McGonagall keep a straight face all year round, rarely showing any smiles, like He is a strict teaching director, but every student is afraid to meet him while walking, and his voice will be much lower when he is near Professor McGonagall.

Of course, other professors respect Professor McGonagall very much. It is precisely because of Professor McGonagall that Hogwarts is not in a mess and there is no order at all.

It's already the third day since Rita Skeeter was thrown into the school hospital for comprehensive treatment, but the Hogwarts school authorities still haven't found out how Rita entered Hogwarts while avoiding the guards and barriers. Internally, you must know that Hogwarts not only prohibits wizards from apparating, but also allows strangers to approach in advance and reminds employees to prepare early.

If it is during the complete closure of the school, the defensive enchantment will be opened to attack the unwelcome.

It is precisely because there are so many means that Hogwarts has always been hailed as the safest place in the whole of England, not because there is a Dumbledore here, this kind of praise was owned before Dumbledore came to teach at Hogwarts It was created by the four founders in the stormy age of the 20s.

But now Rita Skeeter is brazenly entering the campus without prior permission. Before that, none of them found out. This time it was just an unscrupulous female reporter. Next time, if Death Eater The gangsters entered Hogwarts, did they not know, before the other party was exposed!?

"I'm sorry, Professor!" The administrator Filch lowered his head a little ashamedly, "I have checked all the secret passages I know, but there is no trace of the other party entering."1

If anyone is most familiar with the various secret passages of Hogwarts, besides Dumbledore, it must be Filch. He has been in office for so many years. Now, unless magic is needed in some places, there are very few secret passages that can escape his eyes.

Even if there were, those little wizards would confess to them after being caught.

"Heh, this is not the first time, don't you guys think this scene is very familiar!?" Although Snape was not as eccentric when he faced Professor McGonagall, he still remained the same. A slightly aggressive look.

Maybe he wasn't friendly to anyone related to Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall and the others froze for a moment, "You mean Sirius Black!?"

"Is there a second big stupid dog!?" Snape sneered.

Professor Flitwick was a little surprised, "Impossible, there are really so many illegal Animagus!?"

Everyone took a breath. You must know that Animagus is very dangerous. So far, there are very few wizards in the wizarding world who can become wizards. If you are not careful, you may be transformed forever, not an ordinary animal. It’s the one that can’t change back. This kind of experience is still good. The worst thing is that you become neither human nor ghost, and part of your magic power is permanently lost. Your sanity is also affected by the changed animal. consciousness.

One still considers himself human, and the other thinks he is an animal, and has been since birth.

In this case, even the best physicians cannot do anything about it, and there is no way to reverse the process.

Therefore, before learning Animagus, you will be reminded that you must study under the supervision of your predecessors or teachers, and never allow it to be done in private.

But the more you don't allow it, the more people are ready to move, and they are Gryffindor students.

At the beginning, four people including James Potter formed a prank small group Predators, and all three practiced Animagus in private. Fortunately, there was no real problem, otherwise Professor McGonagall might have faced a problem of ineffective supervision. , was fired, who made all four of them students of her college, what's worse is that two of them have extraordinary backgrounds behind them.

As the head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall has an unshirkable responsibility.

"I think it's best to conduct a test on all Gryffindor students. Maybe many people who are arrogant, ignorant and stupid Gryffindor have already started to try it in private. After all, this is not the first time, and it will not be the last time Already." Snape continued to sneer, "For example, Harry Potter, he is exactly the same as his arrogant, stupid, empty-headed father."

"Severus." Professor McGonagall looked at Snape dissatisfied, as if warning him, "Leaving aside whether it is really what you said, there is currently no feasible way for the wizarding world to detect a People who have learned Animagus before, unless you invent some new potions, there are still not too many side effects."

She had some headaches, Snape was also her student before, although Snape was a Slytherin when he was in school, at that time Snape was relatively good except for being a little withdrawn, but now...

Do evil.

"But I will take your opinion, Rita Skeeter is indeed very likely to be an Animagus."

Professor McGonagall now frowns when she hears about Animagus. She had a headache when she discovered that Animagus could avoid Hogwarts' monitoring and sneak into Hogwarts without being detected. , But so far I haven't thought of a good way to solve such a problem.

You must know that Animagus changes any kind of common animal. In the wizarding world, there are a lot of common animals. These little guys hardly have a place where they don’t exist, even if they dare to nest near the lair where the fire dragon lives. .

Don't think this is an exaggeration, as long as you know how wide the range of common animals is, you know that this is not a joke.

As an integral part of the ecosystem, prohibiting any non-magical ordinary animals from entering Hogwarts is simply causing trouble for oneself, and it will cause a devastating blow to the balance of the ecosystem of Hogwarts Yes, as long as you are not a fool, you will not do it.

However, if you want to screen and identify a large number of ordinary animals, it is even more ridiculous. The reason why Animagus is so powerful is that the ordinary animals it transforms are no doubt about the real ordinary animals. It is impossible to discover that they were transformed by wizards.

Professor McGonagall and the others don’t know that Hermione’s ugly cat can be found, but even if they know, they can’t relax, because this is Hermione’s cat, and it is still unique. I don’t know if there is a second one. Also cats with special abilities, so this method is also absolutely excluded.

"Don't think about how to guard against other Animagus. Now we should probably find a way to let Rita Skeeter show her feet. As long as there is evidence, she can't go on at ease." At this time, Sprout The professor had spoken, and she had hated the Tarski for a long time.

Dare to write that kind of article to slander and disgust the most proud student, really think that she, the Hufflepuff headmaster, is a living Bodhisattva!? After being bullied, I asked, do your hands hurt!?

"Direct Veritaserum, I can provide it for free." Snape's eyes were cold. If he just wrote some articles about Harry Potter, he also mentioned the taboo of "Lily". Kit didn't like it at all either.

"That's against the law." Professor McGonagall glared at Snape, who really dared to say anything.

"Hmph." After being stared at, Snape didn't say anything more, of course he knew it was illegal.

Professor Flitwick thought for a while and said, "Perhaps it is enough to let Ms. Pomfrey regain her consciousness. From what I know about her, she is the kind who will insist on sneaking out to find what she wants even if she is seriously injured. If she is a big news person, there is a high chance that she will sneak out, and then the 540 will just catch us and catch her right."

Professor McGonagall thought about it, and found that based on her understanding of Rita Skeeter, there was indeed a high probability that this would be the case. After all, before being struck by lightning, the female reporter was like a mummy. It was serious, and ordinary healing potions couldn't heal her well in a short time, so she had to run into Hogwarts and keep her eyes on Hagrid. This is beyond the description of ordinary perseverance.

It's a pity that the other party used this perseverance and perseverance in the wrong place, but if they do something else, they may have great achievements.

"I'll tell Madam Pomfrey."

Hearing what Professor McGonagall said, Professor Sprout smiled, "I will keep an eye on her this time, promise."

Filch silently stepped back to the corner. He always felt that the professors at the moment were a bit scary, and immediately mourned for that Rita Skeeter. Speaking of which, twenty or thirty years ago, that Rita seemed to be really a The students of Lanffindor came, he had a little impression.

Filch felt that what Professor Snape said before was right, that Gryffindor students really shouldn't be taken lightly, they really dare to do anything, if you don't keep an eye on them.

It's a pity that he is a squib, and it is not easy to catch these bastards, just like the Weasley family, there is always a way to avoid his pursuit.

After the matter is agreed upon, it will be implemented. In this regard, the professors are still very active, at least they will not drag it until tomorrow, and then tomorrow.

The only one who was dissatisfied was Snape, who just went back and silently researched the potion that could make the Animagus wizard appear. Professor McGonagall was right, he really needed this potion. It's time to serve Potter and Weasley each a bottle and let them drop out.

Snape dared to assure that, even if these two restless boys did not practice Animagus privately now, maybe they would in the future.

("Ah~~~~~!" Harry, who was worrying about how to solve his partner's affairs, sneezed a big.).

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