Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

110 Then, There Is Only One Answer! I Will Be Loyal To You!

In the foggy space.

Xilin crossed her arms and flew in mid-air. Seeing the small broken ball suddenly appearing in front of her, she fell into deep thought.

What kind of things do these self-time travels become!?

Why is it getting weirder and weirder!?

As an idle Herrscher who spends a lot of time in the misty space, occasionally in the real world, secretly getting up to eat snacks while Kiyana is sleeping, Sirin is often the first to get in touch with new members First person.

It's the same this time, after eating all the snacks Kiyana collected in Changkong City, Sirin didn't even wipe her mouth, and entered the misty space. After wrapping the bag, what happens!? That's up to Kiyana.

The matter of pitting paramecium is not called pit, it is called wisdom!


Sirin gasped, not only did this little broken ball look like the earth, it could even rotate on its own axis, and now it was revolving around itself. This is treating itself as the sun!?


The little broken ball over there is also confused. Anyone who takes a nap and suddenly sees a herrsrscher in front of him is a little confused, especially this comrade who has traveled to the earth and suddenly sees a giant I am a huge humanoid object, and that image is exactly the same as the Herrscher of Space in a certain three Bengzi, so my brain is trembling.

"So... I'm actually on the battlefield of the collapse!? Damn, I didn't expect that there was a bug called Otto on my body!? Careless!"

A certain broken ball stopped revolving in total 20 times, and then wanted to find traces of a damn green Herrscher from himself.

Sirin stared at this little broken ball that seemed to have made up some big drama in her head and was talking to herself, and she wanted to see how it planned to find Otto!?

"That......" Another young man with disheveled hair and sloppy clothes raised his hand and asked weakly, "Is this a dream!?"

Sirin cast a glance at this young man in a white coat who looked like a homeless man, "Humans, have you seen this little broken ball!? This is the planet you live in..."

"And I..." Sirin stretched out a hand and slowly clenched it, "Just do this, and your world will be gone. Surrender or die, it's your choice." !?"

After speaking, Sirin crossed her legs in mid-air, sat on the air throne, and looked down at this person.

The little broken ball jumped three meters away when Sirin clenched her fist.

And the sloppy young man looked left and right, then took out a signature pen from his chest pocket, held one end in each hand, then pushed up his knees and broke it, then, there is only one answer! I I will be loyal to you!"



The little broken ball was shocked and furious: "What have you done!? You betrayed me!? Stupid! Damn human!"

After cursing, the little broken ball turned around and floated in front of Sirin, and said meanly, "Your Majesty, compared to those mere human beings, I, the will of the earth, are your most loyal servants...! ?"


Sure enough, the heads of these selves in the back all looked a little abnormal.

Before Sirin could reply, the sloppy young man over there also excitedly pointed at the small broken fairway, "No, look, queen, it's because of this guy's laissez-faire that so many tragedies happen on this earth, so instead of believing With such a ball, I, a researcher of the Dragon Kingdom, are more reliable!"

"Maybe this guy is Gaia, one of the most controlling powers!? It wants to create a land of steel, and its heart is terrible!"

"Fart! My name is Taichu!" Little Poqiu was furious. This damned human dared to slander it, which is unforgivable.

Celine: =_=

What the hell are these two mentally handicapped doing!?

For the first time, when she realized that she was so serious and played with so many brains, Xi Lin was in a complicated mood!? Although she didn't want to meet Luo Tianyi and Zhang Qing who were plotting against her, but like the two dogs in front of her biting the dog, she just In order to be mentally retarded as her own dog, Sirin's mood is even more complicated.

How can I become like this myself!?

Suddenly I want to kill these two guys, what should I do!? It's too embarrassing.

"What is this for!?" Bilan Zhang Qing just came in when he heard the noisy noise.

There are so many, rich and vulgar words that it is simply unbearable to listen to.

Sirin rested her chin as if she didn't want to speak.

"Huh!? This kind of dress... Could it be the captain!? Damn guy, how could there be a male captain on the Hyperion? Didn't you say that Honkai is full of malice towards men!?"

The scruffy young man and the little broken ball who were scolding each other also found out that Bilan Zhang Qing suddenly appeared, and immediately couldn't care less about arguing over who is the dog Her Lady Queen needs most, instead, she looked at Bilan Zhang Qing with grief, indignation and shock .

Bilan Zhang Qing has black hair, isn't he just wearing a navy admiral's uniform!? Why do some people think that he is the captain of Bengbengbengli? In that kind of world, you only become a captain when you are tired of living.

"Is there a broken ball this time!?" Bilan Zhang Qing noticed the very conspicuous round ball.

As for that sloppy young man, I'm sorry, but there really isn't a little Poqiu with good features.

"What were you arguing about just now!?" Bilan Zhang Qing didn't mind seeing that no one answered his previous question. After all, he also knew that Xilin didn't like to communicate with them very much, but he was also a little curious. What's the noise.

After all, they are all themselves, and they are two different worlds, so is there any point of intersection!?

So far, there have never been two Zhang Qings from the same world.

Sirin looked up at the sky, she didn't know what these two scumbags were arguing about, did she really want to be a dog for herself, but she also hated it!

At this time, the little broken ball and the sloppy youth felt something was wrong no matter how stupid they were.

One person and one ball couldn't help but stared at each other. Although they didn't know where the little broken ball's eyes were, they just stared at each other.

"What's going on here!?" One person, one ball had such a question in their hearts at the same time.

Twenty minutes later……………

"So...we were cheated!?" After Bilan Zhang Qing explained and exchanged information with them, each of them looked at Sirin with some resentment.

They will never admit that they are a badass.

A consciousness as a planet is too boring, most of the time it is dozed and sleeping, of course, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I think I’ve really experienced some kind of war between human civilization and collapse inside me!?

The other is a dead house buried in scientific research, thinking that when he wakes up, the outside world will usher in collapse, and he is so frightened that he can't even think about it calmly. ,

So in fact, it's not surprising that one person and one ball are so easily misleading. It's just that the morals of these two guys don't seem to be very good.

"Hmph!" Sirin crossed her arms, not commenting on it.

She quite disliked these two guys, but still exchanged abilities and completed the handover, but if there is more contact, forget it, she is afraid that her IQ will become even paramecium

Not as good.

The sloppy young man said speechlessly, "Aren't you the will of the earth!? Why don't you even know what's going on with you!?"

Yes, it is understandable for the sloppy young man to feel that he is stupid. After all, he is an ordinary person, but this little broken ball who was fighting to be a dog before is different. As the will of the planet, what kind of world is he in? Don't even know!?

Little Poqiu rolled his eyes at the beginning, "Please, I'm so bored that I watch humans eat and drink all day long, don't you think it's disgusting!? Don't you know there is a word called out of sight, out of sight!?"

"And if I don't fall asleep for a long time, all the humans on it would have died long ago!"

It is not a good thing for a planet's will to be overactive, that is, it is more kind-hearted, otherwise it will have a mass extinction from time to time.

The sloppy young man also choked when he asked the question, and it was true after thinking about it.

Xiao Poqiu said with some displeasure, "Besides, I also noticed that those human beings seemed to be making big moves, as if the sky was falling, as if they really encountered the end of the world on 720, I don't, after seeing Sirin , Do you think that the collapse is coming!?"

"And as long as I take refuge in Honkai, wouldn't human beings be fine!? So there is nothing wrong with what I did!"

Xilin, the sloppy young man and Bilan Zhang Qing, at the same time, a sentence popped up in their minds: "The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did your majesty surrender first?"

If the human beings on the other planet know that their home star consciousness is so unreliable, they don’t know what they will think!?

But I have to say that the bonus of a planet is too strong, I am afraid that it can really explode a star with a single punch.

This is a blow with the mass of the earth in one punch!

Not to mention that as the will of the earth, the addition of spiritual power is already a qualitative leap.

"If you say that, it's obvious what happened to your world!? You really didn't notice it!? If there is a crisis that threatens the planet, don't you worry!?" The sloppy young man was still a little Unhappy, I slapped it.

"Haha... I can't even feel any crisis. Could it be that the human beings above me are enough!?" The little broken ball obviously didn't care, just like a giant who can't see millions of kilometers away There is no enemy, but a dwarf tells her that there is an army over there, is it possible!?

"Don't forget, for all works, the earth has always been full of disasters!" Bilan Zhang Qing also reminded at this time, telling this person not to be so careless.

"Um...well, when I go back, I will hold back my nausea and take a good look at it. To be honest, seeing these creatures shit on me every day, I can't help but want to destroy the world. !" Xiao Poqiu sighed, sitting and watching human history and so on, it sounds great, but it's okay to change the real will of the earth. He, who has been a human being, is really narrow and short-sighted, and he often sees it at the first sight. Some indescribable places disgusted him for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't be sleeping all the time.

Others Zhang Qing felt a little glad that the planet he was on wasn't this one, otherwise it wouldn't be possible for human beings to not eat or drink!?


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