Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1102 The Four Hogwarts Mental Hospitals!

The power of Mad-Eye Moody's madness seems to be really powerful.

Not long after Qing Zhang talked with Hagrid, Hagrid completely fell out with Ms. Maxim, and there was no room for maneuver. spoke.

Of course, the students who saw it became nervous one after another. The guys who were not clingy in the past became tired of being together all of a sudden. They would not be separated for 24 hours, and they would not give Professor Moody, the leader of the FFF group, a little something to take advantage of. opportunity.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Moody's teaching method was still rough and cruel, which made many students love and hate, and even faintly feared, because many people were worried that one day he would directly use the three Unforgivable Curses on Don't say it to the students, he really has this possibility.

However, after Hagrid and Ms. Maxim's incident, as long as they are not single students, they basically don't welcome this old lunatic. Rumors are to prevent naive objects from trusting each other.

Of course, the students do these things secretly, so the professors don't notice at the moment.

The only person who noticed something was wrong was the fake Moody - Barty Crouch Jr. himself, because he had the Marauder's Map that Harry lent him, so he found something a little strange, That is, as long as he passes by, the students will avoid him, as if they encountered some terrible evil spirit.

Of course, when an abnormality was found, Batty Jr. would go to investigate. As a result, he overheard how these guys described how crazy Moody was, which made him a little depressed, but at the same time he was relieved: Maybe he played too successfully, and he would These little brats were frightened enough, rather than aware that something was wrong with him.

Because it was Moody who was being vilified, it had nothing to do with Barty Crouch Jr., so Barty Jr., the 970 fake Moody's, also ignored it.

Time passed by like this a little bit, and came to the last week of May.

All the warriors have been informed that they must come to the Quidditch field before nine o'clock tonight. It seems that the content of the third event has finally been discussed. Yes, the referees have spent three months discussing what is going on. It is necessary to determine what kind of project is suitable, and subdivide it to ensure that all links are safe enough.

Therefore, Hagrid's claim that Ms. Maxim wants to know the content of the project through him—— cheating through the back door is not tenable in itself, not to mention that Hagrid, as an ordinary employee of Hogwarts, is often the last One who knows this, Ms. Maxim is actually involved in the discussion and review of project content to ensure that there are no unexplainable problems.

Of course Hogwarts has an advantage in this Triwizard Tournament, because Hogwarts even used the venue, but this does not mean that everything is only handled by Hogwarts, which is unreasonable .

In this competition, the three schools should enjoy equal status and power. If everything was determined by the two officials of Dumbledore and the British Ministry of Magic, then there was no need for the Triwizard Tournament to start.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Ms. Maxim has no selfish intentions. She may really plan to gain some advantages from Hagrid. Anyway, Hagrid is a gamekeeper and a professor of protection of magical animals, and the Triwizard Tournament is inseparable. Fantastic Beasts, plus Hagrid who has lived for a long time, may be able to provide some advice and help. As the principal of Beauxbaton Academy of Magic, it is only natural for Ms. Maxim to want her students to win the competition.

Moreover, in other people's home courts, inquiring about intelligence (Caef) itself is a matter of course.

You can even hear from everyone, from the headmaster, down to the students, and even the ghost of the castle. It is up to you to be successful. This is originally a hidden rule that is allowed, otherwise Hogwarts has a home court advantage, it was very unfair to the other two schools from the very beginning.

However, this very normal behavior was misinterpreted by some guy, and what should Hagrid say, he is a qualified Gryffindor, even if he was expelled, under the influence of Dumbledore, he would He has grown into an orthodox Gryffindor, he has all the shortcomings of Gryffindor students, and the half-blood giant's mind is not very bright, he just accepts the deadly reason and can't listen to some "good words".

In fact, at this time in the original book, if Hermione hadn't met Qing Zhang who changed her life early, then she would have gone mad at this time, becoming paranoid and only seeing what she wants to see, such as the house-elf's bad Regarding the issue of fair treatment, she wanted to free these slaves wholeheartedly, and believed that everything she thought and did was right, and everyone else was stupid.

When a person forgets her position and camp, and gives empathy to outsiders, even she will be a big devil.

Just like in some countries, there are still many people in their own country who don’t have enough food and clothing, and even their children can’t go to school. They live a hard life all their lives, but they don’t want to help, but spend all their human, material and financial resources on helping other countries In terms of construction, I am still complacent thinking that I have a long-term vision and I am looking for international allies.

But in fact, in the eyes of the people in the countries they help, this is a fool, a big injustice with a lot of money, I just need to say something nice to make them happy, send money, food, and even beautiful women, Give them back the best domestic school, let female students laugh and sleep with them in class.

I have never seen such a cheap, stupid and bad devil, a devil who eats "our own people".

This is also the reason why Qing Zhang has always disliked Gryffindors. When he was still young, the elders would let them go and let them do something wrong. Sometimes they even praised such behavior. Let it become lawless, and the worst thing is that this kind of children are still grouped together, so that they can only see people like them when they graduate from the age of eleven to seventeen. Everything is right, because everyone is the same, but if you think it is wrong, it means you have a problem.

This is why Hermione, whether it is now or in the original book, at the very beginning, Gryffindor students rejected her and isolated her, because Hermione's three views at that time were in conflict with Gryffindor's three views , because she is so normal, so in the eyes of a group of Gryffindor students, she is abnormal.

In fact, not only Gryffindor has problems, but also the four houses of Hogwarts. In Qing Zhang's view, Hogwarts is not so much cultivating wizards as it is cultivating mental patients.

But among them, Hufflepuff is the least poisoned. At most, it will make students feel unconfident and inferior. As long as their mentality is tempered well, they can still come out if they are strong enough, but what about the other three academies!? Slytherin's loneliness, self-admiration, arrogance, scheming and over-emphasis on interests, almost live like the old aristocrats, and even almost all the villains in the novels can see their shadows in them, and they themselves live in a daze. In this way, I am still happy with myself, thinking that this is what it should be like.

How to put it, just like some mental patients who are autistic and trapped in their own personal world. The milder ones are the second-year teenagers in Shamat Middle School. They all want to make troubles, big things, to prove that they are indeed "superior" and "the proud son of heaven".

What about Ravenclaw, how do you say it!? Perhaps with an example, everyone can understand that Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of the founder of Ravenclaw, or Ms. Gray, the ghost of the castle now, she Obviously a Ravenclaw mental patient who is a master.

If you have played the original gods, you will find that most of the scholars in the Sumeru Kingdom also have this disease, and those great sages are the most serious group. They are so crazy that they imprison gods and even create new gods. They are completely crazy.

Helena Ravenclaw is actually the same, her mother, in her heart, isn't she a god-like existence!?

Therefore, Ravenclaw students are prone to suffer from a mental illness called "genius disease". Their people, the true wisdom of forgetting is drawn from everything.

If Helena was a native of Xia, she would have heard a saying - "Threesomes must have my teacher"!

Unfortunately, she didn't know, and her mother put too much pressure on her and tortured her crazy. And it's all because she doesn't realize what true intelligence is made of.

Books are not omnipotent. If you rely too much on books, you are a nerd, and if you give up books, you will become a "lunatic".

So speaking of the four colleges, in fact, there are more or less problems, but Gryffindor is the most serious one. There is no way to have ADHD and violent tendencies. Western-style education tends to be free-range, and freedom is seen More than everything, so over time, no problem will become a problem.

Of course, this is also a kind of big waves scouring the sand. The truly talented and outstanding people can emerge from the mud no matter what the environment is, but how many such people are there? The wizarding world itself has a small population. Come on, in fact, is digging its own grave, which is why the Muggle world will catch up.

You must know that wizards entered the stage of civilization earlier than muggles, but they have been developing for thousands of years and have almost stagnated, so you can see how many problems there are.

"I think this is planning to build an underground tunnel. They must want us to find treasure underground..." On the way to the Quidditch pitch, Qing Zhang just came out of the Hufflepuff common room. I met Fleur Delacour who had just walked to the foyer and was about to go down the stone steps.

She was chattering and telling Qing Zhang her guess, because she had already noticed that there were people constructing and picking up countless low walls on the Quidditch field. something.

So she felt that it was very possible to dig a messy and intricate tunnel underneath.

Since the second project, Furong's attitude towards Qing Zhang has changed a little, at least she no longer wears a hypocritical smile like before. .

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