After despising the wimp, Daju simply decided to go for a walk. Anyway, it would take a lot of time to look at the appearance of those people, so he could just come back later and take a look.

When the bridge was strolling on the street, suddenly a gray wild cat approached, stopped half a meter away from the big orange, and then barked.

Daqiao saw that it was his new younger brother, Xiaohui, raised his chin and nodded imperceptibly.

In human cities, there are never any shortage of stray cats and stray dogs. As for how these cats and dogs came here!? They can be roughly divided into two categories: one is abandoned by humans for various reasons; Wild cats and dogs.

Speaking of which, Daju was actually born by a wild cat, but after giving birth to Daju, the female cat died not long after, leaving nothing behind.

If Daju hadn't possessed a human soul, it would have died early in life if it hadn't been able to replenish its breast milk after birth.

Relying on his own wisdom and a little bit of luck, he attracted a little human beauty. Fortunately, the other person was not a bad person, but rather caring, so he brought Daju back, so that Daju could truly survive in this world.

But people and cats have different paths, one day Daju left that little beauty and became a stray cat again.

Because the other party actually planned to take me for a sterilization operation, how could this be tolerated-!?

Sure enough, Wenrou Township is the tomb of heroes, women will only affect its pace of becoming the little prince of the cat world.

So in the end Daju had tears in his eyes, and when the girl left the house, he slipped out and left.

It's all because of the boyfriend that the little beauty found, it's troublesome!

It's a cat that's in the way of you, why did you propose such an inhumane thing as neutering the male cat, while Daju cursed a certain smelly man for his infertility, he packed up his mood and ran away from home, Fortunately, it has already prepared a lot of footholds outside, all of which have been remodeled by it.

It's not bad at all except that there is no beauty massage to smooth the hair.

I didn't expect Goldfinger to come before he lived a happy life in a fat mansion alone with a cat. It is the magical existence of the misty space, which makes it no longer need to be too afraid of humans, especially some cat abusers. mad Men.

Really met, don't know who abused whom!?

Seeing Lao Tzu's paw go down, you will be gone because of your little one.


Just when Daju was thinking back to the unbearable past, Xiao Hui called out again.

After Daju came back to his senses, he shook his head and waved his paw, "No, how many times have I told you that Dahua is a male cat, it just had its balls cut, and you are in heat. "

As a cat, Daju certainly understands cat language, but the thinking of these cats is sometimes not inferior to that of some humans with cerebral thrombosis.

Just like Xiao Hui, who actually fell in love with Xiao Hua raised by Aunt Wang on Sanhua Street, but that Xiao Hua is a tomcat, and so is Xiao Hui. .

Now Xiaohua is locked up at home and not allowed to go out. She is also a poor cat, lost her testicles, and is being watched by other male cats.

Now this little gray must have been beaten by Aunt Wang again, so she came to complain to Daju, and begged Daju to help rescue her little princess.

Daju wished he could slap this perverted gray cat to death: it's so disgusting, it's so gay.

But this little brother is quite obedient, except that his mind is a little abnormal, it still made Daju suppress his murderous intentions.

"Meow meow meow~"

Xiaohui, who didn't know that she had been wandering in the ghost gate, saw that Daju didn't agree, and she wronged her Xiaohua for being a tomcat, so she immediately felt wronged, and directly staged a roll on the ground - tumbling~!

Daju glanced at the two-legged beasts not far away who were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and greeted them with a slap, "How big is the cat, and it still looks like this, can you lose the cat!?"

Dislike, dislike to.

"How many times have I told you that you and Xiaohua have no future, why don't you listen!"

"Meow..." (I can try my best)

"Is this a question of whether to work hard or not!? Xiaohua is a bit more enchanting, but he is a real male cat, idiot.

"Meow meow!" (I don't listen! I don't listen!)

"Fuck off!" Daju felt that his air pressure was about to explode.

I'll beat you to death, you punk!!! Look at my invincible cat fist!

After turning over the continuous output, Daju finally calmed down. It flicked its tail, ignored the barking little brother, and left directly. Both sides watched their king leave.

Xiao Hui, who was left behind, had blood in his eyes, "Meow~~~~~~" (Boss, don't go! You beat me too, shouldn't I agree!?)

It's a pity that Daju only left this guy with a ruthless back.

Not long after, a short video with lines added by humans became popular on the short video platform. In today’s era, humans seem to like cat and dog movies more than TV dramas and movies starring big stars, and often watch them. Make a pig cry.

So, ah, what a pity for mankind!

Although he didn't intend to help Xiaohui, the idiot cat, Daju still made a diversion and went to Sanhua Street, and saw Xiaohua being paternalized giving milk to Aunt Wang's little grandson from a distance

She looks like a little girl, and she can see the black line on Daqiao's forehead.

"Save me!? Xiaohua's life is much better than that of your stray cat."

Daju complained in his heart.

At this moment, Daqiao suddenly felt a gaze falling on him, squinted his eyes and looked down, and found that it was a big black dog staring at him with its head up and its teeth bared.

"What are you looking at, silly dog! If you look at it again, I'll beat you up!"

Daju raised his little paw and said threateningly.

I don't know who has a big black dog, and it is released without a rope, and it is not afraid of biting people or anything. You can tell that it is not a wild dog by looking at the collar on the black dog's neck.

And it seemed to be an adult Tibetan mastiff, such a large dog dared to release it, it really convinced these people now.


Seeing that the bridge dared to provoke it, the big black dog was furious and barked at the condescending big orange lying on the fence, which attracted the attention of many neighbors in Sanhua Street.

Because there are also some people who keep dogs here, and when the Tibetan mastiff barked, many dogs also barked.

"Whose dog is barking!?"

"Is there a thief, or a kidnapper!?"

It didn't take long for someone to come out with a whip, but he was shocked when he saw a large dog and retreated.

"Is this a tiger!?" The person who had never seen a Tibetan Mastiff trembled.

"It should be a dog, but why is such a big dog not tied up? There are many old people and children here." Some people also became worried.

0 looking for flowers......

In the end, I called the police. As for the owner of the dog, he was found by the police. She was a woman wearing a famous brand, with a lot of powder on her face, but she could still be seen to be over forty years old.

As soon as the woman came up, she yelled, "What nonsense, my little boy can't bite people, do you think it's those dirt dogs!? Don't do it, you hurt my little boy, can you afford it?"

"Little boy, come here quickly, mom, that ugly cat is not good to eat, it has germs, it will hurt your stomach if you eat it."

Daju yawned, and didn't bother to pay attention to this ugly woman. He raised a dog and regarded himself as a human being. He really didn't know what it meant. Didn't he know that walking a dog without a leash was breaking the law!? Just wait to be educated!


Daju jumped down, slapped the screaming Tibetan mastiff, knocked him down, and then swaggered away, ignoring the woman and cursing.

We calculated time and used.

Daju began to think about what he should have for lunch!?

Once again, I took out my mobile phone from the imaginary space, clicked on the food delivery platform, and started to place an order. As for the address, of course, I filled it in a nearby temporary base.


Anyway, after the delivery guy delivered it, he just put it there, and there was no need to sign for it in person.

Where did the money come from!?

A little bit of manipulation on the Internet is all it takes. Anyway, some people’s money is not clean, and it helps them to use it to do good people and good deeds. By the way, it’s understandable to help the kitten improve its diet.

For example, some unscrupulous big bosses default on wages and refuse to pay migrant workers wages, so well, I will take away your money, and I will not give you a penny.

Let the police check it out, they can't find it on a cat.

Daju is too tolerant to not help these capitalists use their identity information to borrow usury loans. As for whether doing so will cause a series of bad effects, it is just a cat. What about human beings is none of its business!?

Perhaps after being a cat for a long time, Daju doesn't care about human order and rules, and it almost does what it wants to do at will.

Occasionally, when you see injustice, you will punish the bad guys. As for your saying that the bad guys should be handed over to the judiciary, this is not what it should consider.

"This braised pork is not real pork, bad review! Don't order this next time, it's really a black-hearted business!"

While unpacking, he skillfully used chopsticks and put a piece of braised pork into his mouth. After chewing a few times, Daju frowned and spit it out.

As a noble cat, it will not settle for these technologies and hard work.

Decisive bad review!

You ask a cat how to use chopsticks!? Do you think it is an ordinary cat!?


"Fuck! Even the eggs are fake, do people nowadays have a conscience!?" After pushing away the bowl of braised pork, Daju planned to try other things, but found that except for the real rice, the others were all unknown. Material synthetic fake.

Moreover, the white rice smelled like plastic, and I lost my appetite immediately.

He hurriedly took out his own snacks and ate them. Those leftovers should be taken out by Guoxia to feed stray cats and stray dogs.

Alas, Maomao sighed.

This city is not as good as the countryside, at least the food is real.

"Forget it, let's watch the short video for a while."

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