Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

112 The Vicious Fake Daughter Is Reborn!

Leng's house in Beijing.

In the girly princess room, a girl in pajamas is lying on a diary on the desk, with obvious wet spots on it, and the girl with her eyes closed has crystal teardrops in her upper and lower eyebrows. Fallen.

The girl's appearance is extremely beautiful, like a peony flower about to bloom, with a noble and elegant beauty.

However, the fragility and haggardness in the deep sleep at this moment added a different kind of beauty.

This is an out-and-out beauty, and at the same time, because of being carefully pampered, she has a kind of fairy air that does not fall into the mundane world. This is a lot of delicate flowers, and someone needs to take care of them carefully

Time passed bit by bit, and for an unknown amount of time, the girl's eyelashes trembled, and her breathing became irritable.

Suddenly, the girl opened her eyes, with a hint of bewilderment, despair and hatred inside.

Surprised, the girl saw the surroundings, a trace of astonishment flashed in her eyes, and then she looked at the diary pressed by her own arms, seeing the tears on it, the astonishment in her eyes was even stronger.

"Is this......... coming back!?"

From the daughter of a famous family in the capital, to the pheasant who was accused of disliking the poor and loving the rich, to resolutely entering the entertainment industry for love, and then being banned for infamy and being kicked out of the house by the Leng family


In the end, he committed suicide in the small and dirty basement and ended his life.

She has hated, been wronged, and worked hard, but in the end she found that what is not yours is not yours after all. The so-called nurturing love is nothing compared to blood relationship. Then that girl never returned to Leng's house to recognize her relatives, but She is very rare, and has been running around trying to get her biological daughter back.

As for myself, because I suddenly learned that I was not my own, I only knew fear and begged 097 to let me stay, because she was afraid of leaving the Leng family, and was very afraid of everything about the unknown home that originally belonged to her. , so she cried and begged her "parents" not to drive her away.

To be honest, she was both grateful and apprehensive about the fact that the real daughter who had never seen her did not choose to return to Leng's house.

Because the family over there is obviously not as good as the Leng's family, but the other party is willing to stay there, even if the Leng's family goes to court for it.

The more trouble there is, the one who loses face is Leng Mengyao, the fake daughter. From the eldest lady of aristocratic family envied by everyone, she becomes an unfaithful, filial, and unrighteous gold-worshiping girl who hates the poor and loves the rich and refuses to recognize her parents.

A fake phoenix, all the boys who used to pursue him lost their usual demeanor, one by one boldly stepped forward to tease him, and even more people even mocked him in front of his face.

However, these Leng family parents and older brothers and younger brothers who doted on him chose to turn a blind eye, and even let the servants at home gossip behind their backs and neglect him.

At that time, Leng Mengyao had already regretted it, and she begged to stay because of fear. It was also the first time that she discovered that the previous ones did not belong to her in the first place, and she just happened to replace them in that position. After the people who should really stand there appear, then everything should naturally return to the people who really belong there.

What made Leng Mengyao even more desperate or the last straw that crushed her was that her original fiancé actually came to the house to break off the engagement, and also bluntly stated that their Xiao family would not want a fake daughter and someone with low character to become the mistress of the Xiao family.

Leng Mengyao couldn't believe it, that man was the same as the man in his memory who doted on her and called her baby. They grew up together. Who is she? Doesn't he know!?

Why do you look at yourself coldly!? Why do you look at yourself with contempt!?

The tutor at home was removed, the servants no longer tidy up the room for themselves, and even forgot to prepare their own meals. Every day staying in Leng's house was like hell, but at that time Leng Mengyao still did not choose to leave, because she Fear, her world has been so small since she was a child, and people from the Leng family carved out a small world for her. She was terrified of what would happen if she left the Leng family.

Moreover, people from Leng's family told her that her real Zhang's family was so poor that they would have children, and that the husband of that family was a bad gambler and addicted to alcohol, and beat his wife and children when he was drunk. The lunatic, with disheveled hair all day long, can't even speak clearly, the son of that family is even worse, sloppy and has no serious job, fooling around outside all day.

After talking too much, Leng Mengyao believed it, and of course became more afraid of being kicked out of Leng's house.

Later, knowing that Xiao Han likes stars in the entertainment circle, she gritted her teeth and broke into that circle, but because she didn't know the rules there, and didn't know how to operate it, she was cheated out of her savings, and she also got a lot of infamy. It was even revealed that he was a despicable fake phoenix who disliked the poor and loved the rich, and was chased and scolded by others, and raped by everyone.

In the end, Xiao Han just gave her a cold look, and said lightly, "It's an embarrassing thing to play." He ignored her, and left with ten 18-line actresses.

However, she failed to return to the Leng's house. In front of the gate of the Leng's house, there were all her used household items, and she was kicked out.

I tried my best and wanted to stay, but in the end no matter how scared I was, I couldn't stay.

After renting a small basement with the last money she had, she hid there and lived in a daze for two days, and finally chose to end this ridiculous life. With hatred, despair and incomprehension, she ended this ridiculous life. lifetime.

Nobody ever really loved her, did they!?

However, I didn't expect that after opening my eyes, I would come back here again. Looking at the half-written diary, Leng Mengyao was a little dazed, "Have you really returned to the past!?"

This was the day she found out about her life experience. In fact, when she found out, she was the last one in the whole family. They had already sent someone to contact the real daughter. When she found out, it was actually because she refused to return. When I arrived at the Leng's house, the members of the Leng's family lost their temper with me, and I didn't know it.

It was because she was slapped so hard that she ran back to the room and cried alone.

I haven't noticed any changes in the attitude of everyone in the family towards her these days, and it has been the same until now, but after tonight, it will become more and more obvious. If it was just a sudden indifference before, tomorrow it will be cold, violent or even verbal. insulted.

And I will beg the other party to let me stay in Leng's house.

Looking at the diary I wrote at this time, especially the messy handwriting on this page, all expressing fear and helplessness, Leng Mengyao couldn't help stretching out her hand to stroke it.

Especially where there are water marks.

It's so ridiculous, the home I tried my best to keep, but in the end, it's better to go back to the place they described as hell!?

Leng Mengyao felt a little regretful, regretting that she had never visited her real family, perhaps because of her guilt towards that real daughter and her low self-esteem for not daring to face her directly, Leng Mengyao never went to see her until she died.

"This time, let's go back......"

She didn't understand anything, the Leng family was just educating girls, as for cultivating them into talents, she hadn't thought about it, the so-called tutoring was more about teaching how to be a good wife.

So even if she was reborn at this moment, Leng Mengyao didn't know what she could do!? It was this kind of face that made her be sought after for a period of time in the beginning of the entertainment industry, but it was only a flash in the pan. Constantly leaked rumors about the classic beauty that is rare in a century, and finally turned into a disgusting woman with plastic surgery.

Of course, Leng Mengyao admits to one thing, because she really has no acting skills, and everything else is nothing but slander, but no one is willing to believe her.

She didn't even understand why it turned out like this in the end. She didn't do anything wrong!? The director didn't say anything about her acting. She was just a beauty in a vase. The director said that she didn't need acting skills. Could it be wrong? !?

The only thing Leng Mengyao hated was herself, because she didn't live up to expectations, because she didn't understand anything, because she was a stupid person and a waste, that's why no one loved her.

That being the case, this time may be an opportunity given to me by God, let me go and see my own family members, and then what kind of experience should be my own, then go back and bear it, if it is really bad, Then at least I can share part of it for the girl who lost her original family and affection because of herself.

That was what he should bear.

Closing the diary, Leng Mengyao looked at everything in the princess's room, but found that none of them really belonged to her, even the clothes she was wearing now were the same.

I can't take anything with me......

Holding the diary, Leng Mengyao stood silently in the room, stepping barefoot on the soft carpet. The light was very bright, but she felt the darkness around her.

Touching the left cheek, feeling the lingering pain in that place, it was so real.

With a miserable laugh, "Then take nothing away, including you..."

Putting the diary on the desk, Leng Mengyao turned and walked out of the room.

She wants to tell them her decision, this time, she is no longer the little princess who can only escape, she will take off her fine clothes and crown, and return to the home of Cinderella.

It couldn't possibly be worse than that basement anyway.

She told herself so.

Just treat everything here as an absurd dream......

At least it used to be beautiful here......

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