Zhang Qing didn't expect that Leng Mengyao would come the next day. The little girl was carrying a small suitcase and stood in front of the Zhang family's door at a loss.

Zhang Jianguo and Su Qing are very happy. To be honest, they never thought that their biological daughter would be willing to come back. After all, to be honest, their family really can't compare with the Leng family, even if they know their son is very good. Forced, but what kind of awesome method, I have no idea.

In the hearts of the two couples, their family is just a well-off family, and it is just a family of ordinary people.

How many people in this world can abandon their nest of wealth and return to the pile of beggars!?

Can the two couples not be happy and moved!?

Of course it doesn't mean that the two of them don't love Zhang Shishi anymore. After all, they were raised by themselves, and after so many years of pampering, they can't let go of their relationship. But people, sometimes it's hard to keep the two bowls of water balanced all the time. , especially in this particular case,

At least for a long time, both couples will pay more attention to Leng Mengyao.

Both Zhang Qing and Zhang Shishi were a little surprised that the other party would really come back.

After all, the truth has been said before, although it is shameless to dislike the poor and love the rich, it is human nature, no matter how good the mouth is, there are very few people who can do it.

Especially Miss Leng Mengyao, who has been "seven" since she was a child, and her ten fingers have never touched the spring water. How much determination and awareness are there to be willing to give up the rich life and return to the common people's home!?

To be honest, I don’t know how many people have imagined that suddenly someone told themselves that you have a relative with an inheritance of hundreds of billions, or that your father has been pretending to be poor but is actually a rich man. It is conceivable that people go to high places It is common sense to go.

Is my biological and cheap sister such a saint!? Zhang Qing was surprised.

Zhang Shishi felt a little uncomfortable, feeling like an outsider, but being hugged by Zhang Qing wasn't too sad.

And Leng Mengyao is a little confused, this is the wolf's lair that Leng's family said!? The biological father who smokes, drinks, and gambles badly, the biological mother who is neurotic and lunatic, and the biological brother who is a bastard!?

On the contrary, this brother is really dressed casually, but he is not really sloppy enough to look like a beggar!?

And this house, Shu Ri'an is not as good as Leng's big mansion, but it is not worse than the surrounding neighbors, it can even be said to be very good. In the last time of her previous life, Leng Mengyao even lived in a unit. I don't have any capital, so I can only rent a dirty, small basement with no water or electricity, and no one wants it.

I don't think it's that bad here, at least it's much, much better than I imagined.

I have made so many psychological preparations, but I never thought that it was all in vain...

Leng Mengyao didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Of course, she was very at a loss when someone hugged her suddenly, because even when she was the most favored in the Leng family, the family members had never been so affectionate before. Because people in big families prefer to be reserved!

As for the luggage in Leng Mengyao's hand, to be honest, she didn't want to take anything away, but when the Leng family heard that she was going back, they just gave her a cold look and asked people to take away all the things she had used. The things were swept out of the house, as if these things were stained with dirty things, I hated them very much.

Leng Mengyao thought that if her biological family was really that bad, she might still owe a large sum of money, so she picked and picked at the door some that could be taken away and might get a lot of money. Too much, she can't take it away.

It's just that I didn't expect that after I worked so hard to come here, everything I imagined would not appear, and my worry was completely in vain.

In fact, a canary like Leng Mengyao, if she really relied on herself, would definitely not be able to come to Yuncheng thousands of miles away. nothing.

Of course, what makes people in the country speechless is that this girl seems to only know that her family is in Yuncheng. As for where and how to get there, she doesn't know anything. It took a lot of brain cells, and along the way, I caught a lot of criminals who wanted to get her attention.

In fact, this girl is too indifferent to world affairs, her clothes are obviously rich, and her looks are even more criminal. To be honest, those who secretly protect her suspect that this girl really belongs to that slovenly Zhang Gong Sister!? She doesn’t even look alike!?

Of course, Leng Mengyao and the others didn't know about this, this girl thought she really came here by her own ability!

"Dad... Mom..."

After Leng Mengyao hesitated for a while, she still yelled at Zhang's father and Zhang mother who had been asking her for her care, obviously she was still a little unaccustomed and born.

But Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were very happy, and pulled Leng Mengyao to Zhang Qing and Zhang Shishi, "Okay, okay, from now on, the three of you, brother and sister, will get along well. Don't worry, we will be equal!"

The last sentence was a promise to Zhang Shishi. The two of them did not really completely forget about this adopted daughter. Although they were somewhat sad after knowing that they were not their own, the relationship was still there. The sad thing was that they could not meet their own flesh and blood.

Now that the wish has come true, I am naturally happy.

"By the way, what's your name!?" Father Zhang Jianguo introduced the names of Zhang Qing and Zhang Shishi to Leng Mengyao, and then he slapped his head, remembering that he didn't know what his biological daughter's name is now, and felt a little embarrassed.

To be honest, the members of the Leng family just kept urging them to send Zhang Shishi back in a sensible way. They never mentioned a word of Leng Mengyao, and they didn't plan to say a word to their family at all, so I really don't blame Zhang Shishi. Father and the others knew nothing about Leng Mengyao.

It's not good for Zhang Qing to tell the two elders about it. After all, if Leng Mengyao chooses not to come back, the less he knows, the better for the two elders.

"I... My name is Mengyao" Leng Mengyao originally wanted to say that her name was Leng Mengyao, but when she thought that she had been kicked out of the house and had severed ties with the Leng family, and that her surname was Leng, it was a bit unreasonable. After the mouth, it stopped, and simply said the name directly.

"Mengyao, it sounds good." Zhang Jianguo nodded and praised.

Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows. It's because you don't know the meaning of the name, otherwise you will be disgusted. The woman who runs with the ball is called Hu Xiaoyao. This Mengyao Mengyao, what do you think is the reason!? But Zhang Qing also I don't plan to say such disappointing words at this time.

For Leng Mengyao's return, he had a little more affection for her, and this younger sister also recognized her.

But this girl is too gorgeous, and she looks a bit like Zhang's mother, Su Qing, without eyes, but she seems to have a high-end beauty face, which makes people feel that she doesn't come out of this family at a glance.

This is also one of the reasons why Leng Mengyao was suspected of having plastic surgery in her previous life. People found photos of Zhang's parents and Zhang's mother and compared them. Isn't it a problem that has become a problem!?

"Dad, Mom, don't forget to prepare a room to come out!" Zhang Qing asked Leng Mengyao to sit down, and reminded Zhang's father and mother, who were still surrounding her, that Leng Mengyao came too suddenly Yes, they are really not mentally prepared at all, because they thought it was impossible before..0

Therefore, a room for the other party has not been prepared, and even furniture and daily necessities have not been prepared.

"Hey! That's right, Mengyao, you sit here first and talk to your brother..." Zhang's father and Zhang's mother just remembered that they really forgot about this and immediately became anxious. If there is a room available, even if there is none, Zhang Qing's room can be given up. Just let this son who doesn't come back once or twice a year go to the study.

But bed furniture and daily necessities can't be helped, we can't let the other party do it too!?

The small box that Leng Mengyao was carrying didn't seem to have a lot of things at first glance. Isn't Zhang's father and Zhang's mother in a hurry!?

But he choked again after he finished speaking, Zhang Qing must be the older brother, after all, there is such a big difference in age, almost ten years old, can he still be the younger brother!? young.

But Zhang Shishi and Leng Mengyao are indistinguishable, who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister!? This is a difficult situation for the couple.

"Ahem, just call me by name!" Zhang Qing suggested speechlessly.

Do my parents really want to fight!? Who wants to become a sister suddenly!?

"Then... Meng Yao can get along well with Ah Qing and Shi Shi, don't worry, if this brat dares to bully you, just tell us, we will definitely not make it easy for him.

After the two elders left, the three of them sat in silence and no one spoke.

After a long time, the big brother Zhang Qing broke the awkward atmosphere and said, "Have you thought about it!? Do you feel any regrets!?"

Leng Mengyao was taken aback when she heard the sound, then looked at Zhang Qing who seemed to be asking her unintentionally, and Zhang Shishi who was staring at her. After hesitating for a while, she shook her head, "It's much better than I imagined... ....

In this life, the people of the Leng family have not had time to arrange the Zhang family for her, but Leng Mengyao, who has the memories of her previous life, has an inherent impression of the Zhang family before 5.1, which is what the Leng family described in her previous life, so it is indeed better than she imagined. Much better.

As for regret...

That's not true, because she is really determined to come back this time, and she has already managed to face the messy and terrible situation.

In fact, Leng Mengyao really wanted to ask Zhang Shishi why she didn't choose to return to Leng's house. She wanted to ask in her previous life, but after coming here, she found that she couldn't ask.

Because Leng Mengyao could see that the Zhang family treated Zhang Shishi very well.

It is estimated that if it is not because of this farce caused by her, she will live a very good life in this life, and there is nothing to worry about at all.

So she couldn't ask.

After Zhang Qing looked at the other party carefully, he stretched out his hand and touched her head, "Since you are determined to come back, then you will be my sister of Zhang Qing from now on, don't worry.

Zhang Shishi tightened her grip and grabbed Zhang Qing's clothes. Zhang Qing also patted the girl's back with his backhand, telling her not to think too much.

Leng Mengyao felt the warmth above her head in a daze, and was at a loss.

"It will be fine." Zhang Qing held the two hands together and assured them. .

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