early morning.

Zhang Qing felt his nose itchy, and opened his eyes helplessly. Sure enough, he saw Zhang Shishi, pouted, and looked at him with resentment, as if he saw a cheating scumbag.

Zhang Shishi crossed her waist, her eyes were red, and she looked extremely wronged.

Zhang Qing yawned, feeling the weight on her right shoulder, feeling a little helpless, and asked Leng Mengyao to go back to her room to sleep last night, but that girl didn't know what was going on, and she didn't listen to what she said, so she just sat next to him On the sofa, he finally fell asleep, so Zhang Qing could only sit and sleep.

No, Zhang Shishi woke up and saw this scene, did she feel betrayed!?

Zhang Qing didn't know what this girl was thinking, anyway, watching her grow up, she knew what she was going to do when she raised her butt, so she immediately took her hand, pulled her closer to her side, and then touched her with a smile head, and said helplessly, "What's wrong!? Are you still jealous!?"

"Brother, you are my brother..."

Zhang Shishi felt that this elder brother was about to be snatched away, so she felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Zhang Qing pinched the other person's little nose, "Okay, of course I am your brother, don't worry, you can't take it away, unless you don't recognize me as a brother!"

Really, I have never seen this girl so sensitive before. Although she is also a small tail, she always follows behind her.

Leng Mengyao, who was sleeping soundly next to Zhang Qing, her eyelashes trembled, as if she had been awakened, she opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Zhang Qing's very close side profile, and Zhang Shishi's face, she couldn't help but be shocked.

When I raised my head, I realized that I had slept on Zhang Qing's shoulder for the whole night, and my face turned red immediately.


"I didn't expect to fall asleep..."

Recalling the experience of last night, looking at the blanket on her body, Leng Mengyao felt embarrassed, but also felt a little warm in her heart.

This is.....Family!?

The reason why Leng Mengyao insisted on staying in the living room last night was because she didn't want to be alone in her room. It may be because she died alone in a narrow space in her previous life. She was a little afraid of being alone, and a little afraid of being in a small space A person's feeling.

The reason for having nightmares is probably not just because of seeing Li Bing again, but partly because of the mental illness of "single fear".

If someone is around, she will feel less uneasy, of course not everyone is fine, otherwise if a malicious person is around and no one else is around, she may not be able to fall asleep no matter how naive and ignorant she is .

Maybe it's because I can't feel Zhang Qing's rejection and disgust, or it's the cup of milk I warmed myself, or it's the story of the three little pigs...

Leng Mengyao felt that her unfamiliarity and discomfort with this family and this brother gradually became less so...

But the Leng family in her memory only left her with an endless sense of oppression, without the slightest warmth, cold, not like a home at all.

"It's okay..." Although Zhang Qing could only sit and sleep last night because the other party occupied half of the sofa, and had to stop working, he didn't mean to blame the other party.

Although some are not able to understand the thoughts of these little girls, as long as they are not too much, he can tolerate them.

Of course, this is because she is my younger sister, and it happens to be at such a time, otherwise, it is not like this.

At work, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, he will scold you if you do not do well.

Looking back, why did Zhang Qing sleep on the sofa in the living room!? Hehe, although Zhang's father and Zhang mother planned to let Leng Mengyao live in the new room, it was unrealistic.

Mattress furniture is easy to talk about, and cleaning is easy to say, but in summer, there is no air conditioner, and it is impossible for people to blow fans. Isn’t this a waste of people!? Anyway, she used to be a rich lady! Others use air conditioners, you let people Come back and blow the fan, this comparison is understandable, but I can feel better!?

Didn't he just stare at his son's room!?

Instead, Zhang Qing was kicked out, and the room was temporarily vacated, and he could only go back when Leng Mengyao's room was renovated, but it was afraid that it would not be finished until he returned to his work unit.

A son has no human rights, doesn't he!?

Zhang Qing wanted to hug Leng Mengyao and send her back to her room to sleep, but the girl hugged her too tightly, and she didn't want to let go, for fear of waking up Zhang Qing, who would have to struggle again, she simply let her fall asleep like this , As for whether the body will be sore tomorrow, that is tomorrow's business, and only after suffering, this girl will know that she is sleepy, so she should go back to sleep obediently.

This is also a small lesson.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shishi looked like a kid who had been robbed of a lollipop when she came up, and it took Zhang Qing a lot of thought to calm down.

Having more sisters may not be a good thing...

After washing up, when the three of them came downstairs and sat at the dining table, they saw Zhang's father and mother with honey smiles on their faces, looking relieved.

Apparently the two elders also saw the picture of Leng Mengyao sleeping next to Zhang Qing. A harmonious family is probably what the elders most want to see.

As for Zhang Shishi, forget about this girl, she has been attached to Zhang Qing since she was a child. Fortunately, Zhang Qing is not very playful, otherwise this girl will grow into a monkey. After all, what do boys play, don't worry about it We all know.

It would be strange not to be attached to Zhang Qing someday. Every time Zhang Qing came home, she would always be chattering beside her, so to be honest, Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother really never thought that the other party was not their own. daughter's.

The whole family is doing well, but it's really a crime to come out suddenly.

But seeing that the relationship between the three brothers and sisters is so good now, I let go of being careless, and I'm afraid of making trouble. They all know that the other party is dressed in brocade clothes, so they probably haven't suffered much, but they always feel that they are indebted if they didn't grow up by their side.

This kind of psychology is actually very normal, which biological parents would think that it is good for children not to live by their side!?

Except that Leng Mengyao was still not used to it, the whole family had breakfast happily.

Then the family took Leng Mengyao out to apply for household registration transfer, and went to buy daily necessities. To be honest, the small box that Leng Mengyao brought back didn't even have a piece of clothing, most of it was some jewelry, and a book. A diary and a few pens, and I spent the night in Zhang Shishi's pajamas last night.

Today it is necessary to buy a lot of things.

As for the matter of transferring schools, it has to be handled properly by the Leng family, otherwise neither Zhang Shishi nor Leng Mengyao, who is now renamed Zhang Mengyao, can go to school safely.

Although the thinking of students who have not been out of society is simpler.

But because it is simple, it is easier to do irrational things. Zhang Qing and the others don't want Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao to be QLed by the campus. It is uncomfortable for teachers and classmates to see themselves with colored eyes.

It is necessary for the two of them to transfer schools. It is hard for Zhang's father and Zhang's mother. Both Zhang Shishi and Zhang Mengyao must go to other places to study. Now that the son has not returned home for a long time, the two daughters have to do the same. I can only sigh up.

There is no way to deal with the Leng family. There will definitely be a lot of trouble nearby. If you don't go farther away, it's useless to transfer to any college.

As for the Leng family, if they want to file a lawsuit, they can do it. You have a team of lawyers. Zhang Qing also has someone to find a good lawyer for him. Even if the lawyer is Zhang Wei, he can’t lose. Can the judges really ignore the above meaning? !? Anyway, as long as it is not bribed by the Leng family, the Leng family's chances of winning this lawsuit would not exist from the very beginning.

Not to mention that Leng Qiuran, the young son of the Leng family, can't wait for such a long time for his illness. The Zhang family dares to delay but can the Leng family delay it!? In the end, they have to find someone to do this among themselves

15 sweetened.

As for the daughter, apart from the head of the Leng family, Leng Hao, the youngest son of the stepmother can't wait for the real daughter to come back!

As for the eldest son, Leng Wenhao, he is cold-hearted and indifferent to anyone. He is a heartless person. After the death of his biological mother, he did not feel sad about it. He may have killed his mother and enemy when he saw him enter the house. The stepmother Lin Wan was not hostile either.

This person basically doesn't care about anyone except himself.

And Leng Hao, the head of the family, wanted to bring his own daughter back. Firstly, he wanted to save face, and secondly, he just wanted to have a proof of his sincere love for Hu Xiaoyao, and he didn't necessarily care much about his daughter.

So even after the lawsuit is over, the members of Leng's family should continue to quarrel for a while, but Zhang Qing will not be used to each other. For this kind of merchant's family, there are many ways to keep them busy. When you go to make trouble, you will find that there are more and more things you need to worry about, such as your career, and you will become acquainted in a short time.

Unless you're stupid, you really don't think about what's going on at all.

If that's the case, the Leng family doesn't need Zhang Qing to take action, and they won't be rich for long, because idiots can play themselves to death.

Originally, Zhang Mengyao and Zhang Qing wanted him to change his name as well. After all, when he thought of the meaning of this name, he felt uncomfortable, but then he thought that people have used this name for more than ten years. Yes, forget it.

It's good not to let parents know, otherwise if you know your own daughter's name is to remember an inexplicable woman with a sick mind, I'm afraid that the two old people will die at each other's hearts.

You said Zhang Shishi, she would only want to go back when she is crazy, she is donating bone marrow, and she has multiple strange fiances, and there is no normal person in that family, unless she is crazy "otherwise, why can't she think about running to the real wolf?" Is it alright in the nest!?

Huh!? A rich family!? Her family is not poor now, and besides saving face, are those luxuries useful?! Not to mention that she is a student now, in the future, will she be able to buy it herself? Can't do it!? It's not impossible for her to rely on her own ability, let alone have a super invincible brother.

And because of Zhang Qing, Zhang Shishi also wanted to become a researcher, and those luxuries were not attractive at all, and they were useless anyway.

Zhang Mengyao, on the other hand, doesn't have a definite goal for her future, and you let her devote herself to scientific research, not to mention that not everyone has this kind of brain, even if she has, she can't keep up with her who was raised and disabled.

I really don't want to dream about it at all, because when she was in Leng's house, her life was arranged, as long as she followed the arrangement.

And because of the stocking (whether you don't care), this former young lady didn't master any commendable talents, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I don't know what kind of daughter the Leng family wants to cultivate. In short, the fact is that Zhang Mengyao is a rich lady who has nothing but beauty."

But there is still a lot of time, so there is no rush, you will find it slowly.

As for the entertainment industry, not to mention that Zhang Mengyao didn't like it very much, even if she really liked it, Zhang's parents would not allow it. That kind of place is very messy, and behind the glamor is a disgusting dirty trick.

So I probably won't set foot there again in this lifetime. .

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